Ha. Well, technically, it should be THAC0 - "To Hit Armor Class (zero)". (I started role playing with OD&D - three little booklets in a white box - and continued with 1st edition AD&D, then 2nd, then V3, and continue to this day, playing and/or DMing a V3.5 campaign every single week. I am not interested in V4, since it doesn't "feel" like D&D to me...)
My first choice was identical to Jason's - Third Things Third. It obviously is a "hacker" (in the original sense) thing.
I'll see if I can come up with some other ideas, by and by. Your deadline is a long way hence. There is time.
My first choice was identical to Jason's - Third Things Third. It obviously is a "hacker" (in the original sense) thing.

I'll see if I can come up with some other ideas, by and by. Your deadline is a long way hence. There is time.