New Content - Implemented FotY 2015

Darzil, when I choose to fight a shop keeper mafia increments spelunkyNextNoncombat by an extra point. This can set the next non-combat to 4!
I thought that r15287 was working because I completed a fight with a Shop Keeper and after the battle, Win count was down to 0 and the next phase was set correctly.

Then I fought another shop keeper and at the end of the battle, win count was still 3 and the phase was not incremented.

Could the difference be how the battle begins? The first battle with a shop keeper uses the usual shop choice adventure, but successive battles begin with choice 1045, Hostile Work Environment.

<body><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='dragged'><div id='debug'></div><div class=contextmenu id='skillmenu'></div><div class=contextmenu id='itemsmenu'></div><div id=topbar><center><table class=actionbar cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tbody><tr class=label><td> </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr class=blueback><td><a href='choice.php?action=auto'><img src='/images/itemimages/plexpock.gif'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='skills'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td class=spacer></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td></tr><tr class=label><td>auto</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div><div class='content' id='content_'><div id='effdiv' style='display: none;'></div><div style='overflow: auto;'>
<Center><centeR><!--faaaaaaart--><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Hostile Work Environment</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="/images/adventureimages/shopkeep.gif" width=100 height=100></center><p>You encounter a shop, but ever since you attacked that first shopkeeper, these guys don't really seem interested in selling you anything anymore.
This one, for instance, is pacing back and forth wielding a shotgun.  Maybe you shouldn't go in there...<center><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='0be90dbf1af033f7a0337c387fedea4d'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1045><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Attack him"><br><font size=-1>(fight shopkeeper)</font></form><p><form style='margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;' name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='0be90dbf1af033f7a0337c387fedea4d'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=1045><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Leave him be"></form><p></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center><!--faaaaaaart--><script>top.charpane.location.href="charpane.php";</script>
More experimentation confirms that when I encounter a Shop Keeper through choice 1028, A Shop the phase and win count are correctly incemented and zeroed (respectively), but choice 1045 does not do either.
Well happy day. I logged in this morning, with r15294, to find the following:

Looking at item #8084...
Unknown item found: LOLmec statuette (8084, 688758713)
8084 LOLmec statuette 688758713 lolmecidol.gif usable t 0
# LOLmec statuette: Sells for 1 Million Meat

It seems that my character won the Spelunking Sweepstakes yesterday.
Yomama's Throne is zone 436. It contains only Yomama, who has 100 attack, 100 defense, 300 HP, and is a dude with no element and never wins initiative. Image is yomama.gif.
It's a reasonably small request, but it would be nice if when I open An Ancient Alter, it gave me a link to go there the way that mafia does with adventure.php zones, even though it is place.php. For reference, here's the html:

<body><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='dragged'><div id='debug'></div><div class=contextmenu id='skillmenu'></div><div class=contextmenu id='itemsmenu'></div><div id=topbar><center><table class=actionbar cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tbody><tr class=label><td> </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr class=blueback><td><a href='adventure.php?snarfblat=426'><img src='/images/itemimages/plexpock.gif'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif' id='skills'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td><td class=spacer></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='/images/itemimages/blank.gif'></td></tr><tr class=label><td>again</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div><div class='content' id='content_'><div id='effdiv' style='display: none;'></div><div style='overflow: auto;'>
<Center><div id="results"><!--faaaaaaart--><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><span class='guts'>You kick the landmine as hard as you can, and it clatters away.  Not quite far enough, as it turns out, because the resulting explosion knocks loose a bunch of rocks, some of which hit you in the head.<center><table><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/hp.gif" height=30 width=30></td><td valign=center class=effect>You lose 10 hit points.</td></tr></table></center><p>When the dust settles, you notice that it also apparently opened up a new passageway, leading to an ominous-looking altar.<P><center><table  width=400  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>New Area Unlocked</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><table><tr><td valign=center><img src="/images/adventureimages/bigmap.gif"></td><td valign=center class=small><b>An Ancient Altar</b></td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center><p></span></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></div><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Adventure Again:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><p><a href="adventure.php?snarfblat=426">Adventure Again (The Ice Caves)</a><p><a href="place.php?whichplace=spelunky">Go back to Tales of Spelunking</a></center></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center><!--faaaaaaart--><script>top.charpane.location.href="charpane.php";</script>

