The Tale of Zarqon and the Cheshire Bitten
A cautionary tale
When I was a young lad just entering the world of KoL, Cheshire bittens were already a previous IotM, and were far more expensive than I could comprehend (in the millions). My pressing concerns were things like getting enough meat to buy a tenderizing hammer.
When I had figured out that I would be sticking with KoL and decided donating was worth it, Cheshire bittens were about 10M meat. But since it was twice the price of most other limited content items I got others first -- like time gear and a green pixie.
When I decided I must have every bat in the world, I donated for an extra Mr. A that month and brought my meat up to 10M. Unfortunately, in the mall the bittens were now fluttering out of reach at 18M.
When after more farming and donating I had actually reached 18M meat, I checked again and they were at 36M. The price appeared to be increasing exponentially, while my meat-gathering efforts were proceeding linearly.
When I reached 36M, I checked again and, sure enough, they were at 98M. Then Crimbo came along. In frustration, I invested in some Crimbo stuff. But, not heavily -- I still can't shake the notion that somehow, someday, the price will stop going up and I will catch up.
MORAL: He who hebetates is lost, lost, lost.