Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

Oops, we need to add the count=100 parameter to the query string. Edited the above codelet.

Thanks bumcheek, but I have a personal relationship with my host and he provides excellent service (daily file backups, prompt assistance, all for free). As I said, my problems come from the fact that he's got things locked down pretty tight since all his other clients are small businesses and nonprofits.
You can use since= to retrieve messages starting from an earlier time, but using that to retrieve all messages requires getting the time/date for the newest message in one check and using that as the since value for the next api call.
I've decided to go with an entirely new data file format, so while I'm at it, is there any other data you'd like to have associated with your scripts? If so, now would be the ideal time to suggest it.

So far I'm planning on this:
  • Script registered on date
  • Script last notified on date
  • URL
  • Short description
  • Users (per user: first notified date, last notified date)

The description and the "last notified" bits are new. Anything else?

Also, AWESOME IDEA WARNING: users will count as script "XP" so your scripts will be able to level up following the same formula as KoL characters!

Including a URL grants your script +10% experience per user!

Yeah!! My script reached level 11! Now my description can be longer!

...and so forth. The possibilities are endless! Ridiculous, I know. Not even funny. Or, actually, pretty funny.
Could this version of the script registry please have its RegExp matcher check for start/end bounds to give more exact matching, so "ManageAlice.ash" isn't the same as "Alice.ash", for example?
Shhhh! You need to stay quiet about that until after zarqon implements the script character system or else you'll scare him off. Now he knows that he's setting himself up for years of being asked about the SvS revamp until he finally gives up and simply implements a few rewards to make it relevant and bi-monthly minigame changes to make it competitive.
Hahahaha, the funny thing is I'd also thought of adding some kind of SvS game on the site to earn more XP for your script! We'll see -- the priority at the moment is making it friggin' work. But I would take suggestions as to how this SvS would work.

I already had years of being asked about BatMan; what's another few years of being asked about SvS?

@Theraze: Thanks for the heads up. I'm basically rewriting from the ground up but I'll make sure that issue doesn't happen again.

POLL: When you abbreviate "regular expression" to "regex" or "regexp", how do you pronounce it? Do you keep the 'g' hard, as in the original word "regular", or do you make it soft, following general English pronunciation guidelines?
Yeah, hard G for me as well. I see it as two separate shortened words that just happen to be missing the space between them. :)
POLL: When you abbreviate "regular expression" to "regex" or "regexp", how do you pronounce it? Do you keep the 'g' hard, as in the original word "regular", or do you make it soft, following general English pronunciation guidelines?

I tend to use either taking my cue from the first speaker to use it. If I initiate I tend towards the hard G. I am reminded of "kludge" which I always pronounce "clue juh" but every so often run into someone who makes it rhyme with sludge.
POLL: When you abbreviate "regular expression" to "regex" or "regexp"
I don't, because the terms mean different things. a "regex" allows things that would break a regular expression.
For example, backreferences: /^(.*)\1$/ (all words that consist of a word and then that word again) - you can't implement that with a finite automaton (it would need infinite states, and therefore wouldn't be finite), which, by definition, means the language isn't regular and the expression can't be regular (well, that much is obvious from the fact that it uses constructs that are not even mentioned in the definition of a regular expression ...).

how do you pronounce it? Do you keep the 'g' hard, as in the original word "regular", or do you make it soft, following general English pronunciation guidelines?
Hard g.

I never heard anyone say "regex", and it never occurred to me that it should technically be a soft "g". I read/write in english a lot, but rarely speak it.

I wouldn't know how to pronounce many of the acronyms I am familiar with, including "KoL". I was surprised to hear it pronounced "kay-oh-el" on the various radio shows. I would have gone with "cole", which sounds more familiar to my ear (accustomed as it is with French and Brazilian-Portuguese).

EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised to learn, for example, that "Java" is pronounced "jay-va". Or something.
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