New Content - Implemented FotY 2015

Added Spelunker's Guild prize sack in 15218. Spelunker of Fortune was already added in 15210 thanks to searching the mall with "only show items, don't show stores" checked, which will show an item if it has ever been in the mall and has the itemid mixed in to the HTML somewhere.

That's really neat. I had no idea.
Whoa. There's some nice untradeable rewards for this game. Courtesy of KingBobson...

8075	Spelunker's whip	270574245	spelwhip.gif	weapon		0
Spelunker's whip	10	Mus: 0	1-handed whip
Spelunker's whip	Weapon Damage Percent: +25, Item Drop: +10, Familiar Weight: +5
8076	Spelunker's khakis	315558457	khakis.gif	pants		0
Spelunker's khakis	100	Mox: 35
Spelunker's khakis	Initiative: +25, HP Regen Min: 4, HP Regen Max: 8, MP Regen Min: 4, MP Regen Max: 8, Combat Rate: +5
8074	Spelunker's fedora	430434887	hobofedora.gif	hat		0
Spelunker's fedora	100	Mox: 35
Spelunker's fedora	Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10, Adventures: +4, Experience: +2

Especially that whip!
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I wonder if the rewards work like the Grimstone Golem tale rewards - you can get at most one of each, and if you'd otherwise win something you already have, it goes to the next best in line.

That worked well before.
Here's another thanks to KingBobson, all credit to him, I'm just someone who knows how to use item and descp ids with a test command.

8088	solid gold jewel	341423397	strawberyl.gif	usable	t	0
# solid gold jewel: Can be sold for 100,000 Meat
I understand that each time you play through the game, you get a "perk" which will make the next game a little easier. I understand there are nine of them.

Are they permanent? Per ascension? Per day? How to track?
I wonder if the rewards work like the Grimstone Golem tale rewards - you can get at most one of each, and if you'd otherwise win something you already have, it goes to the next best in line.

That worked well before.

Apparently not. KingBobson explained this in the G-D thread:

First place each day gets "Spelunker of Fortune", skillbook that gives skill Speluk on use. Spelunk is "+5% Item Drops from Monsters +10% Meat from Monsters (Underground areas only)". But it's a passive, so it's optimal. Not autopermed, but has a (used) copy.

First through third place gets "Spelunker's Guild prize sack". Using this gives you a piece of the "Spelunker's Gear" outfit, guaranteed to not be a duplicate. Once you've got all three pieces of the outfit, future sacks give you "solid gold jewel", an item that can be used for 100k meat.

I'm thinking that in three months the leaderboards won't be as competitive and the tales will be a lot cheaper. I'll wait until then to really try for it. For now I'm just getting adventuring upgrades, one each day.

Also, the "Spelunker's Guild prize sack" is tradeable, so they can be bought and sold in the mall. Though I intend to eventually win my own. Because of fun.

Are they permanent? Per ascension? Per day? How to track?
Permanent. Ones I got last ascension are still active. They are acquired through choice adventure 1042:

<p>Oh, hi there!  I see you're new to this whole spelunking thing!  While you're getting your bearings, you can choose perks to make your future Spelunking runs easier.
There are 9 of these in total, and once you unlock one it's unlocked permanently, so it won't take you long to get all of 'em.
I hope you enjoyed your Spelunking adventure, and I hope you enjoy your next one even more!<center><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8020943194f7fea1fd1e3b730e45af70'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1042><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Immediate access to The Ice Caves"></form><p><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform6 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8020943194f7fea1fd1e3b730e45af70'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1042><input type=hidden name=option value=6><input class=button type=submit value="Begin with 100 gold"></form><p><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform7 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8020943194f7fea1fd1e3b730e45af70'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1042><input type=hidden name=option value=7><input class=button type=submit value="Begin with 2 extra ropes"></form><p></center></td></tr></table></center>

As you see, each perk has its own choice number. After I choose one, KoL responds with, "Perk unlocked! Enjoy your next Spelunking adventure!"
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Choices for upgrades have three slots to unlock in order. The first option is a location unlock.

Choice 1: Unlock Jungle
Choice 2: Unlock Ice Caves
Choice 3: Unlock Temple Ruins

The second option is one of these options. (Or the first option if you have permanently unlocked all locations.)

Choice 4: Start with +2 bombs
Choice 5: More Shopkeeper items for sale
Choice 6: Begin with 100 gold

The final choices are

Choice 7: Start with +2 Ropes
Choice 8: Start with Fedora
Choice 9: Start with key
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I'm thinking that in three months the leaderboards won't be as competitive and the tales will be a lot cheaper. I'll wait until then to really try for it. For now I'm just getting adventuring upgrades, one each day.
Ha. That's what I did with the Grimstone masks. I played a bit when they were new - and got the silver cow creamer, because the first one to post a 32 on that board is guaranteed to get it - but actually waited until this last December to get all the other rewards.

Then, for good measure, I got the cow creamer and the spinning wheel for each of my non-ascending multis.

Spelunky looks like a lot of fun, and I'll try it out in a few weeks, just to get my own idea of what we need to support that Darzil hasn't done yet ;), but I can be patient before going all out to get the rewards.
the leaderboard will probably become less competitive, but i bet it won't die anywhere as fast as the grimstone mask ones.

part of it is that there is only 1 board instead of 5, but the main reason is that the top reward is tradeable and it looks like you can get it multiple times.
I think that it isn't really necessary to maintain a record of what upgrades have been earned. It's obvious as soon as you start a Spelunky game which ones you have (except for the store improvement), you can get all of them at a cost of only 9 journals and 90 turns (you cannot fail to get the upgrade and journals will be reasonably cheap soon), and they never go away so there's very little record keeping needed.
Updated post #31 with information in case anyone wants to try tracking Spelunky perk information.
I like the idea of tracking them, and as you say, they should be easy enough to parse. We start at with them all unset, can check 8 of them from looking at the code when no spelunky turns used (we'd probably also want to track number of spelunky turns), and set the shop one if we see 4 items for sale.

There will be loads of work needed here, probably. Will have to look into the api that lost linked to. Would certainly like to ignore moods/recovery whilst in Spelunky for example.
Just FYI, I'm looking at this. I have a build that sets limitmode based on API or Charpane, and has an ash limit_mode() function to say which limit is present (null if none). It also suppresses Moods, Mana burning and Recovery whilst in a limitmode (untested). I want to test it more today before release.

I'm planning to track unlocks (in a 9 character preference Y/N fashion), and status / progress (not decided on whether to do a manager with an ash status function or just a preference).

What happens if half way through Spelunky over rollover, does it reset ?
You cannot start Spelunky unless you have 10 adventures available, so the question is moot.

Just FYI, I'm looking at this. I have a build that sets limitmode based on API or Charpane, and has an ash limit_mode() function to say which limit is present (null if none). It also suppresses Moods, Mana burning and Recovery whilst in a limitmode (untested). I want to test it more today before release.

That would be very nice indeed. One other thing, KingBobson told me he was running into trouble with KoLmafia poking him about Kung Fu Huster every single turn so he had to keep clicking the icon to let it go away.
You cannot start Spelunky unless you have 10 adventures available, so the question is moot.
I think you misread the question.

That would be very nice indeed. One other thing, KingBobson told me he was running into trouble with KoLmafia poking him about Kung Fu Huster every single turn so he had to keep clicking the icon to let it go away.
Telling everything internally that you have no skills is probably the most straightforward general fix to this type of thing. And then there's ignoring the overdrunk check in Spelunky mode.