Manuel Progress (the relay version)

I notice that currently it seems you have every monster that isn't simply always there marked as 'boss/one time'. Is this just a temporary distinction for now? For instance, the moister oyster is marked as such, when it's just a semi-rare encounter; the remains of a jilted mistress are also marked as such, but they can always be encountered from the appropriate dresser drawer.

Otherwise, I like where this is going and it'll definitely replace Factroid in my usage.
ok, fair point, I've been using freq==0 to indicate boss/onetime/semirare (but only writing boss/onetime), assuming it would make little difference to people but obviously this is wrong. R11 will do it's best to differentiate between one-time, boss and semi-rare

if freq==0 then assume it's a one-time monster UNLESS $monster[].boss==true OR index_of(mob.attributes.to_lower_case(),"semirare") > -1;

Also made a tweak to the colours, Gray for normal freq seemed wrong, apologies if you'd gotten used to that.

svn update
R13 adds functionality to minimize zones by clicking on the header/title/blue bar thing
R14 add monster data to record before adding to map

svn update
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R15 adds a data file, allowing me to add additional information to a monster, at the moment, this is only used if the monster has an appearance rate of 0 and only adds a type, and an information snippet

svn update

the data file has a list of all monsters with frequency 0, but have only populated special information for 2 items:

add boss flag to mother slime
add special flag and information to Brick Mulligan

SVN update and let me know if I broke anything

work needed now on the rest of the data file, any information useful from anyone else who hasn't been away from kol as long as me will be useful :)

next up, will need to look at a way to use can_adv or something possibly a bit lighter weight as it seems to slow things down for me
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any information useful from anyone else who hasn't been away from kol as long as me will be useful :)

I wrote a wiki guide for manuel that might help when you're looking for things you might forget:

It's 98% updated, in case you want to use a reference that's not purely code-based.

Otherwise, I like where this is going and it'll definitely replace Factroid in my usage.

Where can I check out Factroid?
Where can I check out Factroid?

I honestly don't remember how I got it, but the most likely source is the script manager. I'm tempted to say it came preinstalled with Mafia, along with WOSSMAN and Sera, but that's probably not true - I just have a terrible memory.
It's part of BatBrain, SmartStasis, or BatmanRE. One of those. Installing SS will probably make it available though.
Still liking this very much. Is there the option to collapse areas that have been completely manueled (and locations that contain only manualed areas) yet?

I would also use a count display if one existed. missingManual does
You have casually researched 206 creatures.
You have thoroughly researched 86 creatures.
You have exhaustively researched 982 creatures.
You have not researched 403 creatures.
Total creatures: 1677.

Thank you.
It's part of BatBrain, SmartStasis, or BatmanRE. One of those. Installing SS will probably make it available though.

Checking svn/ reveals a factroid in batman-re.

(Does installing SS install batman-re these days?)
Ok, so, I d/led BatmanRE to check out Factroid. Here's what I can tell from comparing Manuel scripts:

MissingManuel has the full 100% list with the right number, which is 1677
Factroid has a higher count, which is 1691, probably due to monsters that shouldn't be there (Snakefire in the grassfire, Rock Snake, etc). It also has problems with the slime monsters, the tool giving gremlins, and possibly others
ManuelProgress is truncated, so it doesn't show a lot of monsters that don't appear in regular adventuring zones. Also has the same issue with slime monsters, tool gremlins, and possibly others. Includes monsters like the Sea Horse, All-Hallow's Steve, Whole Kingdom, and others that don't have factoids.

All three have Rene C. Corman in the Cannon Museum (monid 1009), but the factoids belong to the Rene C. Corman from the ZS path (monid 1229)

Here's the gcli printout of MissingManuel's monster list:
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Still liking this very much. Is there the option to collapse areas that have been completely manueled (and locations that contain only manualed areas) yet?

I would also use a count display if one existed. missingManual does

Thank you.

no specifically collapse, but there are a couple of options to hide, only manually setting the options at the moment though


Show removed/old areas, (hidden by default)

set mskc_mp_show_removed_areas = true

hide areas with no more factoids to find (100% complete)

set mskc_mp_hide_completed_areas = true

Hide areas that are nearly completed (apart from one-time/boss monsters/semi-rare)

set mskc_mp_hide_nearly_completed_areas = true

Will also look at adding a count, (and a progress %)
I would also use a count display if one existed.

svn update

R17 adds the current progress to the header

Note: this is what KoL says your progress is, and is parsed from questlog, so will update whenever anything in the progress script causes a hit on the manuel. (starts at 0 : 0 : 0 until something is refreshed.)

R18 - svn update

Use mafia name for monster instead of proxy record for manuel name, to allow for genders

R19 - svn update

Add settings button and pane
Add 2 of the 3 existing settings to settings pane, (other is depreciated)

Add a 3rd setting: Hide areas you cannot access (experimental) (mskc_mp_hide_unavailable_areas).

which will:

Hide Rift unless level is 4-5 and have ascended
Hide Mothership unless path is bugbear invasion
Hide High School unless path is KOLHS
Hide all locations with parent == Removed

For me can_adv() isn't quite right, I'm happy to show areas you can get to somehow without ascending, but want to hide things you can never get to, or would need to ascend to get to.

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R18 - svn update

Use mafia name for monster instead of proxy record for manuel name, to allow for genders

R19 - svn update

Add settings button and pane
Add 2 of the 3 existing settings to settings pane, (other is depreciated)

Add a 3rd setting: Hide areas you cannot access (experimental) (mskc_mp_hide_unavailable_areas).

which will:

Hide Rift unless level is 4-5 and have ascended
Hide Mothership unless path is bugbear invasion
Hide High School unless path is KOLHS
Hide all locations with parent == Removed

For me can_adv() isn't quite right, I'm happy to show areas you can get to somehow without ascending, but want to hide things you can never get to, or would need to ascend to get to.


I look forward to trying the updates.

If you are going to hard code special cases then the areas opened by the zodiac signs probably need to be included. I keep going back and forth about what I would suggest for clan basement locations which depend upon clan, permissions in the clan and possibly what is open/cleared .

I have three use cases and if I need different scripts/tools for each then I will adjust.

Case I is when I am in the relay browser and I want to spend one adventure somewhere where there is a factoid to be gotten.

Case II is when I have identified a target factoid and want to set the conditions and attempt to get it.

Case III is when I am planning my path, sign and "things to set up and do" for the next ascension.

Right now this is pretty good for Case I and II. Case III is still a run of monsterManuel for me. I've wrestled with ideas for canadv requirements and I'm not there yet. How do I want prerequisites handled?