Unofficial Support for autoBasement.ash
AutoBasement 4.0
Thanks to Bale for creating this nice spot for my modification of the script.
The version of autoBasement in this post is a fork of Rinn's original script. From version 3.0 to 3.4 there were only minor changes, but as of version 4.0 a lot of things has changed. The script no longer uses its own data file (that can now safely be deleted) and instead uses Mafia's powerful maximizer tool to try and pass tests. All settings that were in use in the previous version are still in use, but a few have been added (see below for all settings that can be tweaked).
Also, as of version 4.0 (released on 2013-06-14) the script has been moved to SVN for installation and updating. In order to install the script you need a
recent build of Kol Mafia. After logging in type the following in the CLI and press enter:
svn checkout
After the command has run you will have autoBasement.ash in your /scripts folder. In case you get a prompt about overwriting files press OK (if not make sure that any older versions of autoBasement.ash is removed). In order to update the script in the future either type
svn update in the CLI or tick "Update installed SVN projects on login" in Mafia's preferences (found at the bottom under SVN). As of r12218 you can move the script to any location you want in your scripts folder after it has finished installing.
There are quite a lot of variables that can be set in order to get the script to run in specific ways and/or stop at specific points. This list is here to help people choosing what to change for their specific manors of using it.
To change them run he script at least once and then type the following in the CLI:
zlib <variable_name> = <setting_value>
Conditions to stop automation
- autoBasement_break_on_combat: Makes the script stop if it encounters a fight, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_hp: Makes the script stop if it encounters a HP-test, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_mp: Makes the script stop if it encounters a MP-test, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_mox: Makes the script stop if it encounters a Moxie-test, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_mys: Makes the script stop if it encounters a Myst-test, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_mus: Makes the script stop if it encounters a Muscle-test, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_element: Makes the script stop if it encounters a Elemental-test, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_stat: Makes the script stop if it encounters a Stat-reward, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_reward: Makes the script stop if it encounters a big reward, default is false
- autoBasement_break_on_floor: Makes the script stop when it comes to the specified floor, default is 500
- autoBasement_break_on_level: Makes the script stop when it reaches the specified level, default is 30
- autoBasement_break_on_mp_amount: Makes the script stop at MP tests where the needed amount is higher than the specified value, default is 2000
Variables that govern whether mp can be restored with a Jumbo Dr. Lucifer, and how much mp needs to be restored before using it.
- autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer: Is the script allowed to use Lucifers?, default is false
- autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer_amount: What's the minimum value to be restored before using a Lucifer, default is 1000
Variables that govern whether eating, drinking or spleening can be used to buff you up (new as of 4.0)
- autoBasement_eat_to_buff: Allows eating to buff, default is false
- autoBasement_drink_to_buff: Allows drinking to buff, default is false
- autoBasement_spleen_to_buff: Allows spleening to buff, default is false
- autoBasement_hop_on_up: Allows usage of goofballs, default is false
Variables for combat
- autoBasement_combat_equipment: A comma-delimited list of items to equip when fighting, default is "navel ring of navel gazing". If you want to use more than one of an item list it twice, but make sure that you have the stated amount because the script will most likely fail otherwise. Items not in your possession will be ignored.
- autoBasement_combat_stat: The stat to maximize when entering combat, default is Muscle
- autoBasement_combat_maximizer_string: Additional string to maximize for when buliding the combat outfit. Useful if you want to add spell damage or similar, default is nothing
Familiar related settings
- autoBasement_get_familiar_drops: Should the script switch between limited per-day item-dropping familiars (if set to false the script will try to use a hovering sombrero or baby sandworm), default is false
- autoBasement_use_Disembodied_Hand: Should the hand be used at all, default is true
- is_100_run: Standard zlib-variable, overrides autoBasement_get_familiar_drops if set to anything but none as to which familiar to use in figths.
