Skill/CS planner

Added the Machine Elf, the Choctopus, the Wicker and Bakelite outfit tattoos, and Communism! the skill.

ETA: also added the Snojo skills

Still have no idea how to fix it when 3 new classes show up.
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Thanks for keeping this updated, Lxndr. Just a minor edit in the txt file:

TROPHY 144 Golden Burglar banangrama xer.gif 0
TROPHY 147 Golden Burglar anger management about schmidt.gif 0

147 should be "Bucket List"
Added the Rockin' Robin (and rearranged the Choctopus). Since we don't have 2 familiars of the year this year, I was creative. Thoughts?
I think that works fine. Also two more tats:




On it. The images don't really help. I've added the outfit. but I need to know the item or method from which the batmantat comes. I'm trying to find that out, but it seems that all the people who spade boycott the kolwiki.
Erich will be happy to note that I added the three new skills from the L&T Office.
I cannot add the L&T Tattoo, because I do not know the image name. I'm waiting for someone to guess it. I suck at file name guessing.

Also the one Gotpork trophy (148) has been added. I don't pay attention to trophies, so I tend to fall behind on those. Sorry :(
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Erich will be happy to note that I added the three new skills from the L&T Office.

I am, heh. Thanks! :)

Just got my battoo, gotpork trophy, and dread seal tattoo, so I'm pretty happy.

Also, I have the !pants trophy from this last new years, but it's still outlined in black. I think that's back on the table as a thing you can get.
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Hm. Once you have it, it shouldn't be outlined as unobtainable. Because you have it. I also have it and I see the behaviour you're describing.

I just tested and changed the planner.txt to make the trophy accessible, and it still isn't detecting that I have it. ETA: Now I have tested with planner_Lxndr.txt changing it so it SHOULD say I have it, and it works. So it is apparent that the personal data file isn't properly updating. (ETA: Tested it with another trophy that I know works, that I have, made it so that it was "unobtainable" in the planner file, updated correctly).

That's a problem with the code, and we might need Almighty Sapling. I don't know enough about coding to fix that. So far I'm just a glorified data-entry clerk. :(
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Known bug listing:

  1. I have every single Bookshelf skill. It only recognizes the Librams I have.
  2. The Look Ma, No Pants! trophy is still showing up as unavailable even when people have them.

Updated 2/12/2016.

Anyone have anything else to add to this?
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Added the three new Avatar of West of Loathing class tattoo placeholders. Note that the link is

Also copying the known bugs to keep them in public view, in case the developer comes back:

(Sent a forum mail and a kmail. No hope for a response given the last login times. But we'll see)

Known bug listing:

  1. I have every single Bookshelf skill. It only recognizes the Librams I have.
  2. The Look Ma, No Pants! trophy is still showing up as unavailable even when people have them.

Updated 2/12/2016.

Anyone have anything else to add to this?
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Note: I am aware of the new Raffle Prizes. Since it is very likely to be a larger sequence, I am holding off on any updates until I get a clearer understanding of what is in store. My personal copy of the map file is being updated and the pastebin will be finished as soon as we get a picture of the raffle structure.
Solved the Pantsless! trophy issue, download the new map file to fix it. still haven't figured out the other bug.

Known bug listing:

  1. I have every single Bookshelf skill. It only recognizes the Librams I have.

Updated 2/12/2016.