void main()
// Default for Library 1: unlock the second floor
set_property( "choiceAdventure80", "99" );
// Default for Library 2: unlock the gallery quest
set_property( "choiceAdventure81", "1" );
set_property( "choiceAdventure87", "2" );
// We search for a choice adventure to advance.
cli_execute( "conditions add 1 choiceadv" );
adventure( my_adventures(), $location[haunted library] );
// Rather than incrementally doing things (retrieve towel,
// come back, or unlock gallery, then come back), we do it
// all at once to save logic.
// A person manually adventuring in the browser will return
// to the map no matter what, either to unlock the gallery
// or to advance to the second floor.
// So, if KoLmafia returns to the map to figure out what to
// do next, it's perfectly reasonable. :) We figure out if
// we hit the stair choice by seeing if manor2 is available.
if ( visit_url( "manor.php" ).contains_text( "manor2.php" ) )
// Ignore the rise of spookyraven adventure
set_property( "choiceAdventure80", "4" );
// The gallery unlock adventure is an auto-stop adventure,
// so we don't need to use conditions before KoLmafia stops
// automatically when it sees it.
adventure( my_adventures(), $location[haunted library] );
// We have two options. Ignore the spookyraven adventure,
// or use it to unlock the staircase. Obviously, one is
// more efficient than the other.
set_property( "choiceAdventure81", "99" );
// Now, as long as we hit a choice adventure, KoLmafia will
// unlock the second floor stairs. So we go do it.
cli_execute( "conditions add 1 choiceadv" );
adventure( my_adventures(), $location[haunted library] );
// Retrieve the gallery key from the conservatory
adventure( 1, $location[haunted conservatory] );