It re-maximizes and re-saves the outfit.Caching outfits...
Putting on outfit: Mysticality
Equipment changed.
Retrieving equipment...
Hat: Thunkula's drinking cap
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Cold Stone of Hatred
Shirt: sea salt scrubs
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: sea shawl
Acc. 1: navel ring of navel gazing
Acc. 2: plexiglass pinky ring
Acc. 3: plexiglass pocketwatch
Pet: Adorable Space Buddy (40 lbs)
Item: cute bow from beyond the stars
Sticker 1: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (20)
Sticker 2: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (20)
Sticker 3: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (20)
69872 combinations checked, best score 3,628.00
Saving outfit: Mysticality
Outfit saved
Is that so? Well, I guess I'm done basement diving at level 2.Putting on outfit: Muscle
Equipment changed.
Retrieving equipment...
Hat: plexiglass pith helmet
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: lawn dart
Shirt: astral shirt
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: sea mantle
Acc. 1: Novelty Belt Buckle of Violence
Acc. 2: depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt
Acc. 3: Hodgman's bow tie
Pet: Adorable Space Buddy (45 lbs)
Item: cute bow from beyond the stars
Sticker 1: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (20)
Sticker 2: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (20)
Sticker 3: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (20)
67661 combinations checked, best score 2,166.00
Holding scratch 'n' sniff sword…
That's not an item, or it's not something you own.
"Holding" means that it wanted to put the sticker sword in the off-hand slot - but it was already in the weapon slot.Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: lawn dart
67661 combinations checked, best score 2,166.00
Holding scratch 'n' sniff sword…
The script should not try to buy things more expensive than your autoBuyPriceLimit. Could you double check that value?
Sorry - I don't know where to find that value. The script doesn't ask me for anything except number of turns before it commences. Now that I think about it, you'll have to remind me where to find my outfit lists, too, please.
Yeah... I went to run this script for the first time in a rather long time, noticed that, and was sort of annoyed at it as well. There should probably be an option to turn this off completely and just equip the outfits if they already exist, trusting the user to add to them (or delete them, if they want the script to recreate them). I don't frequently buy new items, and when I do, I'm generally perfectly capable of adding them to the appropriate outfits myself. This would certainly save a lot of time.The caching is unfortunately at the moment only on a per execution basis (and only if all stats are above 200), if you rerun it the script will re-cache since you could've bought something between executions.
Is that so? Well, I guess I'm done basement diving at level 2.![]()
Yes, it is clearly a maximizer issue. It should never try to put a sticker weapon in both main hand and offhand since it is impossible for you to ever have more than one of such.
I tried to reproduce it a few days ago and was unable to do so.
Now THAT is a bug that we should be able to reproduce and fix, eh?
Hop to it - the reproducing part, at least.![]()
I just noted it but did not investigate, since I can't remember ever using a sticker weapon - except when autoBasement insists on using one.When I log out and log in, it seems to lose track of the sticker counters.
KoL thought I had one.
mpAutoRecovery => -0.05
mpAutoRecoveryTarget => -0.05
mpAutoRecovery => 0.0
mpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0.05
OK. Plain vanilla says I have one. Logging back in shows one. Maximizer does not fail. Hypothesis - something in equipping sword or stickers causes KoL's inventory to get off.
Is the s'n's sword in an outfit? Does the outfit equip properly or just partially?