New Content - Implemented Naughty Sorceress' Tower has been revamped!

One thing Mafia did for the old tower that would be nice to repeat is the auto-selecting of the correct combat item for the tower monsters. There are only 2 now, but it would be nice to auto-select them if they are available.
That's a fine idea, but has nothing to do with built-in quest scripts, so I moved it to the general "things that need to be done for the new NS Tower" thread.

I also saved the fight text of the wall of bones to examine. Just like any other fight, I expect, but whatever.
I think I fixed the "deferred use links show prematurely on a fight that leads to a choice" in revision 15246 - but it is untested, since it is based on what I saw in my saved log going through the Hedge Maze, and that is done.

We also now have spoilers for Tower Mirror and track the last room you entered in the Hedge Maze - which presumably is the room you will enter again, if you get Beaten Up by a monster or trap.

I'd like to save the Element of the trap - which you learn after experiencing it - in nsChallenge3, nsChallenge4, or nsChallenge5, as appropriate. If you survived, that is not useful, but if you failed the test, it will be useful for your next attempt, perhaps.
Revision 15249 adds the missing Hot Adventurer. I didn't actually see one - a 2.6% chance of happening - and sent an inquiry, in case it hadn't actually been pushed out yet. I got an "I don't know" response which included the name of the monster, at least. And 15248 saves the Element of traps that you experience (supposedly; untested) in the Hedge Maze.

I started a separate thread to discuss the Quest tracking.
I started a separate thread to discuss built-in scripts.

Other than monster stats for all the Adventurers, what remains for this thread?
By the way - I was concerned about the wonky turn counts on the Hedge Maze. I just went through the whole thing saving the DEBUG log, and we are logging what KoL itself reports to us.

We depend on KoL itself telling us when a turn is consumed by sending us a charpane.php refresh (if in the Relay Browser) or by responding to our api.php request (if automating). If the charpane tells us the turn counter has advanced, we believe it.

In the Hedge Maze, the choice adventures frequently request TWO charpane refreshes - and the browser dutifully makes two requests. We detect duplicates, so no harm, other than unnecessary (KoL-requested) server hits, but the responses that come back frequently do not indicate that a turn has been used - or, perhaps, indicate that 2 turns have been used.

This would show up in the vanilla browser as the "Turns Remaining" counter either not decrementing or decrementing by 2.

I haven't tried automating, yet, so I don't know if api.php will work better, but the observed behavior is a KoL bug - and one which should, as I mentioned, be visible even without KoLmafia.

Next time through the maze (Saturday), I'll do it in a vanilla browser, and if the charpane behaves as I expect it will, will report the observation via official Bug Report. Perhaps I will also include the observations I made with today's log, about 2 charpane requests being requested in the HTML of the Maze choices. I'll be surprised if I get any response (why would the admins be interested in fixing errors in their HTML?), but who knows.
One thing that old Mafia did that I liked is that it auto-picked the proper combat item for the tower monsters in the relay browser. There are only 2 for this tower, but it would be a nice feature add.
Revision 15249 adds the missing Hot Adventurer. I didn't actually see one - a 2.6% chance of happening - and sent an inquiry, in case it hadn't actually been pushed out yet. I got an "I don't know" response which included the name of the monster, at least.

I saw confirmation that there was a bug, and I assume it was a simple fix so it should be working properly now.

You mentioned that before, and I moved your post to the "New NS Tower" thread, since it has nothing to do with built-in quest scripts.
You mentioned that before, and I moved your post to the "New NS Tower" thread, since it has nothing to do with built-in quest scripts.

It was late when I wrote that... and I could not remember if I dreamed the whole thing or not. Glad it really happened and I am not as crazy as I though I might be.
You will be happy to learn that Revision 15251 auto-selects the correct item for the wall of skin and wall of bone. (If you don't have the item, obviously it won't be in the drop-down, so no change.)
Revision 15249 adds the missing Hot Adventurer. I didn't actually see one - a 2.6% chance of happening - and sent an inquiry, in case it hadn't actually been pushed out yet. I got an "I don't know" response which included the name of the monster, at least. And 15248 saves the Element of traps that you experience (supposedly; untested) in the Hedge Maze.

Cereal Arsonist is not listed as a monster in the Hottest Adventurer Contest. Could someone please add him there?
I like how the rooms of the Hedge Maze are logged - but the turn numbers are wonky. I don't understand that. We surely had a charpane refresh in there between my clicking the "next" link. I'll turn on the DEBUG log next time.
I have a DEBUG log with an entire trip through the Hedge Maze and I have studied it in detail.

