I must agree, though, that it would be very very nifty.
And it reminds me of one more thing that can be done: mark monsters according to how "gettable" they are, like this:
- unlimited (anybody with mall access can go and fight unlimited amounts of it, given enough adventures)
- regular/common (anybody with mall access can go to the zone and fight lots of it - limited by perhaps daily production of something, e.g. spaaaaaaace monsters limited by transponders; also monsters with daily limit or effective daily limit, like dooks (5-15), or gremlins, or black puddings; also reccuring holiday monsters (FoB, burrachos, talk-like-pirates))
- uncommon (you may lock yourself out of fighting those by doing something, or not doing something, or levelling up, or (not) picking certain path ... bombed-out/normal post-war island zones here, moonsign zones, cola war battlefield, bees, ...)
- limited (limited amount per ascension, and then even possibly only in certain paths - island battlefield, bosses, class shadows, ...)
- rare (even if you pick all the right choices, you are not guaranteed to ever meet these - war heroes, tower monsters (and ultrarares, but those don't have factoids)
- faxbot level (not available on any level above, but in faxbot) (maybe "faxbot" could be just an extra flag, combinable with uncommon/limited/rare/+)
- worse (one-time ever, like flameface was)
- unavailable(gone) - probably shouldn't even be mentioned on the page
Anybody up for combing monsters.txt and categorizing ALL the monsters?
Dibs on not me ...