Link to An Ancient Altar is place.php?whichplace=spelunky&action=spelunky_side6
Something is incorrectly advancing spelunkyNextNoncombat. I didn't catch what triggered it, but at some point I noticed that the noncombat I just got (a shop in the mines) didn't match up with where mafia thinks I'm at (setting at 1 after that).
Something is incorrectly advancing spelunkyNextNoncombat. I didn't catch what triggered it, but at some point I noticed that the noncombat I just got (a shop in the mines) didn't match up with where mafia thinks I'm at (setting at 1 after that).

Fixed at least one case of that in 15319. It would not surprise me if there are more.
The in-game code for spelunky noncombats seems to be a bit strange, as can be verified by getting to Hell: it's advanced 1 every 3 combats, even if you don't hit the noncombat right away. As such, you can go 4 combats, spend your noncombat, go another 2, and get another combat.

edit: in fact, you can go six combats in hell and skip a noncombat phase.
Last edited:
I noticed that, but as far as I could decide KoLmafia handled that perfectly well. You just have to accept that spelunkyWinCount can legitimately go over 3. Speaking of which, I've forgotten to commit that update to ChIT. I'll take care of it now.
Might be a good place to note that mafia doesn't appear to be recognizing that the spelunker gives +15% item and the monkey +25% meat in the bjorn.
Unknown item found: solid gold jewel (8088, 341423397)
8088 solid gold jewel 341423397 strawberyl.gif usable t 0
# solid gold jewel: Can be sold for 100,000 Meat
I've been putting off doing this since I wanted to give others a chance to figure out how it worked and to support it here. We're in good shape, thanks to Darzil. :) I have some observations & suggestions, though. Perhaps I will fix them myself.

1) I am not convinced that the non combats always advance correctly. ChoiceManager says the following are Spelunky choices:

		// Choice 1027 is The End of the Tale of Spelunking
		// Choice 1028 is A Shop
		// Choice 1029 is An Old Clay Pot
		// Choice 1030 is It's a Trap!  A Dart Trap.
		// Choice 1031 is A Tombstone
		// Choice 1032 is It's a Trap!  A Tiki Trap.
		// Choice 1033 is A Big Block of Ice
		// Choice 1034 is A Landmine
		// Choice 1035 is A Crate
		// Choice 1036 is Idolatry
		// Choice 1037 is It's a Trap!  A Smashy Trap.
		// Choice 1038 is A Wicked Web
		// Choice 1039 is A Golden Chest
		// Choice 1040 is It's Lump. It's Lump.
		// choice 1041 is Spelunkrifice
		// choice 1042 is Pick a Perk!
		// choice 1044 is The Gates of Hell
		// choice 1045 is Hostile Work Environment
Some, but not all, of those have "leave" options.

1028 - A Shop
1036 - Idolatry
1040 - It's Lump. It's Lump
1041 - Spelunkerifice

So can choose to not buy anything (you may not have enough gold to buy anything!), you may choose to avoid the Idol, You may choose to break open the lump (you may be unable to, with no bomb), and you may choose to not sacrifice a buddy.

What determines if the counter increments?

		// Sacrifice doesn't increment win count or counter
		if ( choice != 1040 && choice != 1041 )
			Preferences.resetToDefault( "spelunkyWinCount" );
			// Shopkeeper doesn't increment the counter til you leave or fight
			if ( !( choice == 1028 && decision < 5 ) )
				Preferences.increment( "spelunkyNextNoncombat", 1 );
				if ( Preferences.getInteger( "spelunkyNextNoncombat" ) > 3 )
					Preferences.setInteger( "spelunkyNextNoncombat", 1 );
Huh. 1040 is It's Lump. It's Lump. 1041 is the Sacrifice. The comment indicates that the Sacrifice doesn't count as a non-combat (fair enough, since you can do it any time, not just when the ghost waves, right?) but It's Lump is a timed non-combat. Why is that skipped? I see that revision 15319 does it intentionally. Is it possible that it only doesn't count if you take the "skip it" option? Or is it possible that it was a KoL bug which has now been fixed?