Here is what we logged:

[917] The Hedge Maze
Encounter: 'Allo
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[917] The Hedge Maze (Room 2)
Encounter: One Small Step For Adventurer
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[918] The Hedge Maze (Room 3)
Encounter: Twisty Little Passages, All Hedge
Encounter: topiary chihuahua herd
[920] The Hedge Maze (Room 5)
Encounter: Good Ol' 44% Duck
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[920] The Hedge Maze (Room 6)
Encounter: Another Day, Another Fork
Encounter: topiary kiwi
[922] The Hedge Maze (Room 8)
Encounter: The Last Temptation
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[922] The Hedge Maze (Room 9)
Encounter: Mazel Tov!
[924] ... next encounter ...
and here is what I wish it had logged:

[917] The Hedge Maze
Encounter: 'Allo
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[918] The Hedge Maze (Room 2)
Encounter: One Small Step For Adventurer
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[919] The Hedge Maze (Room 3)
Encounter: Twisty Little Passages, All Hedge
Encounter: topiary chihuahua herd
[920] The Hedge Maze (Room 5)
Encounter: Good Ol' 44% Duck
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[921] The Hedge Maze (Room 6)
Encounter: Another Day, Another Fork
Encounter: topiary kiwi
[922] The Hedge Maze (Room 8)
Encounter: The Last Temptation
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
[923] The Hedge Maze (Room 9)
Encounter: Mazel Tov!
[924] ... next encounter ...
The issue is that this is something brand-new: chained choice adventures which each take a turn, rather than all being part of a single turn. We log choices - with turn number - when you get back the response from submitting them and we can see the "Encounter". Normally, we don't log the turn number for chains of choices, but I did for these, since they take turns. However, KoL doesn't send a charpane update - with changed choice numbers - until AFTER it has sent the encounter and we have logged it.

In my DEBUG log, each choice ended up getting 2 charpane updates - which is wonky Browser behavior; I see two update requests there, but one is inside an HTML comment - but in all cases, the turn counter incremented as expected and the Adventures Remaining decremented as expected.

I wonder if for these 9 choices I can simply increment the turn counter (as if we had been directed to by the not yet arrived charpane request) whenever you submit a request to leave the choice, before logging that request?
Well, I've been continuing my quest to get a full set of factoids again. Seven times now, I have seen the revamped Sorceress Tower. SEVEN times I have had a chance to hunt factoids. I have gotten the Spooky mob 3 times and the Sleazy mob 4 times. I can't believe I have to fight the Sleazy mob again when I already got all the factoids there. For cryin' out loud! There are THREE OTHER ELEMENTS!

Please, oh please, for the love of Jick, please give me a chance to get one of the other three sets of factoids on my next ascension, please!
I started three other threads to deal with specific "modules" of this content which will take time to do on their own:

Naughty Sorceress Quest Tracking
Built-in Naughty Sorceress Scripts
Naughty Sorceress Contestants - New mechanism for monster stats!

Revision 15268 does essentially all of the non-Quest-Log updating of the quest progress and adds settings to track how any contestants remain in each of the contests. It also fixes the logging in the Hedge Maze that annoyed me so much. Here was my current maze:

[861] The Hedge Maze
Encounter: 'Allo

[862] The Hedge Maze (Room 2)
Encounter: One Small Step For Adventurer
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
Encounter: topiary gopher
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!

[863] The Hedge Maze (Room 4)
Encounter: Pooling Your Resources

[864] The Hedge Maze (Room 5)
Encounter: Good Ol' 44% Duck
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
Encounter: topiary duck
Round 0: Veracity loses initiative!
Round 5: Veracity wins the fight!

[865] The Hedge Maze (Room 7)
Encounter: Of Mouseholes and Manholes

[866] The Hedge Maze (Room 8)
Encounter: The Last Temptation
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet

[867] The Hedge Maze (Room 9)
Encounter: Mazel Tov!
You acquire an item: topiary nugglet
which was followed by:

[868] Tower Door
Tower Door: Boris's lock
Tower Door: Jarlsberg's lock
Tower Door: Sneaky Pete's's lock
Tower Door: star lock
Tower Door: digital's lock
Tower Door: skeleton's lock
Tower Door: doorknob
I am happy with this.

I also verified that it deferred the use links for my 4 topiary nugglets until I took the final choice and was no longer in the maze, and that it auto-selected the beehive and electric boning knife for the wall of skin and wall of bone, respectively.

The only thing which did not work perfectly was that when I beat the Naughty Sorceress (3), it did not advance the quest to step11 - although, it did advance it when I took the "back to the sorceress tower" link and it showed the tower with the prism. I think that is a bug for the "Quest Tracking" thread. Which means, I think THIS thread is done. If people have suggestions or bugs which do not fit in the other three New Content thread, they should open a new Bug Report.

Something funny:

I beat my shadow and KoL gave me two links:

Advance in to the Tower (or something) - which went to place.php?whichplace=nstower
Back to the Sorceress's Chamber - which went to lair6.php

Oops! That last one should be removed.
Jick said in today's radio show that he decided not to make the universal key do anything now, so we don't need to worry about ever handling it.