SKILL MR G1 Summon Hilarious Objects Hilarious Object groucho.gif 0
SKILL MR G2 Summon Tasteful Items Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts lamprey.gif 0
SKILL MR G3 Summon Alice's Army Cards Sorcerers of the Shore aapack.gif 0
SKILL MR G4 Summon Geeky Gifts Thinknerd Grimoire nerdgrimoire.gif 0
SKILL MR G5 Summon Confiscated Things Confiscator's Grimoire book4.gif 0
Once the skill has been cast, the strings the script is checking for don't show up in campground.php any more. Since we can't edit the script itself to fix that, try adding the name of the grimoire as the "link", like so:
Code:SKILL MR G1 Summon Hilarious Objects Hilarious Object groucho.gif 0 SKILL MR G2 Summon Tasteful Items Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts lamprey.gif 0 SKILL MR G3 Summon Alice's Army Cards Sorcerers of the Shore aapack.gif 0 SKILL MR G4 Summon Geeky Gifts Thinknerd Grimoire nerdgrimoire.gif 0 SKILL MR G5 Summon Confiscated Things Confiscator's Grimoire book4.gif 0
I have all but one of the grimoires and this fixes the issue for me.
By the way, I'm also a fan of this script and quite appreciate your updates, Lxndr!
EDIT: Also looks like the same fix is needed for Tomes.
SKILL MR T1 Summon Snowcones Tome of Snowcone Summoning dsnowcone.gif 0
SKILL MR T2 Summon Stickers Tome of Sticker Summoning papersword.gif 0
SKILL MR T3 Summon Sugar Sheets Tome of Sugar Shummoning sugsheet.gif 0
SKILL MR T4 Summon Clip Art Tome of Clip Art book3.gif 0
SKILL MR T5 Summon Rad Libs Tome of Rad Libs radlibtome.gif 0
SKILL MR T6 Summon Smithsness The Smith's Tome smithereens.gif 0
SKILL MR G1 Summon Hilarious Objects McPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoning groucho.gif 0
SKILL MR G2 Summon Tasteful Items Summon "Tasteful" Gifts lamprey.gif 0
SKILL MR G2 Summon Tasteful Items Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of %22Tasteful%22 Gifts lamprey.gif 0
SKILL MR G3 Summon Alice's Army Cards Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire aapack.gif 0
SKILL MR G4 Summon Geeky Gifts Thinknerd Grimoire nerdgrimoire.gif 0
SKILL MR G5 Summon Confiscated Things Confiscator's Grimoire book4.gif 0
void getskills(){
print("Collecting skill information");
remove opts["SKILL"];
string b=visit_url("charsheet.php");
if(index_of(b,"Current Familiar")>0)b=substring(b,0,index_of(b,"Current Familiar"));
string m=visit_url("campground.php?action=bookshelf");
matcher am;
piece this;
foreach sort in allInfo["SKILL","MR"]{
foreach sub,sort in allInfo["SKILL"]{
am=create_matcher(">""</a> \\((.)",b);
else this.r=1;
What I don't get is that Toggle Optimality, while not being a 'real' skill, is something that DOES show up on charsheet.php (but weirdly enough, not on showplayer.php) so what's making it gray out?
svn: E160013: '/svn/trunk/planner' path not found: 404 Not Found (
> svn checkout svn://
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At revision 1
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