autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

I had an interesting case the other day where the maximizer wanted to put one two time swords, one of which was in inventory and the other on my disembodied hand. It equipped the one from inventory, then it unequipped that and tried putting it into the offhand which failed due to nothing being in my onhand. All the time leaving the one on my disembodied hand untouched.
Here's the CLI output:
> call scripts\Turn-burning\autoBasement.ash

Caching outfits...
Retrieving equipment...

Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Cold Stone of Hatred
Shirt: sea salt scrubs
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: Cloak of Dire Shadows

Acc. 1: hardened slime belt
Acc. 2: fossilized necklace
Acc. 3: stainless steel scarf

Pet: Pair of Stomping Boots (40 lbs)
Item: stomp box

Sticker 1: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
Sticker 2: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
Sticker 3: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
208 combinations checked, best score 1,330.00
Saving outfit: Mysticality
Outfit saved
Putting on outfit: Muscle
Equipment changed.
Retrieving equipment...

Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Brimstone Bludgeon
Shirt: star shirt
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: Cloak of Dire Shadows

Acc. 1: cursed scrunchie (4)
Acc. 2: fossilized necklace
Acc. 3: astral belt

Pet: Pair of Stomping Boots (40 lbs)
Item: stomp box

Sticker 1: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
Sticker 2: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
Sticker 3: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
229 combinations checked, best score 2,054.00
Saving outfit: Muscle
Outfit saved
Putting on outfit: Moxie
Equipment changed.
Retrieving equipment...

Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Medallion of the Ventrilo Prince
Shirt: extra-see-thru nightie
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: Cloak of Dire Shadows

Acc. 1: stainless steel suspenders (16)
Acc. 2: fossilized necklace
Acc. 3: astral belt

Pet: Pair of Stomping Boots (40 lbs)
Item: stomp box

Sticker 1: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
Sticker 2: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
Sticker 3: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (0)
183 combinations checked, best score 1,387.00
Holding scratch 'n' sniff sword...
That's not an item, or it's not something you own.

Mafia unsyncs itself from the inventory everytime it starts doing this outfit caching stuff. It keeps thinking that I have another scratch 'n' sniff sword in my inventory.
I'll have a look at it but I think the script should only do that if it cannot find another way (elemental resistance - phial - buffing is the way at the moment, may want to swap the last two I guess).

How can I modify the script to swap those two? (Sorry for being a noob.)
Or remove phials completely. I can dive w/o them and would frankly rather not use them.
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I'm trying to figure out the 'best' way to use this script. I want to set it as my prism-break script, so I can get my telescope piece ASAP.

Assuming I start this at L13, what do I need to make sure I have? How much meat? Any particular equipment? How much time?

This script theoretically doesn't need me to define any particular outfits or moods... right?
The script will ignore your mood and will create its own outfits so you can safely leave that off. If you start at level 13 you may need quite a lot of meat since the script will use up quite a bit to use potions to pass tests.

What you will need to set up is a way to kill stuff, so a good CCS and look over the zlib-variables to set up any specific equipment and stats you want to use for combat.
I use WHAM. Would you say that's a good CCS?

I just want something that's basically fire-and-forget and gives me the least amount of time in aftercore.

This looks like a great solution for it - so thanks for maintaining it.

How much is 'quite a lot of meat?' Should I stock pile ten million? twenty? fifty?
How much is 'quite a lot of meat?' Should I stock pile ten million? twenty? fifty?
Getting a telescope piece starting at level 13 is going to be insanely expensive. If you've never done the basement before, I highly recommend starting at level 27. I've started a few levels earlier and the cost was painful. It's also a mistake to start at a low level and give up when it gets expensive, because the stat rewards in the basement scale as you level. You're getting less stats starting early.

Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher is pretty good. At deep levels you might need to add your own rules to the CCS, but I'd use it until it fails, because it will likely spend less meat than your own rules.

If you start at level 27, you can fire and forget most of the way to 500, but you'll probably have to get involved near the end deciding if you really want to spend that much meat. Starting at level 13 is not going to be fire and forget for very long. If you don't have much real life time, I'd set up something to powerlevel first. Maybe in 10 days you can powerlevel and farm crimbo all at once?
My experience was that sometime between 100 and 200 WHAM failed to kill monsters even though I had skills and.or items that would one shot them. Never really tried to debug it because it was easier to just add the various monsters and strategies to my CCS and once I got the complete telescope there were more interesting things to debug. Might even be fixed by now.

