I'm more optimistic. Downloaded and running with my banked turns for muscle day.![]()
I thought stats days didn't mean anything in run anymore. Am I missing something here?
I'm more optimistic. Downloaded and running with my banked turns for muscle day.![]()
I thought stats days didn't mean anything in run anymore. Am I missing something here?
Encounter: ancient protector spirit
Round 0: Crowther wins initiative!
> BCC: Run_Combat() being used normally.
> WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Round 2: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 2: Crowther casts INTIMIDATING BELLOW!
> WHAM: Monster is weak. We are just going to bash its head in. It'll take 1 rounds.
Round 3: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 3: Crowther casts MIGHTY AXING!
I decided to give 2.4 a try, since it sounded like most of the bugs have been worked out. I made it to level 11 before noticing any serious problems. For some reason, it's having trouble with ancient protector spirits.After than, it continues to use mighty axing until I get beaten up. I have no source of elemental damage, so mighty axing only does 1 damage per attack.Code:Encounter: ancient protector spirit Round 0: Crowther wins initiative! > BCC: Run_Combat() being used normally. > WHAM: Running SmartStasis Round 2: Crowther executes a macro! Round 2: Crowther casts INTIMIDATING BELLOW! > WHAM: Monster is weak. We are just going to bash its head in. It'll take 1 rounds. Round 3: Crowther executes a macro! Round 3: Crowther casts MIGHTY AXING!
I've been doing a lot of 100 turn basement runs and this script has been a big help deciding how to defeat those monster. 1.9.6 worked well, but was painfully slow because I've got way too many skills for it to consider. I'm excited about trying 2.4 and seeing how much faster it runs.
heroic belch
My apologies, I always forget to include enough information. I had all 30 Boris skills and enough fullness for belch. I probably should have grabbed a more verbose log, but at the time I was just happy WHAM made it that far. Only later did I realized it might be nice to tell others. I just checked my logs and once I took over by hand, it only took one bellow and two belches to kill all the spirits.I'm a bit at a loss here since it really shouldn't do that, it should abort and let your figure out the best way to move forward. And also, I'm a bit confused as to why you do not have heroic belch at that point![]()
[493] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Furry Giant
Strategy: /home/fit/.kolmafia/ccs/default.ccs [default]
Round 0: morgad wins initiative!
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
3/6 monsters drop goals here.
This monster is the best source of goals (0.6800000071525574)!
Round 1: morgad executes a macro!
Round 1: morgad tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: furry fur
You lose 29 hit points
Round 2: morgad casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 3: morgad casts SAUCY SALVE!
You gain 14 hit points
Map modified within foreach (WHAM.ash, line 416)
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
[1050] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 63)
Encounter: The Beast with 662 Ears
Strategy: /root/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [default]
Round 0: Crowther wins initiative!
Running ZLib version: r36 (current)
1 HP costs 0.5400000214576721μ. ( 316 / 374 )
1 MP costs 4μ. ( 200 / 377 )
Factoring in Mer-kin hookspear: 0 damage, meat
monstermeat*((zone(sea)+1)*0.125+0.05), oncrit
Running BatBrain version: 1.23 (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.15 (current)
Running WHAM version: 2.5 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn
number is 1049.
WHAM: No need to do anything with this monster.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ
Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ
ATT: 687 (94% × 124.51000213623047, death in 3)
DEF: 619 (35.18000030517578% × 487.1199951171875 (15) (15), win in 3)
HP: 592, Value: 1,840.780029296875 μ
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn
number is 1049.
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a The Beast with n Ears. Mafia considers that this
monster has an attack of 687 or 687 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 619
or 619 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of
587 or 587 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 25.
WHAM: Monster HP is 592.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 49; abort
"Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a
higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; Mini-Hipster
(27μ)73.37000274658203μ0 (51.630001068115234) (51.630001068115234) Actual:
103.25 (-0.25999999046325684 μ/dmg)Att: -0.5 (-0.11999999731779099 DPR)
Def: -0.5 HP: -10.199999809265137 MP: 10.199999809265137
Building custom actions...
