macguffin.ash (a script in progress)

Minor problem with:
		cliE("conditions clear");
		add_item_condition(1, firstwine);
		adventure(pump_ML(), $location[haunted wine cellar]);
		cliE("conditions clear");
		add_item_condition(1, secondwine);
		adventure(pump_ML(), $location[haunted wine cellar]);
		cliE("conditions clear");
		add_item_condition(1, thirdwine);
		adventure(pump_ML(), $location[haunted wine cellar]);

You have:
Should be:
Note the red ( ) 's

Also, the pump_ML()... Why not do:
adventure(pump_ML(), $location[haunted wine cellar]);
Instead of:
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[haunted wine cellar]);

Totally off subject:
I must say, you seem very dedicated to the creation and improvement of yours and others scripts. I am sure I speak for most of us when I say, thank you very much for your hard work and time spent on all scripts you have worked on. ;D (Not sucking up.)
Thanks, Hippymon. That'll learn me to go adding scripts that I haven't even checked for syntax errors. Learn me but good!

I've gone and replaced the script with one that actually works :P
Hey Izchak!

Great looking scripts. Thank god, someone who uses 1TBS for formatting. :)

Can I get a copy of your CCS file? That would be great, thanks!
The One True Brace Style.
From wikipedia article said:
It keeps the first opening brace on the same line as control statement, indents the statements within the braces, and puts the closing brace on the same indentation level as the control statement (on a line of its own).

As for my CCS script, I could post it up, but currently it makes a lot of assumptions as to skills, and doesn't do much checking for 'Do I actually have skill X?'. Apart from that, its quite a complete script, and I use it for every combat in an ascension environment, but for the NS fight. I would use it for the NS, but for a small bug wherein it funkslings toy mercs at her in the first round of combat...
I'm more of an Allman Style indenter ... but I guess it's probably a "how you're taught/pick it up" thing.

If I have to edit code that someone else has started/written, I'll usually convert the parts that I work on to Allman

Back on topic, though, I'd be interested in seeing your CCS too ... if you're worried that people with 2 or 3 ascensions are going to post and whine 'cause it doesn't work for them, slap a huge disclaimer on it.

If you'd rather not let it loose, that's 100% cool, too
[quote author=kain link=topic=1307.msg6177#msg6177 date=1196126788]
if you're worried that people with 2 or 3 ascensions are going to post and whine 'cause it doesn't work for them, slap a huge disclaimer on it.

If you'd rather not let it loose, that's 100% cool, too
Beat me to it. :P
Well, you know what they say.
Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. (Careful what you wish, you may regret it)

Its quite probable that this script warrants its own entire thread, as its a fairly complex script. I dont like taking over the entire 'Turn-burning scripts' forum with my threads, though. Its enough that I already have 3 (well, mostly) threads devoted to my scripts!

Anyways, disclaimer: this script quite possibly wont work for you, as it was written for my skillset, item layout, casual ascensions, and typical encounters. I dont do much skillchecking (because it works funny with butt combos, and writing a fix for that is a huge pain in the ass), and I'm sure there are some 'end of combat' strings I don't have yet. So, you can't hold me liable for this script burning down your home, looting your village, sleeping with your wife, and so on. The usual disclaimer.


[quote author=izchak link=topic=1307.msg6176#msg6176 date=1196119705]
The One True Brace Style.


Lol, I used to use 1TBS exculsivily... picked it up from programming a lot of Turbo Pascal back in school...
Now I sort of use Allman more than anything else, simply because I find it easier to browse through when I have a large block of code.
Just an FYI to all users of this script: The pirate revamp has broken portions of the script, in particular the bit where the script gathers snakehead charrrms. I'll make a fix to abort at that section, with an informative message in the meantime. Its a particularly insidious break, as the script will happily spend all your adventures in the pirate cove, not finding the required item....

If anyone knows of a good, optimal 'get through the pirates fast' guide, I'd love to see a link. I don't have a ton of time to play nowadays, but I will take the time to fix this script, just as soon as I know what needs to happen with regards to questing.
I'm poised to start the pirate portion of this quest after rollover. I'll post my piece of script for it as I write it.

My level 11 script is mostly CLI, so that's something to take into account.

I can also post my modified version (I added some additional skill checks and fixed shieldbutt+BRC) of your CCS where I insult all the pirates in the cove and barrr (no sense insulting pirates elsewhere) if you'd like.

Ok, here's the CLI I used to do the pirates. Obviously you don't want to do all of this at level 11 ... this is SUPERB filler for the empty spaces in levels 6-9. This code ASSUMES you pulled an insult book and farmed insults+swashbuckling at some earlier point in time.

