//Print Log~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//Print title
PrintLogTitle( ICversion, ICverExtension);
//Build HTML String
QuestDone = "<B><FONT color=#365f91><br/>"+QuestDone+ "<br /></B></FONT>";
//Record Log
string [int] logfile;
logfile[(count(logfile)+1)]=CheckFortune(false)+ QuestDone + Weapon + StaffLog + BuildLog + ConsumeLog + SmashLog + AutoLog + MallLog;
map_to_file(logfile, my_name()+"HCDailyLog"+today_to_string()+".html");
//Print Log
print("Daily Hardcore Cleanup Complete! If you sent items to WadBot, re-run this script to Turn them into Wads.", "gray");
if (EndOfRun)
print("After ascending equip what you can and re-run this script ASAP to get you jump started","gray");