Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

There being rationales behind each single word's spelling and pronunciation doesn't mean there's a single rationale behind all of them.
I just had to take exception to "it's written like X, therefore it's pronounced like X".
Sorry to hear that the process has become more troublesome for you. I guess you should have locked out the system while you were working on it. I'm even more sorry to hear that life in general has become so troublesome for you. I hope things look up soon.
Heh. Well, I've been working on new "spelling alphabet" a la the NATO phonetic alphabet. It's not complete, yet, but here is what I have so far:

A Are 
B Bee 
C Cue 
E Eye 
G Gnu
H Heir
J Jay 
K Knew
N New
P Psalm
Q Queue 
S Sea 
T Tea 
W Why 
Y You 
So, instead of spelling "CAT" as "CHARLIE ALFA TANGO", using my phonetic alphabet, it is "CUE ARE TEA".

What do you think? And any suggestions for improvement? :)
"Cue" and "Queue" are homophones..."Knew" and "New" sound very similar. (Apparently they're technically homophones, too, but I pronounce them as "noo" and "neeoo", respectively.) And I dunno about using things like "are" for "A" when it sounds like the letter "R"; that seems confusing.
So, instead of spelling "CAT" as "CHARLIE ALFA TANGO", using my phonetic alphabet, it is "CUE ARE TEA".

What do you think? And any suggestions for improvement? :)

I think that is one of the most screwed up things ever. Congratulations. So, GANK would be Gnu Are New Knew. LoL!
Also, Gnu generally sounds like Knew and New, unless you happen to be a comedy singer.

Which is probably part of the point...

I'd suggest Oh or Owe for the letter O. And possible Deed for the letter D.
Hmm .. how about
D Day
F Far
I I (the first person pronoun)
L Lie (this would be better if some of the others ended with L)
M Moo
O Ooo
R Rahr!
Th They
U UFO (pronounced UFO Far Ooo)
V Var (short for variable)
X Xeno
Z Zeno
Yes. Although old registry data is not currently on the server so you'll have to re-register your scripts.
I decided to finally learn SQL for this project (specifically SQLite, which is simpler and much handier for this relatively small site than a standalone giant like MySQL). Despite being a slightly simplified implementation of SQL, it's still a fairly complicated beast, and I've been frustrating myself with how slowly I'm learning it -- I find my eyes glazing over when I see the preponderance of all-caps and no brackets! Ugh. Will hopefully be worth it when I get done though -- the final product will (realistically) never have to worry about scaling again, in addition to being more efficient and allowing for some neat statistical displays.

I'll also be taking a page out of Bale's UR and having two scripts -- the basic script which simply parses your kmails, and a relay script for adding URL information / descriptions / SvS / etc. There will be no more kmailing yourself with Registry 2.0.

Testing and prototyping is coming along, but I certainly still haven't reached the halfway mark. Will keep you posted.
I got a notification today, ran registry, and it said my script was unregistered. When I checked the registry site, all the previous registrations were gone. Did this happen as part of your work?
Not griping... maybe sniffling a bit... but thought you should know in case that was completely unintended.
This script is broke again. At first I thought it was an incompatibility with r11564, but I downgraded to r11563 and it still didn't work.

Turns out that the map manager won't let me upload new maps either, so it is definitely the site that has a problem.

zarqon, help! I think your ISP must have banned me again!
Specifically, you get something like this:

> call scripts\Registry.ash

Registering Jokei for 'SpaceTripper.ash'...

Registering jonball for 'SpaceTripper.ash'...

Printing report...

...but it doesn't print a report, delete any kmails, or update the registry. There haven't been any new users registered for a couple of days, so I think it's safe to say everyone's got the same problem. Whatever it is. Change in the site database layout?