Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)


Active member
Great update, unfortunately at a lousy time. It is currently midsummer and this is one of the biggest social weekends in Sweden meaning that I'll have precious little time to work on things until Sunday evening or Monday. I'll do the changes as soon as possible, and until then, if WHAM breaks, I guess people will have to "svn dec BatBrian" to get it to continue to work :)


Well-known member
No hurry! The updates I've pushed so far don't break WHAM. I simply got BatBrian (minor nitpick -- it's BatBrain haha) ready to handle custom actions, but they're still being removed immediately when loading the data file. When WHAM is also ready, next week or whenever, I'll delete the line that removes custom actions, and a new era, the era of BatBrain and WHAM's ascendancy over the realms of mankind, shall begin.

@Bale: Thanks! I've wanted to do something like this for a while but it didn't all come together in my head until now.

EDIT: And it's working! I added the "custom" keyword to the limited use chefstaves in my local batfactors and changed a couple lines in my local BatBrain, and now I'm watching BatMan RE, which used to always recommend jiggling the Staff of Life as a stasis action, instead recommend my spectre scepter vs. gremlins -- and the Staff of Life exists in the actions table (at the top if I sort by stasis_action)! Sweeeeet

But no hurry though. haha
Last edited:


I never knew that Midsummer was such a big deal in Sweden. I found some interesting reading on line, but I don't know how much of that is actually relevant to you and how much is merely part of the past or local celebrations.

What do you do for midsummer? Have a lot of fun doing it!


Active member
Some think it a stupid idea to try and get people to celebrate our national holiday on the 6th of June since the Midsummer celebration is almost like a national day anyway. Today's been spent with friends eating nice food and tomorrow will be spent wit my parents doing the same thing :)

(I don't drink alcohol, if I did I'd probably be drinking way too much, that seems to be the standard for "normal" Swedes)


Active member
That said, since we are parents of a toddler we needed to be home sort of early in order for her to get any kind of chance of getting to bed in an orderly fashion so I've committed a change that'll skip custom actions in all _option-functions. I also decided to commit the various changes that have been tested in the Beta version since they appear to be working fine and so a larger testing audience for it may be good :)


Beta version is sounding nice I'll enjoy playing with it now that it is considered stable.

Sounds like a nice solstice.


Well-known member
Thanks Winterbay! I've now opened the floodgates, releasing hundreds of wild custom actions to mingle with our domesticated actions. WHAM can now use get_action() just about anywhere it was using to_event() -- or if not, all it takes is an edit of batfactors.

Are you in the part of Sweden where the sun never sets? I've never been far enough north (or south I suppose) to see the sun at night. Korea is, however, in the top 15 countries in the world (I've seen reports listing as high as 11) when it comes to per capita alcohol consumption. It's quite common when talking to an expat to hear them say they drank way too much their first year living here. So I definitely understand the sentiment that if you did drink, you'd drink way too much! (In my case, though, I did. ;) )


Active member
Are you in the part of Sweden where the sun never sets? I've never been far enough north (or south I suppose) to see the sun at night. Korea is, however, in the top 15 countries in the world (I've seen reports listing as high as 11) when it comes to per capita alcohol consumption. It's quite common when talking to an expat to hear them say they drank way too much their first year living here. So I definitely understand the sentiment that if you did drink, you'd drink way too much! (In my case, though, I did. ;) )
There's nothing quite like leaving a bar drunk after 2am and walking out into full sunlight.

I trapped a verbosity 9 log of that crazy basement fight. I'm not sure it shows anything of value, but for laughs, here it is:
> adv 1 fern base

Visit to Tower: Fernswarthy's Basement in progress...

