Basically, I wanted to keep things easy to copy-paste for when I hit the end of the quest.
I usually surround such blocks with /* and */ to comment out a whole bunch of lines at once.
Basically, I wanted to keep things easy to copy-paste for when I hit the end of the quest.
if ((seafloor.contains_text("corrala.gif") || seafloor.contains_text("corralb.gif")) && !otherquests.contains_text("You have tamed the mighty seahorse"))
> Finding Little Brother in the Octopus's Garden.
fax receive
You acquire an item: photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
[1038] photocopied monster
Encounter: Neptune flytrap
Round 0: winterbay loses initiative!
You lose 116 hit points
> 1 HP costs 0,134μ. ( 503, / 640 )
> 1 MP costs 2,714μ. ( 70, / 326 )
> WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
> WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
> WHAM: Monster HP is 711.0.
> WHAM: Running SmartStasis
> WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
> WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution.
> WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
> Auto-funk: merging 'use 3388' and 'use 4208'.
> Auto-funk: merging 'use 3109' and 'use 3112'.
> WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
> WHAM: Enqueueing Zombo's empty eye (macroid use 3388).
> WHAM: Enqueueing skate skates (macroid use 4208).
> Auto-funk: merging 'use 3388' and 'use 4208'.
> WHAM: Enqueueing Thrust-Smack (macroid skill 1003).
> WHAM: Enqueueing Miniborg stomper (macroid use 3109).
> WHAM: Enqueueing Miniborg beeper (macroid use 3112).
> Auto-funk: merging 'use 3109' and 'use 3112'.
> WHAM: Enqueueing attack with your weapon (macroid attack).
> WHAM: Enqueueing attack with your weapon (macroid attack).
> WHAM: Enqueueing attack with your weapon (macroid attack).
> WHAM: Enqueueing attack with your weapon (macroid attack).
> WHAM: Enqueueing Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer (macroid use 2848).
> WHAM: We are going to 11-shot with Entangling Noodles, Zombo's empty eye, skate skates, Thrust-Smack, Miniborg stomper, Miniborg beeper, attack with your weapon, attack with your weapon, attack with your weapon, attack with your weapon and Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer.
Round 1: winterbay executes a macro!
Round 1: winterbay casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 2: winterbay uses the Zombo's empty eye and uses the skate skates!
Round 3: neptune flytrap takes 200 damage.
Round 3: neptune flytrap drops 44 attack power.
Round 3: neptune flytrap drops 37 defense.
Round 3: neptune flytrap takes 287 damage.
Round 3: winterbay casts THRUST-SMACK!
Round 4: neptune flytrap takes 153 damage.
Round 4: winterbay uses the Miniborg stomper and uses the Miniborg beeper!
Round 5: neptune flytrap takes 19 damage.
Round 5: neptune flytrap takes 24 damage.
You lose 17 hit points
Round 5: winterbay attacks!
Round 6: neptune flytrap takes 17 damage.
You lose 111 hit points
Round 6: winterbay attacks!
Round 7: neptune flytrap takes 16 damage.
Round 7: winterbay wins the fight!
You gain 5 hit points
You gain 5 Muscularity Points
After Battle: Tobert wiggles her pectoral fins seductively. Good lord, that sounds like the opening line of the worst Free Willy fanfic ever.
You acquire an item: flytrap pellet
You gain 64 Strongness
You gain 25 Enchantedness
You gain 31 Cheek
> Look! You found 1 flytrap pellet (1 105,μ)!
fax receive
You acquire an item: photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (duration: 10 Adventures)
cast 1 Leash of Linguini
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (duration: 10 Adventures)
cast 1 The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
You acquire an effect: Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith (duration: 10 Adventures)
cast 1 Rage of the Reindeer
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (duration: 10 Adventures)
buy 1 Knob Goblin eyedrops for 200 each from The Knob Dispensary
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin eyedrops
You spent 200 Meat
use 1 Knob Goblin eyedrops
You acquire an effect: Peeled Eyeballs (duration: 10 Adventures)
> Restoring HP! Currently at 380 of 640 HP, 31 of 326 MP, current meat: 20123405 ... Target HP = 640.
> Restoring MP! Currently at 380 of 640 HP, 31 of 326 MP, current meat: 20123405 ... Target MP = 33.
cast 1 Summon Love Song
You acquire an item: love song of icy revenge
You gain 260 hit points
You gain 324 Muscularity Points
cast 1 Summon BRICKOs
You acquire BRICKO brick (3)
cast 1 Summon Resolutions
You acquire an item: resolution: be happier
cast 1 Summon Candy Hearts
You acquire an item: white candy heart
cast 1 Rage of the Reindeer
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (duration: 10 Adventures)
cast 1 The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
You acquire an effect: Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith (duration: 10 Adventures)
cast 1 Leash of Linguini
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (duration: 10 Adventures)
cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (duration: 10 Adventures)
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> MCD: none has no known combats.
use 1 photocopied monster
> You have failed to get the wriggling flytrap pellet in 15 attempts, or ran out of adventures.
> You have already completed the Skate Park quest.
> We need to find Grandma before we can continue on our grand adventure.
> Something went very wrong with your Old Guy and The Ocean quest.
Yeah, I've run it to completion 40-50 times now and, well, never faxed once.But hey, should work now. Heh.[SUB][SUP]
Also, there's a new smiteHatred() function that should be able to get Yog-urt to where you just need to elemental her down to dead, post healing. Use or ignore as you choose.[/SUP][/SUB]
theraze said:So... is there a limit to how many times people can use the fax machine? I thought people could just do fax get and get another copy off as long as the fax machine still has that monster set... not true?
Nope, once per day only. Tracked by the _photocopyUsed property.