Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

What heeheehee said, it was a fork of Cheeseascend. Don't want the preferences from this script interfering with the preferences for Cheeseascend if you're running that too. Also helps prevent the "Too many references to this file" bug from occurring.

Still confused. Why would you be running them both, when they both do the exact same thing? Cheeses Script was a HC Ed ascending script for automating runs for karma/Ed points.

You've forked that and are now advertising it as a HC Ed Ascending script for automating Ed runs for karma. What did you not like about cheeses script that are you trying to do different? Why are you trying to brand yourself as "the #1 Karma farming" Ascending script over the original script you forked from?
I did not fork from Cheese's Ed script, I forked from his general purpose Bumcheekascend replacement script. I did not know he had a public Ed-ascension script when I wrote this.
Small bug: During resting, the script can get stuck in an infinite loop due to small conditional error.

In ed_edTheUndying.ash, boolean ed_doResting() (line 224):
if(have_effect($effect[Prayer of Seshat]).to_int() > 300)

The greater-than should be a greater-than-or-equal-to (> should be >=).
Bah, I hate it when that happens. Had it happen a lot while restoring MP but fixed it, guess it's in other places too. :P
Another bug: The friar quest can try to adventure in a location that doesn't exist to get more hot wings.

In ed_ascend.ash, boolean L6_friarsHotWing() (line 2143):
ccAdv(1, $location[The Dark Heart of the Woods]);

Should consider the fact that after all 3 non-combats are found, this locations stops existing and is replaced by The Deep Fat Friars' Gate (Pandamonium).

Suggested fix:
	if(get_property("ed_friars") != "done")
		ccAdv(1, $location[The Dark Heart of the Woods]);
		ccAdv(1, $location[Pandamonium]);
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So this is the first script I've attempted to use. I can't see to get it working. Its getting stuck trying to fight at the hippy camp even though I cant hit anything.

call scripts\edscension\ed_ascend.ash

WARNING: Unreachable code (ed_edTheUndying.ash, line 633)
You have the latest use_for_items.txt. Will not check again today.
Checking for updates (running ZLib rev. 27)...
Hello X Trip, time to explode!
This is day 5.
Turns played: 39 current adventures: 173
Current Ascension: Actually Ed the Undying
CCS set to null
(but battle action is currently set to attack with weapon)
Mind control device already at 10
Autoselling items to NPCs...
You gain 33 Meat
Items sold.
Doing leg-day.
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
3 combinations checked, best score 4.67
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Changing "The f'cle" to "The F'c'le" would get rid of this message (preadventure.ash, line 205)
Pre Adventure done, beep.
ed_disableAdventureHandling => yes
Starting Ed Battle at Hippy Camp

You can't hit anything there.

ed_disableAdventureHandling => no
Post Adventure done, boop.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Doing leg-day.
3 combinations checked, best score 4.67
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Pre Adventure done, beep.
ed_disableAdventureHandling => yes
Starting Ed Battle at Hippy Camp

You can't hit anything there.

This is my first Ed run. Its on HC.
I fixed it by manually doing some questing. I changed my attack to the fist of the mummy and bought the 100% init thingy. Working like a charm now. It also got stuck trying to get chewing gum on a string and I had to do that manually.
If your combat action is set to "attack with weapon" rather than a CCS and mafia knows you can't hit anything naturally, it will abort like that. I suggest using WHAM or something similar if you want smarter combat.
Yeah, you need to set the CCS to the return null option that is created when you run the script, CCS is handled in-script and having the CCS set otherwise confuses mafia. I'll eventually have it set that automagically I guess. Probably an important thing to do. Anyways, I'm testing my latest changes, as an example of the improvements, previously I was having to eat an astral hotdog halfway through level 7, now I'm able to read level 8 (giving a few more adventures and stats than at level 7) before needing to eat one. (This is with no astral belt or store items or anything of interest) I'll see tomorrow what point I get to in the war. Also, I finally got a working semi-rare method! It was actually the simplest solution, just adventure twice, additionally picking up the knob goblin lunchbox now works properly as well. :/

One more thing, I also fixed up the MP handling a little bit more, you can now run from the beginning of your ascension without needing to worry about the script stopping for MP handling issues every couple seconds! This involved maximizing MP before shoring, such that your max MP allows you to gain more MP from the leveling process, which negates the issues with it running out of MP later.

