Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

I dunno if I'm just stupid, but is the script not supposed to eat anything? I've never run an auto-ascension script so I have no idea how these even work.
Currently it only handles filling your spleen (there's a bug in shopping that I fixed in the next version) however in the future it will handle consuming Astral Hotdogs (the food item I've chosen to support).
I'm getting stuck in the manor due to the nightstand post combats. When I manually did Spooky Raven, it keeps trying to do the second floor bedroom even though I've already completed it. Anything I can set so it will stop trying that?

EDIT: No matter what I do it always tries to adventure in the haunted bedroom. It fights a nightstand, can't cope with the drawer picking, and breaks. I dont even need to adventure in the haunted bedroom. Not sure whats wrong.

Some more issues:
Not buying spleen upgrades and not fully using spleen. Had to stop it on day one before it almost didn't buy ANY spleen upgrades.
Not unlocking the Mysterious Island. Didnt spend the scrip on the plans.
Trying to equip items Im already wearing giving "you dont have that item to equip" error a lot.
Not using my imbues early on for the extra ka farming on Priest.

The spending of Ka needs to be re-tuned so that it prioritizes getting spleen before the days turns are over.
Needs to be able to unlock the mysterious island by itself.
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I'll code in a check of the quest log to make sure it knows you've completed that floor. It now uses a built in preference of mafia to handle this, just go up the stairs to remind it that you've done the second floor if your lastSecondFloorUnlock preference isn't 0.
The script still isn't doing the necklace quest for me

EDIT: doing the necklace quest then inputting > set ed_spookyravennecklace=finished as someone said earlier in the thread will solve this issue.
EDIT2: I also ran into the same problem with the hidden temple. It broke trying to do it (was trying to go to hidden city when I didnt have it unlocked) so I manually did the temple.
then it decided to try and do the nose of the serpent. Had to manually input ed_hiddenunlock=true
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Newest version is just about ready, I can safely say that with this version you're guaranteed a 3-day ascension with no Mr. Store or Astral Belt stuff, if you follow a few basic outlines and have all the Ed skill points. I've managed to get 4 of them in a row so far, so I hope that's a guarantee that can hold. :/
I keep getting into a loop where it looks like the script wants to go shopping, (it starts using the dictionary and dies, then time to shop, then just returns to battle) It does sometimes shop, but not always anymore. With the previous version, it would shop successfully, and buy all the 'body' parts it wanted, and the +combat items. Sometimes now it will finish the day without buying anything. (and I haven't had any of those 3-day ascensions yet)

d_edCombatRoundCount => 1309
ed_diag_round => 8
Round 9: Heartbot uses the dictionary!
Round 10: dirty hippy takes 3 damage.
Round 10: You lose 7 hit points

Encounter: Like a Bat Into Hell
You gain 60 hit points
Ed has UNDYING once!
Time to shop!
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Encounter: Like a Bat out of Hell
Encounter: dirty hippy
Round 0: Heartbot wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 1 hit point
Ed returning to battle Stage 1

ed_combatHandler: 0
ed_combatHandler =>
ed_edCombatStage => 2
ed_edCombatRoundCount => 1310
ed_diag_round => 0
ed_edStatus => dying
Round 1: Heartbot attacks!
I haven't uploaded the new version yet, I'm having trouble at work with a new internal firewall/proxy that I'm trying to solve that's slowing down my normal progress. I'll get it out soon, I'm also trying to get this to start working with SVN and versioning.
So I figured I'd give this a chance. How do I get it? I understand that at the moment I have to point a web browser at a GIT repository and download files. I go to https://github.com/ZenProductions/Edscension and I see two directories and 13 files. Since there are comments in this thread about new versions but the newest file I see there is 18 days old, am I really at the right place? Since I tend to be a little OCD about file clutter, which ones do I need and which ones can I ignore? I already have CCS and BBS scripts. Does this require me to replace them and, if so, will something in the installation make the replacement or are there installation instructions I have missed? On the off chance that I already have scripts named florist.ash, kingLiberated.ash, postadventure.ash and preadventure.ash does this mean I have to rename my scripts or allow them to be overwritten? Not trying to be a jerk, but maybe I should just wait until your proxy issues are solved and installation and removal is supported via KoLmafia commands?
I actually fixed all those issues in the next version release already, as part of my prepping the script for SVN support.

