Here is my assessment of what's left to do here:
1) The Registration booth:
Encounter: Test Your Might And Also Test Other Things
We need to log this better. It's not an adventuring location - it does not take a turn to go there and there is no reason somebody would expect to select it in the GUI and say "spend X turns adventuring". I expect people will either manipulate this in the Relay Browser or via a script. In both cases, logging the visit is all we need to do.
Took choice 1003/1: unknown
Took choice 1003/2: unknown
Took choice 1003/3: unknown
The above are registering for the three contests.
Took choice 1003/4: unknown
You acquire an item: World's Best Adventurer sash
Collecting your reward
Took choice 1003/6: unknown
Leaving without doing anything.
2) The Crowds of Adventurers
We need the spooky fighter, mage, and thief, and the hot mage.
For all monsters, we need Atk/Def/HP
Other than that, I think this is done: you can select a Contest to adventure in, we go to the right URL, and we log it nicely.
3) The Closing Ceremony
Encounter: Closing Ceremony
Took choice 1020/1: unknown
Encounter: Meet Frank
Took choice 1021/1: unknown
Encounter: Meet Frank
Took choice 1022/1: unknown
This is a simple chain of three single-option choices. All we need to do is log it nicely.
4) The Hedge Maze
I think this is done. We have configurable choice spoilers for all rooms, a default for the last single-option room, the monsters, complete with stats, and the adventuring area. You can set up your choices, and say "adventure in The Hedge Maze" and it should treat it as a multi choice/multi-fight and take you all the way through.
5) The Tower Door
We correctly remove the appropriate key when you use it in a lock. All we need to do is log each of the above actions nicely.
6) The Tower Monsters
Encounter: The Mirror in the Tower has the View that is True
Took choice 1015/1: unknown
You acquire an intrinsic: Confidence!
All 5 levels are adventuring locations. The three walls and Your Shadow are appropriately placed. The Mirror (above) will correctly log as Tower Level 4.
The only thing we need is configuration & spoilers for the choice adventure.
7) The Naughty Sorceress
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress
This should be done. I added the above URL as an adventuring location.
> test adventure place.php?whichplace=nstower&action=ns_10_sorcfight
returned Sorceress: The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
It should log nicely.
So, basically, just monster data and a bit of logging. I don't think we need to provide any "scripts" to do any of the above. Everything except the Tower Door is either straight adventuring with monsters and/or choices, or is something best handled by a user script (the registration booth, for example.)
Given the above, there is quite a bit of dead code left that should be removed.