I'm going through the doTasks() method and slowly improving each function as I hit it. So things will be getting better and better over time, eventually once everything is running smoothly I'll start creating paths for no-store/low-skill/high skill/store, etc, so that the script can handle people with access to different things more efficiently.
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Hi Zen, I've been compiling a list of bugs when I have the time to watch the script and I was wondering which things you've fixed/plan to fix. I've made my own fixes to a few of the issues on my own fork although I haven't bothered to clean up the code and commit it yet. If you're interested in my contributions, I can put together a pull request for you. Here's the list of things I've noticed just from running the script:

-Gets stuck on Lair of Ninja Snowmen due to no +combat
-Tries to semi-rare in the same place twice
-Amulet loop in the castle quest
-Several issues with getting stuck when not having certain skills due to low skill points
-Fights chateau paintings twice instead of using as a copy (no need for two bram's)
-Sometimes doesn't spleen to full (early on) when possible
-Often doesn't handle full or drunkness (possibly not an intended feature)
-Sometimes has very unoptimal equips (probably a maximizer issue)
-Doesn't flier every fight (this could be a non-issue/is not necessary)
-Ka spending issues? (I have 260+ right now? I suppose there isn't too much to buy when you have excess)
-Stuck on palindome (no disposible instant camera)
-Gets stuck if not enough meat for dinghy (could move on until enough meat?)
-Stuck on A-Boo (this is caused by lack of recovery from 0)
-Buys healing items with war coins but they don't do anything?
I know how to fix all those bugs, and most of them are on my radar (I usually fix bugs as I hit them), that last one is a semi-feature, buying you items for later, I guess I can tell it to only buy the meat items, as those are your best meat value in aftercore. Semi-rares are fixed in the incoming version. Haven't hit the amulet loop yet. As for low skill issues, I have ascended my character and gotten all the skills permmed, so it's a bit harder for me to test them (I have fresh accounts, but I'll use them later). Ka spends a bit wonky right now, I'll be fixing it up later as it works "well enough" for now. Getting it right requires some complex AI.
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Alright, fixed the two bugs you pointed out last page, now to go through a few more of the easier to fix ones on this page and then I'll post a release.
New version up! Check first post for changelog. About 25-50 turns saved over previous version. My main problem is not enough stats from not having the astral belt. :(
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I'm glad to see you caught most of the bugs I found! The amulet loop happens when the amulet isn't found while adventuring in the airship. Once at the basement, the script tries to backfarm the amulet but somehow gets caught and doesn't. This leads to a loop that goes something like: basement -> need amulet -> tries to adventure at the airship but fails -> basement. I haven't bothered to look into the actual issue but I would assume it should be an easy fix like the other issues.

By the way, here are some features that aren't already in the script but could be nice, minor improvements:
-Does not use spookyraven makeup items for +exp (I'm sure there are other items like this but I was just going off of Ezandora's Guide when I noted this)
-Does not use VIP items: shower, pool table, hatter - pool table and hatter buffs could be pretty useful
-Does not use gameinform for dungeoneering kit
-Does not use clovers (? I'm actually not sure if I'm right about this, never bothered to check the actual script)
-Does not use camp scout backpack items (firestarting kit +hp/mp can be useful)
-Does not look high with the telescope (minor minor)
-Does not get or use chateau desk potions (a bit unnecessary)
-Does not change chateau skylight/fan at the end of the day for +adv (could be enabled if enough meat available)
-The deck of every card can be very useful now!
-BHH acquisition (this is of course not necessarily trivial)

I'm taking Summer quarter classes in college right now so I haven't been super free to double check your code for things so if any of my notes are inaccurate/already fixed/etc please feel free to dismiss them!
Minor update to fix the doubling of writing desk counting.

I'm glad to see you caught most of the bugs I found! The amulet loop happens when the amulet isn't found while adventuring in the airship. Once at the basement, the script tries to backfarm the amulet but somehow gets caught and doesn't. This leads to a loop that goes something like: basement -> need amulet -> tries to adventure at the airship but fails -> basement. I haven't bothered to look into the actual issue but I would assume it should be an easy fix like the other issues.

I watched my latest run, I didn't get the amulet while doing the airship so I started backfarming, it properly got the amulet and then proceeded. No loop detected for me. You might be referring to it continually going back to the castle? This uses the escape function of the Don't Mess Around with Gym adventure to continually make sure that it's always the next adventure in that zone, thus allowing us to keep the script moving forward without having to introduce a new function or a while loop to get the amulet.

As far as not using VIP and other Mr. Store functions, they're new since we're now out of standard, so I haven't put them in yet as I'm still working on core functions.

The script does use clovers, specifically to get 2 sonar biscuits and to get 3 ores. However it currently doesn't use them for power leveling, which I will fix soon.

You can't use the telescope in Edcore (campground items can't be used).

It should get desk potions, it's specifically coded into the daily setup. However I haven't bothered putting in a setup for swapping fan/light, that's a Dickstab option which will come along later.

Every card is new, I'm still focusing on No/Low Mr. Store options (as this is primarily focused on alts that won't be likely to have been spending too much on Mr. Store options)


If you feel like coding any features, go ahead and do so, that would help immensely as I still have to work on the very complex Eat/Drink protocols and Ka spending.
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Hmm, I got the amulet issue twice but I was too busy both times to look into it so I just manually fixed the issue. Hopefully I get it again this run so that I can explore it in more detail. As for the other things, I am more than happy to start working on the handling for the misc. Mr. Store items that aren't included (and I totally understand why they weren't implemented already). Sorry I overlooked some of the things you already implemented/can't implement due to restrictions :P

Also, by BHH I meant the Bounty Hunter Hunter tokens, since a lot of people like to lucrecore while doing Ed runs.