I've recently changed server location and there were a few issues after switching the nameservers. Today I had enough time to track down the Map Manager and Registry's issues -- in the latter's case, links to my domain are not presently working without the www prefix -- if you're in a browser, you get redirected. Using visit_url(), you simply get an empty string. So I just added the 'www.' to the script and posted the update. You should find it's working again. I was also able to upload to the Map Manager without any problem after a few tweaks.
@Bale: It should be fairly obvious why my site gets "wonky for days at a time", while kolmafia.us doesn't. Look at what apps you're depending on to work on each server. Kolmafia.us is running vBulletin and MediaWiki, which have been developed by teams of people and tested by entire online communities, and their dependencies are also on the server (PHP, SQL, etc). The whole thing is self-contained, and can be updated all at once, using stable, thoroughly road-tested updates. Now look at the Map Manager and Script Registry. These were written by a single hobbyist in his free time, usually only tested by that same hobbyist, and have dependencies all over the place (PHP and file access on the server, KoLmafia, KoL itself). So when my script stops working, it could have any number of sources -- changes to KoL, changes to mafia, changes to PHP, changes to server configuration, etc. Or maybe I was just working on an update live and got a phone call midway through! For some reason, people have tended to immediately jump to the conclusion that it's my host causing the trouble, rather than simply the state of flux that my scripts must live in due to a frequently changing environment.
I am still of the opinion that there has been no significant difference between kolmafia.us and zachbardon.com in terms of host quality. There have been far more user-experience problems with the scripts on my server simply because 1) breakages happen during a busy spell, so I don't know until people report it in whatever thread -- and then it usually takes me some more time to getting around to fixing it, 2) the scripts, because they depend on many external things, most of which are frequently updated, will break far more often than the mostly self-contained apps on kolmafia.us, and 3) the apps run on kolmafia.us are professional and stable, and basically will not break unless fewyn specifically breaks them.
If we were to move my scripts to kolmafia.us, the problems would not go away. They would continue, but now they would be happening on kolmafia.us. Since I have a close personal relationship with my host and have always found him competent and responsive, I'm not likely to want to move my problems away from a friend who is known to be helpful in solving them over to a relative stranger who I personally have found to be quite friendly but often unresponsive. Basically what I'm saying is that trust is a factor for me too -- where it exists I highly value it, and would not see that connection severed simply because it's considered third-party. From where I'm sitting, my host is a trusted party and kolmafia.us is third-party.
@StDoodle: Is that at least an understandable reason for you, Doodle, if not a "good" reason?
tl;dr: The problem is the scripts/scripter, not the host. The problems would happen regardless of host.
@Veracity: I'm sorry you felt I pooh-pooh'ed your opinion rather than simply disagreeing with it. I have reasons for thinking the way I do, and you have your reasons as well. If I disagreed, I hope I was clear that it was due to the belief I held in my reasons, and not due to any pooh-pooh-worthiness of your reasons. From what I know of you, the likelihood of you holding an opinion worthy of being pooh-poohed is quite small indeed.