[719703] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 1731)
Encounter: 12 Bottles of Beer on a Golem
Strategy: /home/scottk/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [default]
Round 0: WhimOrClutters wins initiative!
1 HP costs 0.027μ. ( 34,937 / 34937 )
1 MP costs 0.545μ. ( 4,924 / 43165 )
Running SmartStasis version: 3.21 (current)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for X Bottles of Beer on a Golem.
WHAM: No need to do anything with X Bottles of Beer on a Golem.
WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
You have navel ring of navel gazing equipped: 0 damage, stun 0.5
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
ATT: 68,366 (47% × 12,546.2, death in 6)
DEF: 68,366 (8.8% × 25.34 (25), win in 13126)
HP: 58,116, Value: 183,757.27 μ, RES: 0
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Current MP = 4924 out of 43165.
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: Current HP = 34937 out of 34937.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: You are fighting a X Bottles of Beer on a Golem. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 68366 or 68366 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 68366 or 61530 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 58116 or 58115 when given a monster name.
WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 30.
WHAM: You have muscle = 33241, mysticality = 27848, and moxie = 40094
WHAM: Monster HP is 58116.0.
WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 9; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; 
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 1, profit: -1,378.64)
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 719702.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 1, profit: -1,378.64)
WHAM: Stun option chosen: use 5678 (round 1, profit: -2,200)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 58116.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 1 (loop variable 0)
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 58116.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 3, profit: -1,300)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 3 (loop variable 2)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 24699.300000000003 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 4, profit: -1,300)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 4 (loop variable 3)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 10497.2025 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 3).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 4119 (round 5, profit: -800)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 5 (loop variable 4)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 4461.311062499997 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 4).
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 5287 (round 6, profit: -50)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 6 (loop variable 5)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 1461.3110624999972 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 5).
Queued: use 5287
Building options...
Options built! (230 actions)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 7 (loop variable 6)
Monster HP is 58116 according to Mafia and 561.3110624999972 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 6).
Queued: use 5289
Building options...
Options built! (230 actions)
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 1.46 seconds.
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 33416.7.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 14202.0975.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 6035.8914374999995.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing old-school flying disc (macroid use 4119). Estimated damage: 3000.0.
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued old-school flying disc.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing d8 (macroid use 5287). Estimated damage: 900.0.
Queued: use 5287
Building options...
Options built! (230 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued d8.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing d12 (macroid use 5289). Estimated damage: 561.3110624999972.
Queued: use 5289
Building options...
Options built! (230 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued d12.
WHAM: We are going to 7-shot with soggy used band-aid, shrinking powder, shrinking powder, shrinking powder, old-school flying disc, d8 and d12.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 9; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; use 5678; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 4119; call batround; use 5287; call batround; use 5289; call batround; 
Round 1: WhimOrClutters executes a macro!
Round 1: WhimOrClutters uses the soggy used band-aid!
You gain 1 hit point
Round 2: WhimOrClutters uses the shrinking powder!
Round 3: WhimOrClutters uses the shrinking powder!
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 4
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 3.31 seconds.
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 26734.0
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 4 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 4 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 4 and that the turn number is 719702.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 4, profit: -1,378.64)
WHAM: Stun option chosen: use 5678 (round 4, profit: -2,200)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 4 (loop variable 0)
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 6, profit: -1,300)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 6 (loop variable 2)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 11361.95 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 4119 (round 7, profit: -800)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 7 (loop variable 3)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 4828.828750000001 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 3).
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 8 (loop variable 4)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 1828.8287500000006 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 4).
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 4
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 1.05 seconds.
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 15372.05.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 6533.12125.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing old-school flying disc (macroid use 4119). Estimated damage: 3000.0.
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued old-school flying disc.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing old-school flying disc (macroid use 4119). Estimated damage: 1828.8287500000006.
Queued: use 4119
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued old-school flying disc.
WHAM: We are going to 5-shot with soggy used band-aid, shrinking powder, shrinking powder, old-school flying disc and old-school flying disc.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 9; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; use 5678; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 4119; call batround; use 4119; call batround; 
Round 4: WhimOrClutters executes a macro!
Round 4: WhimOrClutters uses the soggy used band-aid!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 5 but KoL thinks it is round 4
You gain 1 hit point
Round 5: WhimOrClutters uses the shrinking powder!
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 5
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 5.90 seconds.
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 26734.0
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 5 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 5 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 5 and that the turn number is 719702.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 5, profit: -1,378.64)
WHAM: Stun option chosen: use 5678 (round 5, profit: -2,200)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 5 (loop variable 0)
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 7, profit: -1,300)
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 7 (loop variable 2)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 11361.95 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 4119 since it is too risky.
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 8 (loop variable 3)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 4828.828750000001 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 3).
Queued: use 4116
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 5
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.87 seconds.
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 15372.05.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 6533.12125.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing rickety old unicycle (macroid use 4116). Estimated damage: 4828.828750000001.
Queued: use 4116
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued rickety old unicycle.
WHAM: We are going to 4-shot with soggy used band-aid, shrinking powder, shrinking powder and rickety old unicycle.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 9; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; use 5678; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 4116; call batround; 
Round 6: WhimOrClutters executes a macro!
Round 6: WhimOrClutters uses the soggy used band-aid!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 7 but KoL thinks it is round 5
You gain 1 hit point
Round 7: WhimOrClutters uses the shrinking powder!
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 6
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 7.96 seconds.
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 26734.0
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 6 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 6 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 6 and that the turn number is 719702.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 6, profit: -1,378.64)
WHAM: Stun option chosen: use 5678 (round 6, profit: -2,200)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 6 (loop variable 0)
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 2704 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 8 (loop variable 2)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 11361.95 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2).
Queued: use 3041
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 6
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.67 seconds.
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing shrinking powder (macroid use 2704). Estimated damage: 15372.05.
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued shrinking powder.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: Enqueueing cursed dirty joke scroll (macroid use 3041). Estimated damage: 11361.95.
Queued: use 3041
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Successfully enqueued cursed dirty joke scroll.
WHAM: We are going to 3-shot with soggy used band-aid, shrinking powder and cursed dirty joke scroll.
Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 9; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; use 5678; call batround; use 2704; call batround; use 3041; call batround; 
Round 8: WhimOrClutters executes a macro!
Round 8: WhimOrClutters uses the soggy used band-aid!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 9 but KoL thinks it is round 6
You gain 1 hit point
Round 9: WhimOrClutters uses the shrinking powder!
Happened: use 5678
Happened: use 2704
Parsed round number: 7
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
WHAM: Evaluating the attack and performing it took 9.71 seconds.
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 26734.0
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 719702.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 7 and that the turn number is 719702.
Value of stat gain: 183,757.27μ
WHAM: Attack option chosen: use 2704 (round 7, profit: -1,378.64)
WHAM: Stun option chosen: use 5678 (round 7, profit: -2,200)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain.
WHAM: We can't Saucesplash.
true, true, true, false, false
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 7 (loop variable 0)
Queued: use 5678
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 26734.0 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 1).
Queued: use 2704
Building options...
Options built! (231 actions)
Skipping use 5287 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 2704 since it is too risky.
Skipping use 5289 since it is too risky.
WHAM: We estimate the round number to currently be 9 (loop variable 2)
Monster HP is 26734 according to Mafia and 11361.95 according to BatBrain (loop variable i = 2).
Queued: use 3041
Building options...
KoLmafia declares world peace.
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.


