New Content - Implemented West of Loathing - 2016 Spring Challenge!

I still have a one-gallon hat, probably because I never equipped it. I ran away from a fluffy bunny; still had a one-gallon hat. Lost a fight; still had a one-gallon hat. Won a single fight, now have a two-gallon hat. I noticed this in the post-combat text:
<!--familiarmessage--><center><table><tr><td align=center valign=center><img src="/images/itemimages/cowboyhat.gif" width=30 height=30></td><td valign=center>Your hat gets bigger!</td></tr></table></center><!--familiarmessage-->

I guess that makes it easier to track.
Nice. The fact that it tagged with a familiarmessage comment means that we already log it:

Round 6: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: Your hat gets bigger!
Seems like a little code in FightRequest.processFamiliarAction could handle this.
This item is still missing from Mafia

Looking at item #8958...
8958	briefcase full of snakes	153699809	briefcase.gif	none	q	0
# Item briefcase full of snakes
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New path monsters as of r16727:

New monster #1929 found in Manuel with name 'furious giant cow'     image 'awolcow2.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P:     demon'
New monster #1933 found in Manuel with name 'grizzled rodeo clown' image 'awolclown3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ?     Init: -10000 P: horror'
New monster #1934 found in Manuel with name 'king snake' image 'awolsnake3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ?     Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: beast'
New monster #1930 found in Manuel with name 'menacing rodeo clown' image 'awolclown2.gif'     attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: horror'
New monster #1931 found in Manuel with name 'prince snake' image     'awolsnake2.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 E:     sleaze P: beast'
New monster #1932 found in Manuel with name 'ungulith' image 'awolcow3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ?     Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: demon'
r16732 typo:

You don't have a skill uniquely matching "1 Walk: Leasurely Amble"

The skill is "Walk: Leisurely Amble"
As of r16732, Mafia is not recognizing the elemental resist bonus from my True Outdoorsperson skill (Cow Puncher skill, +3 resist to all elements.) Mafia is only seeing 5 at the moment (thicksilver spurs + effect from Ish Kabibble) while my character page shows Extremely High (8) for each element.
It also does not have Bean Runner's +75% Combat Initiative.

Also, none of the path skills can be permed, so shouldn't show up on the rift page.
Successfully using the skill Beancannon should remove the can of beans held in your offhand (and remove it from inventory).

Successful response text from using the skill is:
You concentrate all of your will on the can you're holding, building up the pressure until it explodes, washing your opponent away on a tide of beans.

'opponent' could possibly be replaced by 'opponents' for group monsters?
I'm a Cow Puncher. That is a Muscle class character. However, it appears that it does NOT give you 50% more HP.

The HP formula is:

ceiling( (buffed muscle + 3) * ( C + maximum hp percent/100 ) + bonus hp )

Where C is 1.5 for a muscle class or 1.0 otherwise.

I have the Larger Than Life skill, which is +100% HP.
My buffed muscle is 215
I have no other +HP modifiers.

With the 1.5 multiplier, we expect HP to be (215 + 3) * ( 1.5 + 1.0) = 218 * 2.5 = 545
Without the 1.5 multiplier, we expect HP to be (215 +3) * (1.0 + 1.0) = 218 * 2 = 436.

Guess what? My current HP are 436.

I wonder if that is a KoL bug or is intentional.
Not sure if anyone's posted this, but there are several new concoctions.

All of these are made by cooking:
  • eldritch oil + unusual oil = patent alacrity tonic
  • eldritch oil + skin oil = patent sallowness tonic
  • eldritch oil + snake oil = patent invisibility tonic
  • unusual oil + skin oil = patent avarice tonic
  • unusual oil + snake oil = patent aggression tonic
  • skin oil + snake oil = patent preventative tonic

Sorry to post this again, but these recipes aren't showing up in concoctions.txt as of r16737. I believe the relevant lines should be
patent alacrity tonic	COOK	eldritch oil	unusual oil
patent sallowness tonic	COOK	eldritch oil	skin oil
patent invisibility tonic	COOK	eldritch oil	snake oil
patent avarice tonic	COOK	unusual oil	skin oil
patent aggression tonic	COOK	unusual oil	snake oil
patent preventative tonic	COOK	skin oil	snake oil
You do need that, and revision 16738 supports those recipes. As lost says, those lines were not sufficient. In fact, they were not correct. :)

I just completed day one of my first Snake Oiler run, and was able to test them.
You do need that, and revision 16738 supports those recipes. As lost says, those lines were not sufficient. In fact, they were not correct. :)

I just completed day one of my first Snake Oiler run, and was able to test them.

My apologies. Thanks for implementing these.
Could someone please add 3 preferences for tracking skill points in AWoL? I actually want to make use of those in one of my scripts.

It needs to parse out "You can learn \d more skills from this book right now" when I use the book, and add one to the number of skills in the current skills book every time I go up a level. What I need to know is how many skills remain to be learned from each of the three AWoL classes. I would like to do that without making a page hit each time or else I will not do it.

A complication would be if it tracks starting skills as well as current ones since that would require twice as many preferences.

  • awolCowpunchSkills
  • awolSnakeoilSkills
  • awolBeanslingSkills
  • awolCowpunchSkillsPerm
  • awolSnakeoilSkillsPerm
  • awolBeanslingSkillsPerm

Or perhaps replace "Skills" with "Points"
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Previous paths have only tracked starting points, leaving it to scripts to figure out how your level and already-learned skills affect what you can still get.
Previous paths have only tracked starting points, leaving it to scripts to figure out how your level and already-learned skills affect what you can still get.

That is true. I can figure out the rest from current number of skills and my level. Consider me chastised.