New Content - Implemented FotY 2015

Here is game #2, with commentary and suggestions (omitting ones already mentioned from game #1):

Run 2: use 1 Tales of Spelunking
Encounter: Tales of Spelunking

[935] The Mines
Encounter: spider
You acquire an item: crumbling skull
Note that this was automatically equipped.
[935] The Mines
Encounter: cobra
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity casts THROW SKULL!
Round 2: cobra takes 20 damage.
You lose 7 hit points
Unlearning skill: Throw Skull
And it logged "unlearning" the skill - but did not log "learning" it when I equipped it.
[935] The Mines
Encounter: bat
[935] The Mines
Encounter: An Old Clay Pot
Expected Noncombat.
[935] The Mines
Encounter: spider
[935] The Mines
Encounter: bat
You acquire an item: crumbling skull
Did not log skill when it auto-equipped it
[935] The Mines
Encounter: snake
Round 1: Veracity casts THROW SKULL!
Round 2: snake takes 20 damage.
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: crumbling skull
I lost and regained the skull. No unlearn/relearn of skill.
[935] The Mines
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a fedora for 15 gold
Took choice 1028/2: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 4 gold
You acquire an item: spelunking fedora
Buying a rope for 5 gold
Took choice 1028/1: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 4 gold
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 4 gold
Other than the "You gain 4 gold" messages, I wonder why it simply says "buying a fedora" rather than "buying a spelunking fedora".
[935] The Mines
Encounter: snake
You gain 32 hit points
[935] The Mines
Encounter: cobra
[935] The Mines
Encounter: cobra
[935] The Mines
Encounter: It's a Trap! A Dart Trap.
Took choice 1030/3: unlock The Spider Hole using rope
You have unlocked The Spider Hole
You gain 10 gold
All right!
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: spider
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: spider
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: spider
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a pair of spiked boots for 30 gold
Took choice 1028/3: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
You acquire an item: spiked boots
Buying 5 ropes for 25 gold
Took choice 1028/1: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
Buying a rope for 5 gold
Took choice 1028/2: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 5 gold
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: spider
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: spider
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: spider
[935] The Mines
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a boomerang for 15 gold
Took choice 1028/3: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 4 gold
You acquire an item: boomerang
Buying a bomb for 5 gold
Took choice 1028/1: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 4 gold
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 4 gold
[935] The Spider Hole
Encounter: the spider queen
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
I now have "sticky bombs" (whatever that means; they do the same damage. Do they also prevent the opponent from attacking?
But, although "You unlocked an area" goes in the session log, not "Your bombs are now sticky bombs".
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: skeleton
You have unlocked The Ice Caves
You gain 34 hit points
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: tikiman
[935] The Ice Caves
Encounter: A Landmine
Took choice 1034/3: unlock The Crashed UFO using 3 ropes
You have unlocked The Crashed U. F. O.
You gain 9 gold
Seriously. This "You gain x gold" appears after all non-combats. Did I really gain 9 gold in addition to unlocking the area?
[935] The Crashed U. F. O.
Encounter: alien UFO
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: skeleton
You gain 34 hit points
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: tikiman
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a mining helmet for 30 gold
Took choice 1028/3: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 10 gold
You acquire an item: mining helmet
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 10 gold

equip hat mining helmet
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: bee
You gain 8 gold
With a mining helmet, you frequently are told "with your mining helmet, you also spot <something>". Does it log those acquisitions?
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
You acquire an item: rock
You gain 8 gold
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: tikiman
You acquire an item: torch
You acquire an item: rock
You gain 8 gold
Unlearning skill: Throw Rock
Yes, probably. I wish it was more obvious in-game; I don't recall noticing I had a torch.
[935] The Mines
Encounter: A Shop
Buyingack the shopkeeper
Took choice 1028/5: chance to fight shopkeeper
Encounter: shopkeeper
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: shopkeeper takes 9 damage.
Round 1: shopkeeper takes 4 damage.
Round 1: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 2: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Unlearning skill: Throw Bomb
Round 2: Veracity casts USE ROPE!
Round 3: Veracity casts THROW TORCH!
Round 4: shopkeeper takes 100 damage.
Round 4: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: You got 5 ropes!
After Battle: You got 5 bombs!
You acquire an item: spring boots
You gain 46 gold
Unlearning skill: Throw Torch

