Scripting the birth of a new life.

OK, I found it. town_wrong.php?place=artist&getquest=1

Thanks. I think I'm going to make the Artist a zlib thing, cuz I kinda don't want to do it on my normal guy, but my hc people will really appreciate it until they get more skills. Or maybe i'll add it to special() as part of the switch() on names.


Active member
There's an artist unlock in the Rinn quest scripts as well... when I want the artist, I tend to run that when I have a few open adventures.


New member
sweet script, but...

from my HC perspective... Is it possible to set it to ---
A) autosell all gems
B) stop it getting seal tooth [i consider later waste of meat on day one as moxie class].

I can locate which part of script does it, just afraid can't fix it for myself as the scripting language sound rather wierd.


A) autosell all gems
type zlib newLife_SellPorkForStuff = true in the gCLI.

B) stop it getting seal tooth [i consider later waste of meat on day one as moxie class].
type zlib newLife_SellPorkForStuff = false in the gCLI.

Do I smell a conundrum?

To stop it from getting a seal tooth, you can also delete this part (lines 283-288):
if(available_amount($item[seal tooth]) < 1) {
	while(!worthless() && meat4pork(50))
		use(1, $item[gum on a string]);
	if(worthless() && (available_amount($item[hermit permit]) > 0 || meat4pork(100)))
		hermit(1, $item[seal tooth]);
but you will have to do it at each update.


Active member
The bottom line regarding the seal tooth is that it now presents itself as the only easily available stasis item. As you will want some form of stasis by the time you hit the gremlins, it isn't a bad thing to have stasis prepared. Especially if you use a NPZR-class familiar... there's an 11% chance per round (in the first 10) of meat, meaning that you'll make up the meat before you hit day 2 with a stasis item. If you're using something else, it all depends on what you're using. :) But yeah, for the combination you want, you'll need to delete those lines, every time...


Theraze, what you'll want by lv12 and what you'll want day 1 are vastly different in high-end HC. :p

Though, I honestly can't see why you wouldn't get the seal tooth day 1, as you're going to need worthless items unless you skip both shore & car & using a clover for sonar. (Possible under some circumstances.) I can, however, see many situations in which you'd at least want to put this off until after you sorted out your eating and drinking to some degree.


Active member
True, StDoodle, but if I'm actually playing optimally, I'm going to consider everything myself, not let a one-size-fits-most thing do... much of anything. :D Well, not without doing my own tweaks to it first.


sweet script, but...

from my HC perspective... Is it possible to set it to ---
A) autosell all gems
B) stop it getting seal tooth [i consider later waste of meat on day one as moxie class].

I can locate which part of script does it, just afraid can't fix it for myself as the scripting language sound rather wierd.

Everyone else ha already said everything, except for this: newLife_SellPorkForStuff = true will allow the script to purchase a seal-tooth, but it will only sell the gems that are necessary to sell to buy stuff like the seal tooth and detuned radio. It won't sell all pork gems. I like to sell them off only as necessary. That's a quirk of mine, but if you use my script you're stuck with it unless you mod it for your own usage.

And I cannot imagine not wanting a seal tooth, even as a moxie class on day 1. I want that tooth for help with several things on day 1. (If nothing else, it helps me to be sure I can go 11 rounds without killing a monster while waiting for my red ray on turn 2.) So once again, you're stuck with it unless you mod the script.

I just don't like to add preferences for options that I cannot see as useful.


I can understand the seal tooth part, as I was more playing "devil's advocate" than honestly seeing a situation where one wouldn't want the seal tooth early. (Actually, for the reason you mentioned, I've been quite upset the one time I forgot to get one while a new version of your script + my wrapper were causing errors.) The pork gem part is kinda confusing though; I can never imagine why you wouldn't sell them all, save for Veracity's weirdness :)p), except maybe in a myst sign. It just isn't the behavior that I expect from such a preference, I guess.


I'm with Bale on the seal tooth for day 1 but a switch to sell *all* pork gems would be nice as I never have too much meat when I'm pushing hard.


Active member
StDoodle;47103I can never imagine why you [i said:
wouldn't[/i] sell them all

Smoldering box.
You won't sell them in BM, even if you want to :)
But that's obviously a weirdness too.


Active member
And in that case, you don't actually have the gems to sell... so it's not really an exception in that way.


New member
Everyone else ha already said everything, except for this: newLife_SellPorkForStuff = true will allow the script to purchase a seal-tooth, but it will only sell the gems that are necessary to sell to buy stuff like the seal tooth and detuned radio. It won't sell all pork gems. I like to sell them off only as necessary. That's a quirk of mine, but if you use my script you're stuck with it unless you mod it for your own usage.

And I cannot imagine not wanting a seal tooth, even as a moxie class on day 1. I want that tooth for help with several things on day 1. (If nothing else, it helps me to be sure I can go 11 rounds without killing a monster while waiting for my red ray on turn 2.) So once again, you're stuck with it unless you mod the script.

I just don't like to add preferences for options that I cannot see as useful.

will need to eviscerate script on my own in such case.

From HC perspective i do not see any use in other way....

Pork gems will always be autosold and let say suckerpunch does same for zero meat and mana as seal tooth.


The Suspicious Looking Guy has moved to the new tavern. I've noticed the last few ascentions NewLife didn't get the free goofballs.
I did my best to locate the line in newlife.ash that got them but I failed. Has that function been removed and I missed it in the discussion?

Anyway, here's the new URL, which is about as helpful as I can be: tavern.php?place=susguy


Has that function been removed and I missed it in the discussion?

It was removed and you missed it. newLife cannot get you goofballs anymore since the tavern is not available until level 2. I've moved goofballs to my preAscensionScript. Put the following function into your preAscensionScript and you're good.

void goofballs() {
	if(visit_url("tavern.php?place=susguy&pwd").contains_text("First bottle's free, man")) {
		print("I know they're bad for me, but... \"Hey! Free Goofballs!\"", "olive");

If you do not have a preAscensionScript, then copy/paste the following to preAscension.ash

void goofballs() {
	if(visit_url("tavern.php?place=susguy&pwd").contains_text("First bottle's free, man")) {
		print("I know they're bad for me, but... \"Hey! Free Goofballs!\"", "olive");

void balloon_monkey() {
	if(item_amount($item[balloon monkey]) > 0)

void main() {
	if(get_property("kingLiberated").to_boolean()) {
	} else abort("WTF!?  Why is a preAscensionScript runnin'?");

Then in the CLI type: set preAscensionScript = preAscension.ash
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Today I got the following error and the script refused to run: Bad item value: "Newbiesportô tent" (newLife.ash, line 194)
I'm using mafia build r9190
Thanks for any insight!