Manuel Progress (the relay version)

ash get_property("lastPlusSignUnlock").to_int()
Returned: 1

ash my_ascensions()
Returned: 0

ash import "canadv.ash"; can_adv($location[The Dungeons of Doom]);
Returned: false

ash import "canadv.ash"; can_adv($location[The Enormous Greater-Than Sign]);
Returned: false

candav DoD concerns me but since the character is overdrunk it may be that is a factor.

Thanks for the commands. I'm lazy and they helped :-)
ash get_property("lastPlusSignUnlock").to_int()
Returned: 1

ash my_ascensions()
Returned: 0

ash import "canadv.ash"; can_adv($location[The Dungeons of Doom]);
Returned: false

ash import "canadv.ash"; can_adv($location[The Enormous Greater-Than Sign]);
Returned: false

candav DoD concerns me but since the character is overdrunk it may be that is a factor.

Thanks for the commands. I'm lazy and they helped :-)

ok, it looks to me, that my_ascensions() returns a value indicationg completed ascensions, or more accuratly, one less than your current run or zero whichever is greater: max(0,current_run_number - 1)

I think you've set lastPlusSignUnlock to 1, in an attempt to fix it not having been set properly whereas you need to set it to zero to be correct for your character
I think you've set lastPlusSignUnlock to 1, in an attempt to fix it not having been set properly whereas you need to set it to zero to be correct for your character

I did. It was zero, things were not behaving as expected and I had an off by one moment. I was thinking if condition > ascensions then condition had occurred. I need to adjust to if condition < ascensions then condition has not occurred.
I did. It was zero, things were not behaving as expected and I had an off by one moment. I was thinking if condition > ascensions then condition had occurred. I need to adjust to if condition < ascensions then condition has not occurred.

I think when you changed it from zero, to one, I hadn't actually released the code to even be checking it yet!
This looks good. I found a couple of problems and tried to look through the postings and see if they were mentioned, but I didn't notice them. So, sorry if they were.

The script lists slime1-slime5, but I think those are all really the single 'slime-tube monster'.
Wild seahorse is listed here, but I don't think you can kill it.
I don't think there is a way to get to: The Colollilossus, Trollipop, The Fudge Wizard, The Abominable Fudgeman, The Grim Grimacite monsters, The Crimbco cubical monsters, nor the killer-festive ones, and there weren't factoids when they were released.
Ok, so, I d/led BatmanRE to check out Factroid. Here's what I can tell from comparing Manuel scripts:

Factroid has a higher count, which is 1691, probably due to monsters that shouldn't be there (Snakefire in the grassfire, Rock Snake, etc). It also has problems with the slime monsters, the tool giving gremlins, and possibly others

Does it still have any of these problems? If so, could you please report them in the BatMan RE thread? Thanks.

I guess I should just delete the count from the top, since was only presented in fun and doesn't actually reflect the content (which is not actually summed anywhere).

This script looks interesting and I may have to steal things from it for Factroid! Haha.
Does it still have any of these problems? If so, could you please report them in the BatMan RE thread? Thanks.

I guess I should just delete the count from the top, since was only presented in fun and doesn't actually reflect the content (which is not actually summed anywhere).

This script looks interesting and I may have to steal things from it for Factroid! Haha.

Have at it! ;) I didn't know factroid existed, I started this because I didn't think there was anything for the Manuel in relay form
set slime[1-5] as nofactoid
set wild seahorse as nofactoid
Add $monster[Slime Tube monster] to slime tube
if hiding unavailable areas:
hide road to white citadel if quest is unstarted or advanced past step10
hide whitely's grove unless started white citadel quest, or spoken to alarm

I don't think there is a way to get to: The Colollilossus, Trollipop, The Fudge Wizard, The Abominable Fudgeman, The Grim Grimacite monsters, The Crimbco cubical monsters, nor the killer-festive ones, and there weren't factoids when they were released.

Looking into these
The <, DoD issues seem to be fixed. Thank you.

I notice both X and X Bombed back to the Stone Age for both sides. I suspect something could be done to only show two of the four areas if unavailable areas are suppressed and the War is Over.

Thank you again for creating/maintaining this.
Add Ed the Undying to lower chambers of pyramid
Add Lord Soggyraven to heavy rains
Add nemesis variations to volcano lair based on class
Tidy up more "other"

Will go through this thread and make a list of ther other things I need to do
Add Avatar of West of Loathing wandering monsters
Add another debug setting to not show dealt with "Other" items to help me tidy this up, check the code if you want to use it!
1. thanks for the script, no complaints, it's great!

2. (off topic) I remember using another relay script of this kind, it featured all monster images, you could click to get them faxed ... I can't find it, I have this alternative now, but out of curiosity, does someone remember?!
It's part of zarqons BatmanRE script. You have to install BatmanRE to get it but you don't have to use BatmanRE to handle combat. The function you're looking for, Factroid, will appear in the relay browser script drop down.
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It's part of zarqons BatmanRE script. You have to install BatmanRE to get it but you don't have to use BatmanRE to handle combat. The function you're looking for, Factroid, will appear in the relay browser script drop down.

Hey, thanks a lot!
I just browsed old backups, and found relay_Factroid.ash ... I was at google, and as the first search didn't come up with anything, you posted this :-))
All the information right here, thanks!

(And sorry for going off topic ;-/)
This is quite nice. One thing that I like in MissingManual that this doesn't do though is hide monsters that have 100% completion. Would it be possible to add that as an option as well, on top of hiding areas that are 100% complete?

Even without that I'm probably going to use this instead now, but that would help with areas that are nearly complete by filtering out what I don't care about.
Broken. Monster name changes. It complained about Mr. Skullhead's Butt and slime1 at which point laziness kicked in and I figured I'd post a report. Thank you.

The names of the monsters changed from slime1 - slime5 to: Slime, Slime Hand, Slime Mouth, Slime Construct, and Slime Colossus.
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Broken. Monster name changes. It complained about Mr. Skullhead's Butt and slime1 at which point laziness kicked in and I figured I'd post a report. Thank you.


Is there a fix for this? I edited out the offending line in mp_main.ash and still get the same error.
Is there a fix for this? I edited out the offending line in mp_main.ash and still get the same error.

I was hoping matt would do it but I just checked and it does not look as if he as logged in since August. I will look at making the edits and post a working version once I have one.