Active member
Huh, it enqueued things just fine but only executed on the first 3 out of 7 items. That's odd. I wonder what made KoL abort the macro, apart from thinking that the round was higher than 9 even though it seems to have only been 4.


Active member
Are you in the part of Sweden where the sun never sets? I've never been far enough north (or south I suppose) to see the sun at night. Korea is, however, in the top 15 countries in the world (I've seen reports listing as high as 11) when it comes to per capita alcohol consumption. It's quite common when talking to an expat to hear them say they drank way too much their first year living here. So I definitely understand the sentiment that if you did drink, you'd drink way too much! (In my case, though, I did. ;) )

Nah, I'm in Göteborg so pretty much in the northern parts of south Sweden. I wonder where Sweden would be on such a list, the general consensus appear to be that we drink way too much on average so :)
Also, I take it that means that Koreans do not share the Japanese genetic trait of not being able to drink alcohol, even in pretty moderate amounts, without feeling sick.


Well-known member
It would be very useful for debugging to detect macro abort errors and print that information in the CLI. I'll try to generate some errors (using items or skills I don't have, abort commands in the macro, etc) so I can copy the text and then detect it in act(). Could give us a clue what's going on in cases like above. If you can think of other macro abort cases which BatBrain could detect, even non-serious ones, submitting the message text in the BatBrain thread would be helpful.

Also curious: does WHAM build combats more than once before submitting? I noticed act() being called in the middle of enqueueing, which resets the round number to 1 and clears the queue, after which WHAM rebuilt the combat the same way.

Also, there are some Koreans with that trait, who get very red-faced after a small amount of alcohol, but most Koreans can really put it away.

Also, there's one such list here. Sweden's a bit higher than the midde of the list. Note that if you sort by "spirits" Korea is #1.
Last edited:


Active member
WHAM builds its action twice, once predictively and once to perform it. The second act is there, instead of just reset_queue(), because for some reason not everything appeared to be reset. I think one of them were monster_element in case it had been changed by say a shard of double-ice.


Staff member
Alas, I am sober and will remain in that condition for at least several more hours.

Miscellaneous comments which may apply to WHAM or BatBrain or be totally irrelevant.

Running with a goal of the "gates" scroll in the chasm. WHAM preferred to kill the adding machine. Due to RNG unlove I had only three of the four component scrolls so it may have been choosing to not feed any scrolls until it had all of them. If that is the case I might make a feature request that it combine scrolls if possible. For example, if there are two 334's and no 668 then make a 668.

WHAM continues to have problems with the Protector Spectres even though I have all the core Pastamancer and Sauceror spells perm'd and available. I have a vague recollection this is due to something outside of WHAM but I figured I'd mention it, just in case something else has changed.

I will note, with pleasure, that WHAM did try and identify the stones so whatever I had previously complained about seems to have been addressed.


Active member
As a public service announcement I'd like to state that WHAM today managed to use my Frosty's Iceball despite it being marked as custom and WHAM being set to skip custom items. I have no idea why and since I caught it a bit late I now have no snowball to test on. So... closet your snowballs?


Just started using WHAM and I have a problem. After a few successful adventures, it's decided it wants to use a frozen feather and now gets stuck attempting to use one over and over and over... because I don't have any.

I've also set it to keep -1 frozen feathers on hand, which I am assuming is supposed to tell it to NOT use them at all?

As it is WHAM is totally unusable because it very frequently settles on using the frozen feather.


Well-known member
Please type
zlib verbosity = 10
in the gCLI command line, then try to use WHAM in a combat, and post the output to the Mafia gCLI window here.

That should tell us why WHAM is attempting to do what you're describing.

You can reset the log level to by typing the same command and use a "3" instead of a "10".


Well, I absolutely cannot get it to reproduce the behaviour (naturally), so I can't post a log.

If it happens again I shall do so though.


Active member
It also appears I should update WHAM_dontuse since -1 is in fact not disregard it, but 0.

Well, I absolutely cannot get it to reproduce the behaviour (naturally), so I can't post a log.

If it happens again I shall do so though.

My guess is that somehow Mafia had come out of sync with KoL for whatever reason, or something completely different...
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Active member
Also, refresh inv. If your inventory is out of sync, that would explain why it wants to use items you don't have.