Perhaps I will experiment.

2) I see that the various spelunky quest equipment have been added to a new section in equipment.txt. I'm not happy with that, since it breaks how I use "checkitems": that command outputs something which (supposedly) looks just like equipment.txt, and if I do a "compare" of that section of the output and equipment.txt, I see exactly what items have been added but are not in equipment.txt. Except for spelunky items, which look like they are missing from equipment, but really have their own section. I don't see the point of that.

3) They are "quest" items, which normally means that they disappear when you ascend. However, these actually disappear when you end the Tale, right? Unfortunately, they do not disappear from the session tally. It would be nice if they did.

And I now have an elaboration of my observation of a month ago, when I posited that the leaderboards would be like the Grim Tales ones, but was corrected.

I think it's a shame that they didn't do that - or, at least, didn't adjust them to work like the old ascension leaderboards: one spot per character. As they are, right now, the Spelunky leaderboards are a circle-jerk between three players. I look at that, and do I think "damn, I should try really hard so that I can be up in the top ten with those three people?" I expect that SOME people think like that - and the people who whined hardest about the change to the ascension leaderboards indicated that OF COURSE that was how EVERYBODY thought - but, no. I look at that and think "I'll come back in 3, 6, 12, ... months when these people get bored of their mutual masturbation (or "competition", as they think of it) and will try then."

Unfortunately, they made these leaderboards have a monetary reward for placing on them - prizes that you can sell for (currently) substantially more than the price to play. Given that, there may very well never be motivation for the top players to ever "get tired" of "competing"; if they can spend a few hundred thousand a day to play in order to get an item to sell for a few million Meat, why stop?

Well, eventually, the community of people willing to pay that kind of price will dry up, and, perhaps they really will get bored of the cash cow that TPTB handed to them. Who knows? For now, I'll just go after factoids, and will come back next year, when there's a different fad.
Here is the session log of my first Spelunky game with observations & suggestions:

Run 1: use 1 Tales of Spelunking
Encounter: Tales of Spelunking

[925] The Mines
Encounter: spider
[925] The Mines
Encounter: bat
[925] The Mines
Encounter: snake
[925] The Mines
Encounter: An Old Clay Pot
Notice how all of those were on "turn 925" of my run. That is correct - but not useful. Wouldn't it be nicer to log them with "turn 1" and so on - the turn within the mini-game?

[925] The Mines
Encounter: spider
[925] The Mines
Encounter: cobra
You gain 20 hit points
I rested.That took a "turn" but did not log as such.
[925] The Mines
Encounter: snake
[925] The Mines
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a rope for 5 gold
Took choice 1028/1: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
Wait. I "gained" 5 gold? No. I "spent" 5 gold.
Buying a rope for 5 gold
Took choice 1028/2: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
Again. I "spent" 5 gold.
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 5 gold
And where did that come from? Near as I can tell, I made 2 transactions for 5 gold each.
[925] The Mines
Encounter: bat
[925] The Mines
Encounter: snake
You gain 4 gold
You have unlocked The Jungle
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: bee
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: It's a Trap! A Tiki Trap.
Took choice 1032/3: unlock The Ancient Burial Ground using rope, take damage without back item
You have unlocked The Ancient Burial Ground
You gain 9 gold
You lose 15 hit points
You gain 30 hit points
[925] The Ancient Burial Ground
Encounter: vampire
You lose 42 hit points
Got in over my head, eh?

