;D I originally posted this in the wrong spot...
Anyway here's what I found with it, I think he was mentioning it earlier ^^^ I'm just adding more details
Thanks for the script it's great except for when you get to the point where it searches for a drum, I don't know if any of these things are errors, or whether they are intentional.
Once I got to the point where it searches for a drum (I think?) this is what your script does
-It checked how many adventures worth of the effect "Ultrahydrated" I have
-Adventured that amount at the Desert(Ultrahydrated)
-Messed up with the same message as before
Conditions not satisfied after 5 adventures.
-quest page was loaded 0 times
Phase 5 false
So then I loaded the script and it just repeated doing that over and over again
I continually reloaded the script until I ran out of adventures, and then this happened
-Ran out of adventures.
-Conditions list cleared.
-Ran out of adventures.
-quest page was loaded 0 times
rehydration failed! *Big surprise*

So it looks like you have a rehydration thing installed but it just doesn't work. I'm pretty sure that the script will eventually get passed the desert if I continually reload it.
(That's the only BIG problem I found with the script, this is another problem though, that's not applicable to Seal Clubbers :-\??)
Visit to Plains: Palindome in progress...
Encounter: Drawn Onward
Drawn Onward
You lose 133 hit points
You acquire an item: "I Love Me, Vol. I"
Using soft green whatever...
Beaten Up removed.
(I then heal)
["I Love Me] has no matches.
quest page was loaded 0 times
Phase 4 false
This never happened to my Seal Clubber, but happened to my Disco Bandit now I'm very confused...
You're program seems to abort whenever you run out health which isn't neccesary here, but is still a great feature because instead of making me lose 100 adventures fighting Doctor Awkward I was able to beat him myself. Then again I'm not sure if it aborted because ["I Love Me] had no matches. Hope this isn't spam, and I also hope that it helps. I would try and fix this myself but I'm not that good at programming yet.