equip acc2 spring boots
I guess I didn't realize I was losing my torch; all I knew was I was out of bombs. Well, not any more, at least!
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: bee
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: It's a Trap! A Tiki Trap.
Took choice 1032/2: unlock The Beehive using bomb, take damage without sticky bomb
You have unlocked The Beehive
You gain 10 gold
Did I really gain 10 gold on the NC?
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: bee
You gain 30 hit points
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: bee
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: bee
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: bee
[935] The Ice Caves
Encounter: Hostile Work Environment
Took choice 1045/1: fight shopkeeper
Encounter: shopkeeper
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 2: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Round 2: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 3: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Round 3: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 4: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Round 4: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: You got 5 bombs!
After Battle: You got 5 ropes!
You acquire an item: sturdy machete
You gain 42 gold
All right! All of his loot at 42 gold, too! Wait, what?
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: bee
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: bee
[935] The Beehive
Encounter: the queen bee
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity casts USE ROPE!
Round 2: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 3: the queen bee takes 50 damage.
Round 3: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 4: the queen bee takes 50 damage.
Round 4: Veracity wins the fight!
You gain 30 hit points
Sweet. Permanent HP boost, eh? I didn't even notice at the time...
[935] The Mines
Encounter: Hostile Work Environment
Took choice 1045/1: fight shopkeeper
Encounter: shopkeeper
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 2: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Round 2: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 3: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Round 3: Veracity casts THROW BOMB!
Round 4: shopkeeper takes 50 damage.
Round 4: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: You got 5 bombs!
After Battle: You got a key!
You acquire an item: heavy pickaxe
You gain 40 gold
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: tikiman
[935] The Jungle
Encounter: bee

[935] The Jungle

Encounter: The End of the Tale of Spelunking
Took choice 1027/1: unknown
Encounter: Pick a Perk!
You gain 876 Meat
Took choice 1042/4: unknown

Spelunky Finished. Upgrade chosen is Start with +2 bombs.
Mini-game 2. Learned more. Observations:

- When you "auto-equip" an item - in particular, an off-hand item - you "learn the skill" to throw it, but this is not logged. It IS "unlearned" when you throw the item and it is not immediately replaced.

- When it logged "buying a fedora" I actually acquired a "spelunking fedora".

- Every non-combat (whether or not it yields gold) seems to log "You gain xxx gold". Is that real?

- When my bombs become "sticky bombs", the session log says nothing about this.

- possible feature - when your mining helmet (or torch) helps you find something extra, we could add the item image, etc. or otherwise make it more obvious that you just got something.

- In general, KoL says something like "automatically equipped" when you get a weapon (whether or not you had a weapon before) or some other slotted item (if the slot was otherwise empty). It would be nice if we logged that implicit "equip" in the session log, to make it easier to read it and keep track of what is or is not equipped.
The Lump non-combat is more like a boss encounter, happens after a certain number of adventures in the area.

Looks like some better logging is needed! I like the idea of logging Turn numbers rather than encounter numbers for Spelunky.

The non-combat gold gains are odd, will look at that.
Turn logging: might make sense to make spelunky turn numbers distinguishable from regular KOL turns without needing to infer from context.
r15409 should sort non-combat gold message and spider queen unlock message.

On the skill message, maybe we shouldn't log it, as we don't for skill gains. The only reason we don't often see such a thing is that we don't unlearn skills when we unequip equipment that grants them. We should fix that more generally.

