Scripting the birth of a new life.

Bale; how about just put all of the various sections -- choice adv. setting, autoselling stuff, using stuff -- in sep. functions? Then, it wouldn't matter for most people. But those weirdos who care (me) could simply call the choice adv. part and still get shiny update goodness. ;)

Also, despite the fact that I haven't seen you in a dif. clan as far as I can remember (not that I'm a stalker or anything), you really don't know modern HCN "culture." :P
I'm just socially clueless. I've seen it goin on, but never quite connected. I'm like that IRL also. :(

It's a good idea to split it up into different sections. But not now. I'll do it tomorrow or so.
I'm just socially clueless. I've seen it goin on, but never quite connected. I'm like that IRL also. :(

It's a good idea to split it up into different sections. But not now. I'll do it tomorrow or so.

Seeing as I have no idea why anyone would use a Brick at all on someone I don't think you're alone in that cluelessness :)
Seeing as I have no idea why anyone would use a Brick at all on someone I don't think you're alone in that cluelessness :)

No, no. It's simple really. When someone ascends they copy-paste the Welcome back message into clan chat. Then when someone is bricked, the message is different if there is no dwelling so you know if he's got his tent up. There's a small, but measurable window of opportunity. It's a game of sorts. Silly of me to have been watching it all this time and not comprehending it.

The point of bricking is that you can toss them back and forth like hot potatoes without using them up and even pull them from Hangks for free so you always have them in hardcore.
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I quite often don't get my tent up until the 2nd or 3rd day (if at all) because I forget so the window of opportunity would be much larger for me :)
Reminds me of the one and only time I visited HCN to chat. I said "hello" and somebody immediately hit me with a jawbruiser - which sort of ruined my ability to chat.

I left and have not been back.

"Culture". Feh.
I thought the proper response to a jawbruiser was to use an SGEEA to remove the effect and laugh at them for wasting an item that costs 50k+.
... the one and only time I visited HCN to chat ... I left and have not been back.

:( It's a very assorted mix there. I've had some really great conversations, but as with many groups, it only takes a few a**holes to ruin things, and we do have one or two.
Ok, so what does HCN stand for that isn't Hardcore No-path which was what I thought first?

HardCore Nation.

Bale: probably something that should be off / commented out by default, but for those who are mad about pvp, this could be useful in your script:
Yeah, especially as rank is set based on level when you smash the stone. Doing so right away means more easy fights against HC PvP multis. ;)

I would hazard to suggest a zlib variable for it, perhaps?
Yeah, especially as rank is set based on level when you smash the stone. Doing so right away means more easy fights against HC PvP multis. ;)

Are there dedicated PvP loser multis? Where is this list?

I would hazard to suggest a zlib variable for it, perhaps?

Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. I'd initialize the variable to false.

Heck, maybe I'll put the tent on a zlib variable also.
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Are there dedicated PvP loser multis? Where is this list?

So far, everyone I've seen in "PvP Fights Only," "Hobocore Nation," and "AFH: Away Team" has been a PvP "easy victory" multi. They all have a note about it on their profile (which I view from the mafia flower hunter interface, 'natch'.)
Updated the script to v1.60

I've added everything StDoodle suggested, including brick pulling and refactoring the code into separate blocks for importing goodness. Added a bit more also. The script has these new zlib variables:

  • newLife_FightBedstands
  • newLife_SmashHippyStone
  • newLife_UseNewbieTent

Those options are all documented in the first post, but they do basically what you'd expect.
I would just like to point out thatthe link to the issue in yoru first post is non-working. Most probably because it leads to a post in the old bug-report system.
Thanks. I mourn the loss of that bug reporting system. Lots of interesting stuff is gone forever.
Updated newLife to v1.61

  • The script will now properly set the new options for gaining the Ballroom Key in the Bedroom.
  • Added a new variable newLife_SellPorkForStuff which can be set to true if you want the script to automatically sell off your pork gems to acquire a detuned radio, seal tooth and stolen accordion.
Geez Bale, pretty soon my postAscensionScript wrapper will be down to just a few lines.

Now that we have time functions, I was hoping you'd add the option of posting a "welcome back" message, along with a brick-waiting-delay on the tent. Perhaps it could be a single setting; I dunno if anyone outside of HCN does this stuff. It's worth noting that if you were in any other clan, I'd consider this a feature that I should take care of on my own; but you're one of us. ;)

string welcome_back() {
    return now_to_string("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa") + " - Welcome Back to the Kingdom of Loathing. Noob.";

That will return the "normal" welcome back message, for use with chat_clan(). If you also add in the delay between message & tent, I would like to request at least 60 seconds. Thanks!