Skill/CS planner

I know you're not logging on a lot these days, so I'm trying to update your Planner script to take into account the revamps.

Since all we have currently to work with are the Seal Clubber revamps, I don't have a lot to work with.

But we already can be sure that every single class is going to get two skills per level.

What I've been wanting to do is set up skills such that "level 1A" and "level 1B" are two different animals.

Your planner.txt is something I managed to edit to include the new skills.

but I can't figure out enough of the coding in the ash file to get the display to differentiate on that sort of fine level.

Any help you might be able to provide would be much welcome.
I know you're not logging on a lot these days, so I'm trying to update your Planner script to take into account the revamps.

Since all we have currently to work with are the Seal Clubber revamps, I don't have a lot to work with.

But we already can be sure that every single class is going to get two skills per level.

What I've been wanting to do is set up skills such that "level 1A" and "level 1B" are two different animals.

Your planner.txt is something I managed to edit to include the new skills.

but I can't figure out enough of the coding in the ash file to get the display to differentiate on that sort of fine level.

Any help you might be able to provide would be much welcome.

So sorry I haven't been able to get back to this until now. The last commit should take care of this for you ;)
Now that the work is done, adding in the new skills shouldn't be too hard, so I can get them out in a more time appropriate manner.
For the record though, it's "Lunge Smack" not "Lung Smack" ;)

and the old (Etc) Lunge-Smack should be removed...


either way, yay! Thank you!

So when other classes get revamped, can I just follow the 'B' pattern for the rest of the classes? (At least until your commits come out)
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You missed a few things:

thirst of the Weasel is now level 6. I just made it 6.

Eye of the Stoat is now Batter Up! It should be "Batter Up!" pointing to "Batter Up! (skill)" with an image of ballbat.gif

You're missing one new skill: Bind Spaghetti Elemental. Its image is t_spagdemon.gif

The skill Pastamancers get from their Nemesis quest. And that they can perm.
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Planner seems to lack all the skills added after last Crimbo. Also it's still missing the changes mentioned in my last post. (Thirst of the Weasal, Batter Up!, etc)

I've added a few skills:

Alien Source Code
Belch the Rainbow

I've also created a new skill group (Spring Break):

Grease Up
Sloppy Seconds


Would you like my copy of planner.txt so you don't have to double-up on the work?
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I've also now added the new trophies.
And one new tattoo.
I'm not sure how to add a file on here, so here it is on pastebin:

Edt: Okay, now all the new tattoos, I think. Spring break tat is giving me issues.

Edit: Spring break tat is fixed!
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I updated planner.txt. I didn't understand what the final column (R) was, so I just left it 0 for everything I added.

  • FAMILIAR: Helix Fossil
  • FAMILIAR: Miniature Sword & Martini Guy
  • FAMILIAR: Putty Buddy
  • FAMILIAR: Twitching Space Critter
  • FAMILIAR: Xiblaxian Holo-Buddy
  • SKILL: Hypersane
  • SKILL: Intimidating Mien

I didn't add the tattoo from Conspiracy Island, because as far as I can tell, it's not known yet.

Thanks for the neat script!

View attachment planner.txt
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This is a great script. I've gone through and added a few things to my planner.txt (happy to share), including all the updates from Southwest.

I kajiggered the layout of some of the Misc skills. Trying to make it pretty.

However, it seems to be borked with T69 and Librams? I have all the Librams, and it seems to only think I have the few that are accessible.
It otherwise manages to show me expired skills. Except Librams (it shows Tomes and Grimoires just fine, for instance).

I also added the Conspiracy Island tattoo, since we know what it is now.

EDIT: Forgot the Fist Turkey! Sorry.

View attachment planner.txt
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I have an updated planner.txt with the Shrub and the new skills, and the new tattoos. I want to see if another crimbo familiar appears before I attach anything to this thread.

Almighty Sapling has been disappeared since October 1. I suspect we might be on our own in updating this wonderful script.
Looks like I was right in waiting. the mini-Crimbot did show up! Here's a new planner.txt:

I'll try updating it as time goes on.

I'm open to suggestions for formatting for the Misc/Etc skills. I can't really "fix" anything else.


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Sorry about the disappearance guys! Unfortunately, I'm still not going to be super regular, but I am here now.

However, it seems to be borked with T69 and Librams? I have all the Librams, and it seems to only think I have the few that are accessible.
It otherwise manages to show me expired skills. Except Librams (it shows Tomes and Grimoires just fine, for instance).

I'll take a look at your planner file, see if the problem is there (I don't see why it would be).
I see that the skills page in KoL is *completely* different, so I may have to completely rewrite the part of the script that nabs that info, which is probably what's causing this for you.

EDIT: Indeed, if you enable "show inactive skills" your spellbooks will appear properly. I'm gonna make that unnecessary.
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welcome back! Happy Crimbo!

Odd... it worked for other spellbooks but not the Librams (which were also inactive). Wonder what quirk in coding caused that. Either way, much appreciated!

Hope you like the new planner.txt !

EDIT: Hm, now it grays out ALL the skillbooks... tome, libram, grimoire....
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Added Calculate the Universe (PVP) and Pyromania and Firegate and Asbestos Heart (Hot Charter).

Not sure how to tweak Sapling's code to work with the double-familiars from June, the Pucks. I handled them the way that he handles the roe and the raincloud (he puts the Roe in March, and the Raincloud in April). So the Puck is now in June, and the Ms. Puck is in July.
Just noticed that the Confiscator's Grimoire wasn't there. I can't take the blame for that since I've only been maintaining the list since December.

Also the Lil' Barrel Mimic has now been added.
Updated with skills from the cold charter.
Because nobody's got the tattoo from it yet, I don't know what image to use, so that's not in it yet.