Potion related settings
- autoBasement_max_potion_price: The maximum amount you are willing to pay for a potion, default is 2000
- autoBasement_use_percentage_potions: Sets if the script should use percentage based potions, default is true
- autoBasement_use_absolute_potions: Sets if the script should use absolute based potions (not recommended), default is false
Version History:
04-19-2011: First changed version uploaded. Fixes equipment being used by a hand or hatrack, the migration from ^ to ** for exponentials and switching outfits where an item you only have one of jumps between the main hand and your offhand.
04-20-2011: Fixed a bug in the strip_familiar-function and changed to eatsilent (thanks mredge73)
04-23-2011: Modified the reading of the combat_stat variable to avoid problems with misspelled variables. Now accepts anything that has a u,y or o as the second character...
04-26-2011: Fix the fix in the previous update...
07-03-2011: Add the Li'l Xenomorph as an item-dropping familiar and make the switching between them be slightly more efficient.
07-22-2011: Stop autoBasement from changing familiar if you are on a 100% run (controlled by the zlib-setting is_100_run)
07-27-2011: Add missing ; to make the script not fail on execution.*sigh*
08-18-2011: Add the Rogue Program as an item-dropping familiar
08-19-2011: Fix familiar dropping logic. Thanks fxer for pointing out the error.
08-21-2011: Fix the familiar dropping logic for sure this time 
08-22-2011: Not to be overly confident, but I do believe this familiar dropping fix might be the last...
08-25-2011: This is getting to be a bad habit, but the familiar dropping part have been poked at again...
08-27-2011: Make it so it uses the Sandworm even if you're not going for all item drops, the way it was way back when.
10-14-2011: Change all cli_execute(maximize) calls into maximize()-calls instead.
11-27-2011: Modify the Gauntlet-part of the script a bit to be more reliant on DA
01-09-2012: Fix the stupid maximize call.
01-16-2012: Make sure the script can handle figths under Just the best Anapest and add the new itemdroppign familiars to the potential rotation
01-16-2012: Make sure we don't abort if we cannot equip an outfit during setup and fix adding the new familiars
01-20-2012: Just in case it ever comes up, we now also strip the pants of the scarecrow if necessary. Print a success massage after each floor to lessen confusion.
06-04-2012: Push version number to 3.0. That's the only change 
29-04-2012 (3.1): Add autoBasement_use_Disembodied_Hand to toggle the use of the hand on or off
14-05-2012 (3.2): Set the script up to purchase wrestler stickers and sugar shorts (they are cheap and give good stat boni)
09-07-2012 (3.3): Force a refresh of your equippment when caching outfits in order to compensate for Mafia getting out of synch for whatever reason.
11-08-2012 (3.4): Add breaks to all if-checks in switches
06-05-2013 (4.0): Major update to make the script use the new maximize-features and no longer rely on the built-in datafile
06-05-2013: Consolidate the check for not ok commands into the ok()-function
06-08-2013: Point out that raising autoBasement_max_potion_price might help with getting past failed levels
06-11-2013: If max_potion_price is larger than autoBuyPriceLimit, raise the latter to the former (and reset at the end of the script)
Make sure we equip the cached outfits before we do the test for which it is intended
Don't abort due to being Beaten Up if we can remove it
Make sure we honor the combat-equipment setting when maximizing
Make sure that we continue to honor the disallowing of precentage based and absolute potions
Fix several bugs with the maximize_wrap function and the elemental_test function that would lead to either overbuffing or failure
Move the debug printing to verbosity levels 7 and 9 respectively
06-12-2013: Actually cache an Elemental Resistance outfit so we can use it
Fix bug with overbuffing for Gauntlet tests
Don't use up irreplaceable currencies (such as FDKOL and AWOL commendations)
Also don't use up the fudge wand
2013-06-13: Clean up the code for coinmaster handling
Fix the over-buffing for the Gauntlet for real (hopefully)
2013-06-14: Remove version checking. Official release of the SVN version
2013-06-18: Attempt to make sure we have at least 10% more HP than we would be hit for by the next monster if we get hit
Add new zlib variable autoBasement_combat_maximizer_string which will augment the choosen combat-stat if wanted
2013-06-20: Donät use goofballs unless autoBasement_hop_on_up is true (default false)