Hrumm, hadn't checked on this thread in a while... just reached the macguffin quest again, and had some of the same problems you did, heh. It's funny, I think Mafia is aborting sometimes when I try adventuring with a goal for a set number of turns (I mean, in the desert, ultrahydrated)... I fixed some bugs, worked around Mafia's unexpected behaviour where I could, and messed a bit with the holy temple script (you can still use the old one if you want, I guess... not sure all of the changes are generic to all users (don't really remember what I changed, really)).
The "I love me, vol. I" abortion (["I Love Me] has no matches) probably has something to do with the quotes in the item name; I guess it's some internal bug in Mafia, because it makes absolutely no sense to me. If somebody wants to dig into the client's code to see if there's a way to go around it, I'd appreciate that, but I really don't think it's worth the trouble

. The script resumes fine if you just restart it.
I'll do some more testing next time I'm able to run the script... 'till then, these files are all I can offer.
Might try to automate some of that pirate content too next time...
Oh, and I'm uploading all the files just to keep it neat for those who never downloaded them before. The only updated files were macguffin.ash and hidden city.ash.