Skill/CS planner

Ok, now that I'm awake... I got the latest version of the planner data and checked it before running my /daily macro, and most of the Mr. skills showed up green. The only ones that still show up grey are:

Alice's Army
Tasteful Items
Hilarious Objects
Okay... that's strange.

(For the record for any folks new to this thread, Erich is testing a hypothesis I had and mentioned to him in chat on KOL. My hypothesis was:

"I cast all the Tome and Grimoire skills and they show up grey. I wonder if it's because they're actually grayed out in the bookshelf."

Erich tested that... and it appears as though my hypothesis is PARTLY right?)
Once the skill has been cast, the strings the script is checking for don't show up in campground.php any more. Since we can't edit the script itself to fix that, try adding the name of the grimoire as the "link", like so:

SKILL	MR	G1	Summon Hilarious Objects	Hilarious Object	groucho.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G2	Summon Tasteful Items	Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts	lamprey.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G3	Summon Alice's Army Cards	Sorcerers of the Shore	aapack.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G4	Summon Geeky Gifts	Thinknerd Grimoire	nerdgrimoire.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G5	Summon Confiscated Things	Confiscator's Grimoire	book4.gif	0

I have all but one of the grimoires and this fixes the issue for me.

By the way, I'm also a fan of this script and quite appreciate your updates, Lxndr!

EDIT: Also looks like the same fix is needed for Tomes.
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Ok, that fix for the grimoires worked like a charm. All of them were lit up before running my /daily, and all of them were lit up afterward. I haven't tried it out with the Tomes yet, but I'm sure if it worked for grimoires it should be fine. Thanks, Zarqon!
Those fields are supposed to be wiki-links. Does it still link properly to the wiki from the planner page?

I'd be happy to set up redirects for the kolwiki, but wow do they hate redirects that they consider 'superfluous'.
Once the skill has been cast, the strings the script is checking for don't show up in campground.php any more. Since we can't edit the script itself to fix that, try adding the name of the grimoire as the "link", like so:

SKILL	MR	G1	Summon Hilarious Objects	Hilarious Object	groucho.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G2	Summon Tasteful Items	Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts	lamprey.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G3	Summon Alice's Army Cards	Sorcerers of the Shore	aapack.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G4	Summon Geeky Gifts	Thinknerd Grimoire	nerdgrimoire.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G5	Summon Confiscated Things	Confiscator's Grimoire	book4.gif	0

I have all but one of the grimoires and this fixes the issue for me.

By the way, I'm also a fan of this script and quite appreciate your updates, Lxndr!

EDIT: Also looks like the same fix is needed for Tomes.

Zarquon, I want to try your fix and see if I can make it work and successfully link to the wiki. would you mind sharing your code for the Tomes?
Added the skill Astute Angler.

Also my perfectionism won't let me add Zarqon's "fix" to the thing. I'm hoping bordemstirs comes back and fixes his code for the bookshelf skills.
Trying this:

SKILL	MR	T1	Summon Snowcones	Tome of Snowcone Summoning	dsnowcone.gif	0
SKILL	MR	T2	Summon Stickers	Tome of Sticker Summoning 	papersword.gif	0
SKILL	MR	T3	Summon Sugar Sheets	Tome of Sugar Shummoning	sugsheet.gif	0
SKILL	MR	T4	Summon Clip Art	Tome of Clip Art	book3.gif	0
SKILL	MR	T5	Summon Rad Libs	Tome of Rad Libs	radlibtome.gif	0
SKILL	MR	T6	Summon Smithsness	The Smith's Tome	smithereens.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G1	Summon Hilarious Objects	 McPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoning	groucho.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G2	Summon Tasteful Items	Summon "Tasteful" Gifts	lamprey.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G2	Summon Tasteful Items	Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of %22Tasteful%22 Gifts	lamprey.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G3	Summon Alice's Army Cards	Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire	aapack.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G4	Summon Geeky Gifts	Thinknerd Grimoire	nerdgrimoire.gif	0
SKILL	MR	G5	Summon Confiscated Things	Confiscator's Grimoire	book4.gif	0

It creates functional links to the wiki, but thank you zarqon for providing the seeds to lead to this solution.

t wasn't working at first, but I figured out some stuff. I put it on the pastebin. Let me know if it causes any troubles.

ETA: Tried an experiment with Toggle Optimality. Didn't work.
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Using the latest I'm in a HCPete run right now, so I don't know if that causes any issues, but my entire mystical bookshelf is greyed out, along with Optimality.

Where is the script checking when it comes to listing the skills you know / have permed?
Yeah, it's always had trouble in any run that can't use the bookshelf (like Pete).

Looking at the code, it looks like it checks charsheet.php and campground.php (for the bookshelf). Here's the relevant code, I think:

void getskills(){
 print("Collecting skill information");
 remove opts["SKILL"];
 string b=visit_url("charsheet.php");
 if(index_of(b,"Current Familiar")>0)b=substring(b,0,index_of(b,"Current Familiar"));
 string m=visit_url("campground.php?action=bookshelf");
 matcher am;
 piece this;
 foreach sort in allInfo["SKILL","MR"]{
 foreach sub,sort in allInfo["SKILL"]{
  am=create_matcher(">""</a> \\((.)",b);
   else this.r=1;

What I don't get is that Toggle Optimality, while not being a 'real' skill, is something that DOES show up on charsheet.php (but weirdly enough, not on showplayer.php) so what's making it gray out?
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What I don't get is that Toggle Optimality, while not being a 'real' skill, is something that DOES show up on charsheet.php (but weirdly enough, not on showplayer.php) so what's making it gray out?

um... No, it doesn't show up on either charsheet.php... You've got a charsheet relay override that is making it appear there.
Ah, that explains it. My bad for not checking vanilla kol.

ETA: I guess a code change could handle Toggle Optimality. But I think my hands are tied with regards to that. The map file is the only thing I can fix, I have no access to that svn.
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Fixed an issue with Sp'nz'or's "tasteful" gifts being grayed out.

Also added the airplane tattoo from the Duty Free shop.

PS: I want to add a line to my kingfreed script that will automatically reload this script's page. Anyone know how I could do that?
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As of this post, this error is cropping up:

svn: E160013: '/svn/trunk/planner' path not found: 404 Not Found (

Since Almighty Sapling hasn't logged on since January 29, 2016 I'm officially declaring this script abandoned.

I'll probably still keep updating the map file. Hell, if I knew how to set up a SVN, I'd happily host the script (along with its concurrent planner).

anyone feel like showing me how?
And anything else on googlecode is effectively abandoned too, because googlecode is gone.
(namely, almighty sapling's raidlog)
Ah yep. That's probably true, too. I know WHAT to host, I just need to figure out WHERE to host it. Googlecode is obviously defunct.

the link theo1001 shared seems useful for using a software called TortoiseMerge, but it doesn't seem to have any info on where to reposit software. I'll admit I'm mostly skimming it.
Okay, I reread the thread and I used my sourceforge account and I think I put all the right things in all the right places:

so IN THEORY this is the correct way to check it out:

svn checkout svn://

but it doesn't seem to work.

I'll keep reading and hopefully I can figure out what i did wrong.
I'm at this point:

> svn checkout svn://

Starting Checkout...
Validating repo...
Repo validated.
At revision 1

Successfully checked out working copy.
svn: E155007: 'C:\Users\Dell\Dropbox\Mafia\svn\' is not a working copy
Requests complete.

It was somewhat hopeful. But it crashed and burned.