You gain 30 hit points
[925] The Mines
Encounter: spider
[925] The Mines
Encounter: spider
[925] The Mines
Encounter: bat
[925] The Mines
Encounter: An Old Clay Pot
Which may or may not have been what I wanted to do, but hey - game 1!
[925] The Mines
Encounter: spider
[925] The Mines
Encounter: bat
[925] The Mines
Encounter: cobra
Round 1: Veracity casts THROW SKULL!
Round 2: cobra takes 20 damage.
You lose 6 hit points
Unlearning skill: Throw Skull
That is funny. I do "get" it, but still.
You gain 30 hit points
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: tikiman
Round 3: Veracity casts RETURN!
The Jungle is too hard for me.
[925] The Mines
Encounter: snake
[925] The Mines
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a pair of X-ray goggles for 50 gold
Took choice 1028/3: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
You acquire an item: X-ray goggles
Buying 5 bombs for 25 gold
Took choice 1028/1: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 5 gold
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 5 gold
I had/have no idea why I wanted the goggles, but, hey - they were available and I could afford them!
Again, we are full of "You gain 5 gold" messages. Why?
[925] The Mines
Encounter: bat
[925] The Mines
Encounter: bat
You gain 29 hit points
[925] The Mines
Encounter: snake
[925] The Mines
Encounter: It's a Trap! A Dart Trap.
Took choice 1030/2: unlock The Snake Pit using bomb
You have unlocked The Snake Pit
You gain 9 gold
[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: cobra
[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: snake
[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: snake
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: A Shop
Buying a fedora for 15 gold
Took choice 1028/3: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 10 gold
You acquire an item: spelunking fedora
Buying a sturdy machete for 15 gold
Took choice 1028/2: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 10 gold
You acquire an item: sturdy machete
Buying 5 bombs for 25 gold
Took choice 1028/1: unknown
Encounter: A Shop
You gain 10 gold
Took choice 1028/6: leave
You gain 10 gold
Oooh! Now I am repeatedly gaining 10 gold! Why?

equip hat spelunking fedora

[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: snake
[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: cobra
[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: It's Lump. It's Lump.
Took choice 1040/1: gain pickaxe with bomb
You gain 10 gold
You acquire an item: heavy pickaxe
Isn't that interesting? I had a shop, followed by 2 wins, and now we have another NC. Is this one random, rather than timed?
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: skeleton
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
You have unlocked The Ice Caves
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: A Tombstone
Took choice 1031/2: gain shotgun with pickaxe
You acquire an item: shotgun
And after the third win, here is the expected timed NC.
[925] The Ice Caves
Encounter: caveman
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
You gain 14 gold
You have unlocked The Temple Ruins
You gain 33 hit points
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: tikiman
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: boomerang
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
[925] The Snake Pit
Encounter: A Crate
Took choice 1035/1: unknown
Three more wins and the expected non-combat
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: bee
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
[925] The Jungle
Encounter: scorpion
[925] The Temple Ruins
Encounter: A Crate
Took choice 1035/1: unknown
You gain 10 gold
Ditto. Boring.
[925] The Temple Ruins
Encounter: crocodile man
[925] The Temple Ruins
What was that encounter? redirect?
Encounter: The End of the Tale of Spelunking
Took choice 1027/1: unknown
Encounter: Pick a Perk!
You gain 312 Meat
Took choice 1042/7: unknown

Spelunky Finished. Upgrade chosen is Start with +2 Ropes.
Things we learned from this:

- It would be nice if the turns were logged like this:

[2] The Mine

... with the turn number being the turn withing the mini-game.

- Similarly:


... should be:

[15] Rest in Base Camp

- It's Lump. It's Lump appeared after 2 wins. After one more win, another non-combat appeared. Conclusion: "It's Lump" is not a "timed" non-combat. It's a "random" non-combat.

We handle that correctly by not advancing/resetting the counters for it. However, things like Bale's relay script for the Spelunky zones (or the Wiki) should not claim that it is a timed non-combat. I'm pretty sure that in later runs I wanted to get a heavy pickaxe and went to the Snake Pit at the expected time and was surprises/frustrated to get a Crate.