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 2678 (round 1, profit: 26.770000457763672)
Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ
Attack action chosen: skill 1005 (round 1, profit: 41.369998931884766)
Top of the stasis loop.
Queued: use 2678
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort
"Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a
higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito;
use 2678; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hascombatitem 2678 &&
(!hpbelow 316.0 && hpbelow 374 && !mpbelow 200.0 && !pastround 46)
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 1: Crowther uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 3 Sarcasm
You lose 126 hit points
Happened: use 2678
Parsed round number: 2
Happened: hipster_stats
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 2678 (round 2, profit: 27.559999465942383)
Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ
Attack action chosen: skill 1005 (round 2, profit: 41.369998931884766)
Top of the stasis loop.
Queued: use 2678
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort
"Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a
higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito;
use 2678; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hascombatitem 2678 &&
(!hpbelow 190.0 && hpbelow 374 && !mpbelow 200.0 && !pastround 46)
Round 2: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 2: Crowther uses the spectre scepter!
You gain 5 hit points
You gain 24 hit points
You gain 39 Mojo Points
You lose 118 hit points
Happened: use 2678
Parsed round number: 3
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
Stasis action chosen: skill 5023 (round 3, profit: -20)
Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ
Attack action chosen: skill 1005 (round 3, profit: 41.369998931884766)
Your huckleberry will kill you.
Stasis loop complete.
WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 7.453000068664551 seconds.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 3 and that the turn
number is 1049.
WHAM: SS did not finish the script off, continuing with script execution.
Happened: use 2678
Parsed round number: 3
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 3 and that the turn
number is 1049.
No valid attacks.
No valid attacks.
Queued: use 2575
Building options...
Options built! (263 actions)
Map modified within foreach (WHAM.ash, line 416)
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
there seemed to be a correlation with me about to get the crap kicked out of me, and only with Goth Giants, will switch to your new version for tommorrows run
I too have been having trouble and in both directions. I've been getting the crap beaten out of me by stasising high level monsters and I've been failing to stasis low level monsters. The middle seems okay. I've been trying to figure out how to make a decent bug report, but the system is very complex and I have trouble recreating things when I've the time to mess about.
Anyway, today I was basement diving and getting beaten up, so I tried turning up the verbosity (which fixed everything for a while, ha!)
I think I finally got a useful log. Here two rounds were spent in stasis, then on round three it was decided winning was impossible. Usually, I get beaten up. This time it aborted and I won playing manually (noodles and harpoon).
My work around is to just buff more, but I'm hoping I can be helpful. I really wish I could catch a log when it's failing to stasis on monsters I totally outclass, but that's always day one ascension when I barely have time to keep up with the game.Code:[1050] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 63) Encounter: The Beast with 662 Ears Strategy: /root/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [default] Round 0: Crowther wins initiative! Running ZLib version: r36 (current) 1 HP costs 0.5400000214576721μ. ( 316 / 374 ) 1 MP costs 4μ. ( 200 / 377 ) Factoring in Mer-kin hookspear: 0 damage, meat monstermeat*((zone(sea)+1)*0.125+0.05), oncrit Running BatBrain version: 1.23 (current) Running SmartStasis version: 3.15 (current) Running WHAM version: 2.5 (current) WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 1049. WHAM: No need to do anything with this monster. WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ ATT: 687 (94% × 124.51000213623047, death in 3) DEF: 619 (35.18000030517578% × 487.1199951171875 (15) (15), win in 3) HP: 592, Value: 1,840.780029296875 μ Parsed round number: 1 Building options... Options built! (263 actions) WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 1049. WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives. WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives. WHAM: You are fighting a The Beast with n Ears. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 687 or 687 when given a monster name. WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 619 or 619 when given a monster name. WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 587 or 587 when given a monster name. WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 25. WHAM: Monster HP is 592.0. WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; WHAM: Running SmartStasis Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; Mini-Hipster (27μ)73.37000274658203μ0 (51.630001068115234) (51.630001068115234) Actual: 103.25 (-0.25999999046325684 μ/dmg)Att: -0.5 (-0.11999999731779099 DPR) Def: -0.5 HP: -10.199999809265137 MP: 10.199999809265137 Building custom actions... Custom actions built! (0 actions) Stasis action chosen: use 2678 (round 1, profit: 26.770000457763672) Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ Attack action chosen: skill 1005 (round 1, profit: 41.369998931884766) Top of the stasis loop. Queued: use 2678 Building options... Options built! (263 actions) Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; use 2678; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hascombatitem 2678 && (!hpbelow 316.0 && hpbelow 374 && !mpbelow 200.0 && !pastround 46) Round 1: Crowther executes a macro! Round 1: Crowther uses the spectre scepter! You gain 3 Sarcasm You lose 126 hit points Happened: use 2678 Parsed round number: 2 Happened: hipster_stats Building options... Options built! (263 actions) Stasis action chosen: use 2678 (round 2, profit: 27.559999465942383) Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ Attack action chosen: skill 1005 (round 2, profit: 41.369998931884766) Top of the stasis loop. Queued: use 2678 Building options... Options built! (263 actions) Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 49; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; use 2678; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hascombatitem 2678 && (!hpbelow 190.0 && hpbelow 374 && !mpbelow 200.0 && !pastround 46) Round 2: Crowther executes a macro! Round 2: Crowther uses the spectre scepter! You gain 5 hit points You gain 24 hit points You gain 39 Mojo Points You lose 118 hit points Happened: use 2678 Parsed round number: 3 Building options... Options built! (263 actions) Stasis action chosen: skill 5023 (round 3, profit: -20) Value of stat gain: 1,840.780029296875μ Attack action chosen: skill 1005 (round 3, profit: 41.369998931884766) Your huckleberry will kill you. Stasis loop complete. WHAM: SmartStasis complete. WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 7.453000068664551 seconds. WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 3 and that the turn number is 1049. WHAM: SS did not finish the script off, continuing with script execution. Happened: use 2678 Parsed round number: 3 Building options... Options built! (263 actions) WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 3 and that the turn number is 1049. No valid attacks. No valid attacks. Queued: use 2575 Building options... Options built! (263 actions) Map modified within foreach (WHAM.ash, line 416) You're on your own, partner. Click here to continue in the relay browser.
I mean, I'd take the triple-toasting. But for some reason, I can't find the other two...You acquire an item: toast
Round 13: Theraze casts SUCKERPUNCH!
Round 14: fallen archfiend takes 1 damage.
Round 14: fallen archfiend drops 1 attack power.
Round 14: fallen archfiend drops 1 defense.
Look! You found 1 toast (14μ)!
Look! You found 1 toast (14μ)!
Look! You found 1 toast (14μ)!
WHAM: Monster is weak. We are just going to bash its head in. It'll take 2 rounds.
Apparently if you successfully steal before the recalculation, it repeats it, a bunch...I mean, I'd take the triple-toasting. But for some reason, I can't find the other two...![]()
if(finished() || contains_text(page, "WINWINWIN")) { //Exit the script if SS ended the fight
vprint("WHAM: SS has finished the fight. Aborting script execution. ", "purple", 9);
} else {
vprint("WHAM: SS did not finish the script off, continuing with script execution. ", "purple", 9);
[i] act(page); //Re-initialize all variables to be sure we are in a correct state[/i]
vprint("WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack", "purple", 8);
//Debug info
vprint("WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: " + round + " and that the turn number is " + my_turncount() + ".", "purple", 9);
[i] page = Evaluate_Options();[/i]
kill_it = Calculate_Options(monster_stat("hp")); //Set up the damage dealt