I'm thinking about 2 million meat per dive got spent on potions and items, so stockpile 5 million and you should be fine.

No claim that the ccs is optimal and you clearly need Weapon of the Pastalord :-) It does predate the skill revamps so Noodles won't always be an available opening move.

[ beast with x ears ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord

[ beast with x eyes ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord

[ default ]
consult wham.ash
attack with weapon

[ ghost of fernswarthy's grandfather ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord

[ x bottles of beer on a golem ]
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
item divine can of silly string
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord

[ x stone golem ]
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
item toy deathbot

[ x-dimensional horror ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord

[ x-headed hydra ]
skill entangling noodles
item shard of double-ice
item shrinking powder
skill weapon of the pastalord
Getting a telescope piece starting at level 13 is going to be insanely expensive. If you've never done the basement before, I highly recommend starting at level 27.

For me the cost to GET to 27 is too much, mentally. It hurts to be in aftercore for the week it will likely take to get there. (hell, I can barely stomach grinding to fifteen)
That's why I'm trying to minimizes turns spent in aftercore.

Or is there some easy way to script that too?
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Ascend BIG and softcore? Then you get to start at level 15 instead of 13, you'll get 100 extra karma, and... you'll still need to grind 10-12 levels, but hey, it's not 14. :D

Or plan on spending a LOT.
For me the cost to GET to 27 is too much, mentally. It hurts to be in aftercore for the week it will likely take to get there. (hell, I can barely stomach grinding to fifteen)
That's why I'm trying to minimizes turns spent in aftercore.

Or is there some easy way to script that too?
I know what you are saying. I've been there (431 ascensions). I got my first level 30 trophies and telescope parts once per year at Crimbo, because I refused to stop ascending long enough to get them. You'll have to find the right balance that fits your style.

Power leveling is much faster now with scaling monsters available year round (spaaace, gameinfo mag, mother seals, etc), but this isn't the right thread for that. Search the KoL forums, there's lots of good advice on power leveling. I'm thinking it only takes a few days, but I haven't done it in a while.

I promise you this. If you start your telescope run at level 13, you will stop before you get to level 500 and either ascend or power level, but it won't hurt too much to give it a try.
Lost is right. You can probably make back your investment by selling any extra Feral Kobold hatchlings you pick up along the way. Plus you get factoids.
I got to level 30 as boris in 4 days by fighting about 20 kobold families. That's the easiest way to throw meat at the problem.

So four days is the "least amount of time in aftercore" to get a telescope piece?
The pit in my stomach just got bigger. :(

I guess I can live without it for a while.

Unless someone can point me to a simple power-levelling script? At least that way I wouldn't have to play that part.
So four days is the "least amount of time in aftercore" to get a telescope piece?

No, that time also included the actual ascension and breaking ronin. You can level up sufficiently in under 30 turns (don't forget +% stat gain potions), and then start throwing turns at the basement. You can even cut the number of kobolds in half by being in post-ronin CA2, if you really wanted to.
I just decided to get back into basement diving (I never got much past basement level 100 in the last 6 years), and I've run into the same issue with the sticker sword. It gets equipped in my main hand, then it tries to move to the disembodied hand and fails.
I tried disabling the disembodied hand, refreshing the session etc as per the suggestions a couple of pages back, but it still keeps getting stuck:

> call scripts\autoBasement.ash

Caching outfits...
Retrieving equipment...

Hat: fireman's helmet
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: depleted Grimacite gravy boat
Shirt: astral shirt
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: Cloak of Dire Shadows

Acc. 1: plexiglass pinky ring
Acc. 2: plexiglass pocketwatch
Acc. 3: stainless steel scarf (64)

Pet: Warbear Drone (20 lbs)
Item: warbear drone codes

Sticker 1: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (6)
Sticker 2: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (6)
Sticker 3: scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker (6)
358 combinations checked, best score 1,710.00
Holding scratch 'n' sniff sword...
That's not an item, or it's not something you own.

Is there any way to disable just the sticker sword?
I was just running the basement script. I have version 4, updated from svn - I had previously done this last year with version 3.4 (I'm mentioning it in case something was leftover from last year's scripts that didn't get uninstalled. I have Mafia set to purchase what's needed from the store. Imagine my horror when it tried to buy a Vivala mask for 45 million. Fortunately I don't quite have 45M in the bank at the mo. Last year, I had a V mask, but I don't at the moment. So that makes me think it's looking for something from old data. OTOH, is there some way of telling mafia and/or this script to limit potential purchases to, oh let's say, 30 million, tops?