[15027] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 266)
Encounter: The Beast with 4,966 Eyes
Round 0: the southern dandy loses initiative!
Round 1: the beast with n eyes takes 1 damage.
Round 1: the beast with n eyes takes 3 damage.
Round 1: the beast with n eyes takes 4 damage.
You lose 239 hit points
Running ZLib version: r36 (current)
1 HP costs 3.092μ. ( 6,295 / 6534 )
1 MP costs 12μ. ( 1,184 / 3217 )
Factoring in Scarysauce: (6) damage, retal
Running BatBrain version: 1.23 (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.15 (current)
Running WHAM version: 2.7 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 15026.
WHAM: No need to do anything with this monster.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
Value of stat gain: 17,731.62μ
Value of stat gain: 17,731.62μ
ATT: 4,991 (94% × 280.6, death in 24)
DEF: 4,492 (8.59% × 83.06 (15) (45), win in 346)
HP: 4,243, Value: 17,731.62 μ
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (92 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 15026.
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a The Beast with n Eyes. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 4991 or 4991 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 4492 or 4492 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 4238 or 4246 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 25.
WHAM: Monster HP is 4243.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 29; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase (0μ)0μ--
Building custom actions...
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 5561 (round 1, profit: 711.17)
Value of stat gain: 17,731.62μ
Attack action chosen: use 5048 (round 1, profit: -920.56)
Top of the stasis loop.
Queued: use 5561
Building options...
Options built! (91 actions)
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 29; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; use 5561; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hascombatitem 5561 && (!hpbelow 6295.0 && hpbelow 6534 && !mpbelow 1184.0 && !pastround 45)
Round 1: the southern dandy executes a macro!
Round 1: the southern dandy uses the Rain-Doh indigo cup!
You gain 1,306 hit points
Happened: use 5561
Parsed round number: 2
Building options...
Options built! (91 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 2678 (round 2, profit: -607.88)
Value of stat gain: 17,731.62μ
Attack action chosen: use 5048 (round 2, profit: -920.56)
This monster is not your huckleberry.
Stasis loop complete.
WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis took 1.51 seconds.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 2 and that the turn number is 15026.
WHAM: SS did not finish the script off, continuing with script execution.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 2 and that the turn number is 15026.
Value of stat gain: 17,731.62μ
Attack action chosen: use 5048 (round 2, profit: -920.56)
Queued: use 5048
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
Value of stat gain: 17,731.62μ
Attack action chosen: use 5048 (round 3, profit: -105)
Auto-funk: merging 'use 5048' and 'use 5048'.
Queued: use 5048,5048
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
Happened: use 5561
Parsed round number: 2
Building options...
Options built! (91 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.57 seconds.
Queued: skill 3004
Building options...
Options built! (90 actions)
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shard of double-ice (macroid use 5048).
Queued: use 5048
Building options...
Options built! (89 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shard of double-ice.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, true
WHAM: Enqueueing shard of double-ice (macroid use 5048).
Unable to enqueue empty action.
WHAM: Failed to enqueue shard of double-ice (entry 11 in the strategy).
WHAM: The following combat strategy was attempted:
shard of double-ice
shard of double-ice
WHAM: Aborting now to let you figure this out.
You're on your own, partner.
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