Normally I work on this during time at work when I manage to get all tasks completed and have nothing else left to do, but we recently obtained several new contracts which have shot my work load through the roof, so I've been barely able to find any time to work on this over the last two weeks, which is why I haven't updated already. :/
Everything is good for launch, just testing one more thing with day 2 and getting Even More Elemental Wards before making it public, so tomorrow will be the release.
SVN updating is now live! Script auto-tosses all the files into appropriate folders and pulls dependencies as well as not conflicting with any other scripts, enjoy your now guaranteed 3-day ascensions*

*Guarantee only applies when you run the script in exactly the way that I do. See opening post for description of requirements.
I've just installed Edcension for the first time, used SVN to do so, and in the very first combat the script endlessly tries to cast storm of the scarab, despite my not having access to it. I got this:

[3] The Secret Government Laboratory
Encounter: creepy little girl
Strategy: C:\Users\...\KolMafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: ililili wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 10 hit points
ed_combatHandler: 0
ed_combatHandler =>
ed_edCombatCount => 3
ed_diag_round => 0
ed_combatHandler => (love scarab1)
Round 1: ililili casts SUMMON LOVE SCARABS!
Round 2: creepy little girl takes 28 damage.
Round 2: You gain 9 Mana Points
ed_diag_round => 1
ed_combatHandler => (love scarab1)(love gnats)
Round 2: ililili casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
ed_diag_round => 2
Round 3: ililili casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 3
ed_diag_round => 3
Round 4: ililili casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 5 but KoL thinks it is round 3
ed_diag_round => 4
Round 5: ililili casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 6 but KoL thinks it is round 3
ed_diag_round => 5
Round 6: ililili casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
... Cut for length ...
Round 28: ililili casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 29 but KoL thinks it is round 3
ed_diag_round => 28
Round 29: ililili casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia thinks it is round 30 but KoL thinks it is round 3
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Any idea?

Separately, SMOOCH Headquarters in That 70s Volcano is now probably a better Ka farming location than the Conspiracy Island Lab, due to lower ML mobs and 100% dudes.
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Separately, SMOOCH Headquarters in That 70s Volcano is now probably a better Ka farming location than the Conspiracy Island Lab, due to lower ML mobs and 100% dudes.

Some would argue that lower ML monsters makes it a worse location, since all those stats make later stuff easier. The hippy camp was already an option for low ML monsters and 100% dudes.
Perhaps. With the existence of the Chateau and the Deck and the large quantity of stats available from each, I'm not completely convinced as to the necessity of the extra stats from ka-farming.
I just have to add a little file to the ed_edtheundying file to make card support happen.

As for why it's trying to cast Storm of the Scarab, it's because of this code in the combat script.

	if(enemy.raw_hp < 85)
		return "skill Fist of the Mummy";
		return "skill Storm of the Scarab";

This is the fail-safe kill option, if no other options match, then do this. Basically it's trying to one-hit the mobs before they can get you, which normally requires scarab. I'll put back in an option to handle mobs that you insta- jump (with fist).
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I'm trying out the script. I started a run yesterday on a low-skilled character, and ran into a couple of minor issues with running out of meat, and also with not being able to get the jump on hippies. The latter problem appears to have been remedied by equipping a third-hand lantern, which may have given enough +init to make a difference.

Today, I've run into an issue while fighting pirates at the Barrr. After using the insult book twice (and dying each time) it repeatedly tries to cast "storm of the scarab", which I do not have. I only have "fist of the mummy". I'll do some manual adventuring, re-run the script, and see what happens. (Okay, I fought enough pirates to get six insults, and re-ran the script. It started working on other quests, though. Eventually it tried to use "storm of the scarab" again, but this time on the giant skeelton.)

Oh, also, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I got a bunch messages that read "You have not called forth a Scribe to be your servant." when the script did the friars' quest. The script has activated the priest and the cat, so far. No more can be "released" yet.
The servant bit is mafia complaining because I can't get it to be quiet about servant swapping yet, just ignore it I need to find a way to make it quiet.

As for the scarab bit, it's because monsters with a certain HP are hard coded (as are the pirates to prevent you from accidentally undying too much) to use scarab as the combat skill of choice, which I should have thought better about for those with 0 skill points. I'll fix it eventually, but it's only a problem like the first couple of runs.
The servant bit is mafia complaining because I can't get it to be quiet about servant swapping yet, just ignore it I need to find a way to make it quiet.

And mafia is telling you that you screwed up by trying to switch to a servant you don't have. You can check have_servant() to not run into that.