bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker 2.7

What does this do?
This script will generate information about your character and store it on my website.

Is there an example?
Yes. http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=bumcheekcity

How do I use it?
Run it. That's literally it. Instructions will be shown.

How do I set a password?
Kmail me, bumcheekcity with the syntax:
set password for snapshot to be #mypasswordhere
Obviously replacing with your password where necessary. Don't include any spaces, punctuation or anything, but you MUST use the hash to separate your password. Just letters and numbers, please. This isn't NASA, nor is it an international bank :P

2.6 - Fix bug with 100% familiar runs.
2.5 - Manuel support.
2.4 - Update for AoB, Bugbear Invasion paths.
2.3 - Pen Pal support, Improve checking of the familiars% runs to use the kol server and only count runs to the king, abort if trendy.
2.2 - Arcade Support, Demon Names, Uncle Hobo Items and Mr. Store garden items.
2.1 - Adds consumption tracking.
2.0 - Moved the maps to my server. Added a "Cool Items" section.
1.4 - Fixed Grimore's, discoveries without inventory images and the blue text.
1.3 - Multi-use discoveries. Bugfixing.
1.2 - Discoveries and Mr. Items added.
1.1 -Password required in script if set, tattoo bug fixed, slime skills, familiar 90/100% check, telescope and ascension reward check.
1.0 - Minor changes.
0.9 - Now using my website.
0.8 - Massive Change and fixes.
0.7 - Fixed misspelt Hobo Codes. Added option for no description on trophies, war medals. Fixed tattoos, display case bug. <Added Crimbo 2009 tattoo, familiar>
0.6 - Added trophies and hobo codes.
0.5 - Fixed tattoos, tomes, sped up script.
0.4 - Included Skill Checking.
0.3 - Includes tattoos checking, and slime tube items.
0.2 - Includes familiar checking.
0.1 - Initial Support only for Hobopolis items and some other limited stuff.

How do I Install this?
You'll need an up-to-date version of mafia, and then type the following into the CLI:

svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bumcheekascend/code/snapshot
Weird. I seem to be suffering teething problems connecting to koldb via the visit_url("http://www.koldb.com/player.php?name=bumcheekcity") command. It keeps telling me I'm not supplying a name.
Might want to try to get this to pipe to a file, I know when I tried it last the buffer wasn't big enough.
print_html() from the looks of it.
MrEdge73 makes use of it in his item handling script over here.
print_html appears to parse HTML. I want to have the output placed into a file, rather than printed from the CLI. Is there a function from that?
Hmmm... Was looking through mredge73's hc inventory and this seems to be how he does it.
//Print Log~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    //Print title
    PrintLogTitle( ICversion, ICverExtension);

    //Build HTML String
    QuestDone = "<B><FONT color=#365f91><br/>"+QuestDone+ "<br /></B></FONT>";

    //Record Log
    string [int] logfile;
    logfile[(count(logfile)+1)]=CheckFortune(false)+ QuestDone + Weapon + StaffLog + BuildLog + ConsumeLog + SmashLog + AutoLog + MallLog;
    map_to_file(logfile, my_name()+"HCDailyLog"+today_to_string()+".html");
    //Print Log
    print("Daily Hardcore Cleanup Complete! If you sent items to WadBot, re-run this script to Turn them into Wads.", "gray");
    if (EndOfRun)
    print("After ascending equip what you can and re-run this script ASAP to get you jump started","gray");

Hope that helps! (was in HC Inventory Control.ash line 1062)
Thanks for the feedback, fewyn! I've been tweaking it tonight, and I think the easiest way is to remove the whole snapshot() function, and force people to do it a section at a time. That way, I don't think the buffer will be hit.

Skills is incomplete - by which I mean it's barely started - but I just finished the Tattoos checking and it looks OK. So I'll upload v0.3 tomorrow with tattoos checking and the new Dec IotM familiar.

Edit: Actually, sod it. I'm uploading it now.
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