Looks like we have to fix inventory for "automatically equipped" stuff, as we don't realise we've unequipped the previously equipped item.
r15410 sorts out logging rope, bomb and gold gains (when gaining more than one gold), and stops logging of skill unlearning.
Things should only be automatically equipped when the slot is currently empty.
I am not sure about that. I believe I have had a boomerang equip itself over my whip and even over a shotgun, I believe. I'll be doing a few more runs today, just for factoids. I'll see what it says.
Happy with curly brackets?
{40} The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
Round 0: darzil wins initiative!
Round 1: darzil casts USE ROPE!
Round 2: darzil attacks!
Round 3: scorpion takes 11 damage.
Round 3: darzil attacks!
Round 4: scorpion takes 9 damage.
Round 4: darzil attacks!
Round 5: scorpion takes 10 damage.
Round 5: darzil wins the fight!
You gain 8 gold

{39} The Jungle
Encounter: bee
Round 0: darzil wins initiative!
Round 1: darzil casts USE ROPE!
Round 2: darzil attacks!
Round 3: bee takes 8 damage.
Round 3: darzil attacks!
Round 4: bee takes 11 damage.
Round 4: darzil attacks!
Round 5: bee takes 8 damage.
Round 5: darzil attacks!
Round 6: bee takes 9 damage.
Round 6: darzil wins the fight!
You gain 9 gold
r15411 adds it.

Probably the last Spelunky updates from me today, so any other work will either wait for another day or someone else will need to look at it!
I'm indulging in a bit of over thinking things here - Curly brackets: And if there is another game-within-a-game? How to tell them apart? Does it matter? Hmm - {limitmode:turn} ?

Are turns logged by number in any of the other "games" that have turn counters separate from KOL adventures? Are Halloween blocks instances of mini-games?
Unsupported buddy:

You melt the block, revealing a golden monkey. He smiles and winks at you before climbing up onto your shoulder.
His image:


Edit: Revision 15412
Last edited:
A while back, revision 15425 removed all Spelunky items from inventory/gear/tally when you end the game. It does it like this:

		for ( AdventureResult item : SpelunkyRequest.ITEMS )
			int count = item.getCount( KoLConstants.inventory );
			if ( count > 0 )
				AdventureResult result = item.getInstance( -count );
				AdventureResult.addResultToList( KoLConstants.inventory, result );
				AdventureResult.addResultToList( KoLConstants.tally, result );
In other words, it puts all "worn" stuff in to inventory, and removes the number in inventory from inventory and the tally.
I notice that when this is done, the tally still shows a boomerang.
I'd say we added it once too often to the tally, somehow.
In other words, it puts all "worn" stuff in to inventory, and removes the number in inventory from inventory and the tally.
I notice that when this is done, the tally still shows a boomerang.
I'd say we added it once too often to the tally, somehow.
My bet is that you had a boomerang equipped, and when you bought something else, it was replaced, but the boomerang wasn't moved to inventory. As a result the inventory didn't know about it, and didn't remove it.

I wonder if EquipmentManager.setEquipment should always first move the item it believes equipped to inventory if there is one. Will that ever be the wrong thing?
I think that would be wrong, since when we read the inventory (api.php?what=inventory), it includes everything that is equipped.

I suspect something is not quite right in the "You acquire an item (this item was automatically equipped)" code regarding the tally. If I recall, with the glitch I mentioned above, I did "inv boomerang" after I left the Spelunky minigame and there were none in inventory - but the tally still showed it. So, it's a tally issue, not an inventory issue.

I did a Spelunky game a few days ago and got a boomerang from my first tikiman. I had just bought a sturdy machete from a shop and (I believe) it was automatically equipped, since it was better than my trusty whip. The boomerang was not automatically equipped. At the end of that game, when it removed the Spelunky items, there was not a boomerang in my tally.

It'll be a good while before I get back to Spelunky in earnest, but I'll look at that code before than and see if I notice anything.
choiceAdventure1038 has a missing spoiler for option 3.

Option 3 should read: Gain 35-50 Gold

(The wiki says 37-48 gold, but I suspect that is is probably rounded off to 5s.)