I'm using plain old notepad. Don't know why Microsoft word didn't work, I always thought that was basically a less crappy version of notepad. Anyway, that got me in, but it's not providing any enlightenment on the 'dial only goes from 0 to 10' issue. Presumably, it's referring to the MCD, but I don't know why thats a problem.
It was still using mystsign instead of canadia. A copy and paste job on slime.ash produced this...
Function 'in_canadia_available( )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (slime.ash, line 289)
Change in_mysticality_sign() to canadia_available().
Yes, that's possible since the Valhalla revamp. Are you confused about what the canadia_available() function does? That's exactly what is needed to fix this glitch.I'm in a myst sign but I have the degrassi gnoll instead.
Yes, that's possible since the Valhalla revamp. Are you confused about what the canadia_available() function does? That's exactly what is needed to fix this glitch.
Notice that it says slime.ash, not relay_slime.ash, meaning that linguine_lad is using the version that hasn't been updated in what... two years?Switch to relay_slime and things should work better.
The last time I ran the relay_slime.ash it was as fast as my turns normally were. You might have something else going on that is causing delays.yeah that's what my clanmate told me to do. so I went in my relay and picked it in the drop down box and it worked. but it was super slow, my guess is because it was running threw the relay window. it took a few hours to run 300 some turns.