# 4. Unlock the Palindome by making the Talisman
equip acc2 stuffed shoulder parrot
equip eyepatch
equip swashbuckling pants

set battleAction=custom combat script

mood default
conditions clear
conditions add Cap'm Caronch's Map
adventure * barrrney's bar

use Cap'm Caronch's Map

conditions clear
conditions add Orcish Frat House blueprints
adventure * barrrney's bar

# need more ash here to finish off the choices!  
# since there's no support yet for this choiceadv, it's moot!
if (item_amount($item[hot wings]) > 2 && (item_amount($item[frilly skirt]) > 0 || storage_amount($item[frilly skirt]) > 0))
	if (item_amount($item[frilly skirt]) == 0)
		take_storage(1, $item[frilly skirt]);
		equip($item[frilly skirt]);
		cli_execute("use 1 blueprints");
		cli_execute("outfit checkpoint);
else if (item_amount($item[briefcase]) > 0 && (item_amount($item[mullet wig]) > 0 || storage_amount($item[mullet wig]) > 0)))
	if (item_amount($item[mullet wig]) == 0)
		take_storage(1, $item[mullet wig]);
		equip($item[mullet wig]);
		cli_execute("use 1 blueprints");
		cli_execute("outfit checkpoint);

# This will have to be a stop adventure ...
# We're waiting for insult beer pong!
# Hopefully by the time we get here, we have
#    plenty of insults ... we shall see
adventure * barrrney's bar

# hopefully the choiceadv will kick in here...
# no choiceadv support for insult beer pong yet.  
# it's cool, though, I like insults

# Do the menial pirate work ...
familiar green pixie
conditions clear
if mizzenmast mop = 0
	conditions add mizzenmast mop
if ball polish = 0
	conditions add ball polish
if rigging shampoo = 0
	conditions add rigging shampoo
adventure * f'c'le
use mizzenmast mop
use ball polish
use rigging shampoo
conditions clear
conditions add pirate fledges
adventure * f'c'le

# the swordfish stop adventure should take care of the rest
conditions clear
adventure * poop deck

conditions add talisman o nam
adventure * below

yes yes, that'll teach me not to drink and post
If you could put that in a
that would be helpful...
I took the above code and turned it into ".ash" ... I did a little changing but left it mostly the same.


I think a section of code may have gotten dropped when you did the drums fix, because the script does not go back and get the non-combat in the desert which asks for the pages from the worm-riding manual. If you add this code in between the drum code and the worm-riding manual code, it seems to work again.

	while( quest_check("something that produces a rhythmic vibration to summon sandworms") && got_item($item[drum machine]) ) {
		int max = less_combats();
		if(max > have_effect(to_effect("ultrahydr"))) max = have_effect(to_effect("ultrahydrated"));
		adventure(max, desertH);

Hope this helps!
Thanks, Kenshiro. I can't say I've ever had an issue with that, but I assume you did. In any event, one can't be too careful, so I've added in that little section of code.
There should be an update coming soon for the macguffin script, as I near completion of my piracy.ash script, and figure out a way to hook it into the macguffin script. I suppose I'll need to create a new thread for piracy.ash, though.
Um, I'm having a bit of trouble... I'm in HC and I have a V for Vivila mask in my inventory. But due to HC I cant equipt it. The script seems to keep wanting me to put it on sending it into a constant loop.

I was wondering if anyone could provide some tips about how to solve this.
Actually, I had this exact same issue recently, and have put in a fix for it. I was holding off on releasing it until I have my new piracy script ready, so I can make a large, general release, but theres no harm in releasing the updated outfit_change.ash script. Check updated first post for the new version of outfit_change.ash. Macguffin.ash is unchanged, and has not been updated yet.
It seems that the internal name mafia uses for one of the stone spheres, the nature one has changed. Where previously it would be, say, "Mossy stone sphere of plants", it is now "Mossy stone sphere of nature".
The hidden city script has been updated to deal with this, and will no longer get poisoned and lose 3 turns trying to use the wrong sphere. Check first post for updated script.
Also, I'm thinking I should probably use degrassi's version tracking script for this, as I happen to know that there are a LOT of people using this script.
[quote author=izchak link=topic=1307.msg6835#msg6835 date=1201347556]
It seems that the internal name mafia uses for one of the stone spheres, the nature one has changed. Where previously it would be, say, "Mossy stone sphere of plants", it is now "Mossy stone sphere of nature".
Sorry about that. I did that because I added autoselection of the correct sphere (if you know it) when you visit an altar and KoL refers to the altar as that of a "god of nature".
in macguffin.ash change line three to
import (hidden_city.ash);

it was
import (hidden city.ash);
and kept giving errors

replaced the less than and greater than signs with parentheses because it was commenting them out in my post