New Content - Implemented Naughty Sorceress' Tower has been revamped!


Just to start this thread off, I found a KoLmafia problem which is probably related to this somehow. It caused my preAscensionScript to throw an warning.

My value for kingLiberated is false. I tried setting it to true, but when I clicked on the gash, KoLmafia "corrected" it to false.
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LOTS of new monsters and items.

Here's two of them:
Looking at item #7967...
Unknown item found: World's Best Adventurer sash (7967, 584125368)
7967 World's Best Adventurer sash 584125368 bestsash.gif accessory q 0
World's Best Adventurer sash 0 none
World's Best Adventurer sash Muscle: +100, Mysticality: +100, Moxie: +100
Retrieving character data...
Updating inventory...
Looking at item #7968...
Unknown item found: topiary nugglet (7968, 491943392)
7968 topiary nugglet 491943392 nugglet.gif usable t 0
# topiary nugglet
Also, the enchantment on the World's Best Adventurer sash scales. To what I do not know. Values of +4. +29 and +100 have been reported.
Just to start this thread off, I found a KoLmafia problem which is probably related to this somehow. It caused my preAscensionScript to throw an warning.

My value for kingLiberated is false. I tried setting it to true, but when I clicked on the gash, KoLmafia "corrected" it to false.
I guess that's a KoL issue. Api.php?what=status is telling me freedralph = 0, telling KoLmafia he hasn't been freed.
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> telescope

You don't have a telescope.
Since we detect the number of telescope upgrades by looking at the messages that used to be there, rather than those which are there now, this command is currently broken.
With 15116, mafia should recognize the telescope with 5 total upgrades now, and if you set telescopeUpgrades to a higher value it won't be reduced when it finds 5 parts.

I haven't thought about what the telescope command should actually output yet, but here is all of the telescope text to handle.
You point your telescope toward the Naughty Sorceress' Tower and look through it.

You see a group of people darting around outside the walls of the keep.

You adjust the focus and see a second group of people standing around flexing their muscles and using grip exercisers.
You adjust the focus and see a second group of people all wearing sunglasses and dancing.
You adjust the focus and see a second group of people sitting around playing chess and solving complicated-looking logic puzzles.

You scan to the right a bit and see a third group of people, all of whom appear to be on fire.
You scan to the right a bit and see a third group of people, clustered around a group of igloos.
You scan to the right a bit and see a third group of people, surrounded by garbage and clouds of flies.
You scan to the right a bit and see a third group of people, surrounded by a cloud of eldritch mist.
You scan to the right a bit and see a third group of greasy-looking people furtively skulking around.

You sweep the telescope up to reveal some smoldering bushes on the outskirts of a hedge maze.
You sweep the telescope up to reveal some creepy-looking black bushes on the outskirts of a hedge maze.
You sweep the telescope up to reveal some nasty-looking, dripping green bushes on the outskirts of a hedge maze.
You sweep the telescope up to reveal some purplish, greasy-looking hedges.
You sweep the telescope up to reveal some frost-rimed bushes on the outskirts of a hedge maze.

Beyond the maze's entrance you see wintry mists rising from deeper within the maze.
Beyond the maze's entrance you see a cloud of green gas hovering over the maze.
Beyond the maze's entrance you see a greasy purple cloud hanging over the center of the maze.
Beyond the maze's entrance you see a miasma of eldritch vapors rising from deeper within the maze.
Beyond the maze's entrance you see smoke rising from deeper within the maze.

You focus the telescope on the back side of the keep, somehow, and see a pipe surrounded by creepy black mist.
You focus the telescope on the back side of the keep, somehow, and see a pipe that occasionally vomits out a greasy ball of hair.
You focus the telescope on the back side of the keep, somehow, and see a pipe occasionally disgorging a bunch of ice cubes.
You focus the telescope on the back side of the keep, somehow, and see a pipe with lava slowly oozing out of it.
You focus the telescope on the back side of the keep, somehow, and see a pipe disgorging a really surprising amount of sewage.
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You repeated "You focus the telescope on the back side of the keep, somehow, and see a pipe that occasionally vomits out a greasy ball of hair."

I assume that is sleaze. What is stench?
Lots of new URLs to recognize (or log, at least), as locations.
Lots of new choices.

Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/1: unknown
Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/6: unknown
Registering for the first contest.

Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/2: unknown
Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/6: unknown
Registering for the second contest.

Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/3: unknown
Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/6: unknown
Registering for the third contest.

Encounter: The Tasmanian Dervish
Fighting in the first crowd.

Encounter: Seannery the Conman
Fighting in the second crowd.

Encounter: Arthur Frankenstein
Fighting in the third crowd.

Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
Took choice 1003/4: unknown
You acquire an item: World's Best Adventurer sash
Claiming your reward.

Encounter: Closing Ceremony
Took choice 1020/1: unknown
Encounter: Meet Frank
Took choice 1021/1: unknown
Encounter: Meet Frank
Took choice 1022/1: unknown
Proceeding into courtyard.

Encounter: 'Allo
Took choice 1005/1: unknown
Encounter: One Small Step For Adventurer
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
Took choice 1006/1: unknown
Encounter: Twisty Little Passages, All Hedge
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
Took choice 1007/1: unknown
Encounter: Pooling Your Resources
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
Took choice 1008/2: unknown
Encounter: Of Mouseholes and Manholes
You lose 172 hit points
Took choice 1011/2: unknown
Encounter: Mazel Tov!
You lose 209 hit points
Took choice 1013/1: unknown
I took left or right on whim. All the choices have "go left" or "go right", except the last one.

Putting keys into doors.
In order 1-6: Boris, Jarlsberg, Sneaky Pete, star, skeleton, digital
Successfully using the key (sorry, didn't save message) removes it from inventory.

Encounter: wall of skin
First wall

Encounter: wall of meat
Second wall

Encounter: wall of bones
Third wall

Encounter: The Mirror in the Tower has the View that is True
Took choice 1015/1: unknown
You acquire an intrinsic: Confidence!
The mirror

Encounter: Shadow Whale Boxer
Your shadow

Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress
[1100] The Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (2)
[1100] The Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (3)
Her Naughtiness.

Note that since we did not set the location correctly for the first form, we logged the last known location for the subsequent forms in the multi-fight.
When you reimplement the wand check before the NS fight, could you also check if a character is over level13, and in such case print a reminder about deleveling/instant karma? Just a suggestion.

Also, wand of nagamar untinkering could be added to the things automated when ascending (if that's not already implemented).
The wand reminder should probably occur before encountering the mirror in the tower. Adventuring outside the tower to get the wand causes the player to lose the Confidence intrinsic.
When you reimplement the wand check before the NS fight, could you also check if a character is over level13, and in such case print a reminder about deleveling/instant karma? Just a suggestion.
It surprises me how much meat people will spend for that extra Instant Karma, but I guess a lot of people think it's a big deal.

Also, wand of nagamar untinkering could be added to the things automated when ascending (if that's not already implemented).
I was surprised to discover that this is possible, and surprised to discover that it likely won't be changed.
It surprises me how much meat people will spend for that extra Instant Karma, but I guess a lot of people think it's a big deal.
When I've bothered, it's always been free. Just make sure I've eaten fully then stuff down hot dogs. Well, free if I don't read the messages. If I read the messages that goes with the hot dogs, it costs me some of my sanity.
When I've bothered, it's always been free. Just make sure I've eaten fully then stuff down hot dogs. Well, free if I don't read the messages. If I read the messages that goes with the hot dogs, it costs me some of my sanity.
Sanity? Someone has sanity? Did I accidentally fall into the wrong dimension again?

Seriously though, I've never thought of that. I should be ashamed of myself.
Ha. Today's "special" from Chez Snootée is a "bowl of topioca".

bowl of topioca

This is a slurry of ground-up hedge in a bowl that is also made of hedge.

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 3
Selling Price: 70 Meat.
Cannot be traded
I assume this is a byproduct (recipe?) from the new Hedge Maze.
Turns out that Chez Snootée gives you both the item number and descid for its Daily Special, so we can learn new items from there.

8037	bowl of topioca	766474108	topibowl.gif	food	d	70
bowl of topioca	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	
# bowl of topioca: (awesome)
I'm going to set up the Restaurant and Micromicrobrewery to auto-detect unknown items...
I assume this is a byproduct (recipe?) from the new Hedge Maze.

From reading the revamp thread and kolwiki, using a topiary nugglet (what you get when you listen to Frank and keep to the left) leads to a ... nuggletmaster? ... (buy items for nugglets). There's the bowl, a 3-item outfit, and a stench/heal familiar.