Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

Also, by BHH I meant the Bounty Hunter Hunter tokens, since a lot of people like to lucrecore while doing Ed runs.

Ah yes, that, I guess I can put that in. But first there are a few important things I need to take care of with the settings panel.
Just finishing up my latest run, I need to get the nuns to properly handle (such that when you run out of Sinuses for Miles it doesn't abort doing the nuns, wasting turns), but other than that, I managed to shave 35 turns off my last run, and 10 turns off my fastest run.
Great news! I am currently testing the script as well, although not much to report. Mainly, there seems to be some awkward behavior with the ninjas now that it delays without +combat. There are weird loops that can happen, for example if the script cannot uneffect -combat for Ninjas, it tries to adventure at another location to burn effect turns instead. If the next location is the billiards room, but not the player is not drunk enough, it gets stuck in a loop. This is obviously a really specific example, but there were a several issues in general (mainly trying to adventure in places you can't). I also found a very small issue: the script does not seem to maximize before fighting the booty crab (meaning that if the player own the crown, it does not get equipped).
The script is working pretty well for my unskilled/no IOTM char, although he does have VIP, any plans to encorporate VIP use (like fax)?
The script is working pretty well for my unskilled/no IOTM char, although he does have VIP, any plans to encorporate VIP use (like fax)?

I'm still working on core functionality to get the best results from it. However RESPRiT has stated he is working on some new features such as that, so we'll see what he brings up. Just an FYI I'll be posting the bi-weekly update this weekend.
Ive been stuck a few times. Spooky Raven manor quest. Gets stuck on the nightstand drawers post combat. Hidden temple quest got stuck first unlocking the city then defeating the final boss.
Ive been stuck a few times. Spooky Raven manor quest. Gets stuck on the nightstand drawers post combat. Hidden temple quest got stuck first unlocking the city then defeating the final boss.

Yeah, it always gets stuck on that temple because mafia doesn't support it properly or something, I need to jimmy-rig a fix for it I guess.
Yeah, it always gets stuck on that temple because mafia doesn't support it properly or something, I need to jimmy-rig a fix for it I guess.
I love this kind of comment. Not.

Please describe exactly how "mafia doesn't support it properly" and, perhaps, we'll be able to "support it properly". If you can't do that, then the problem is in your script. You can "jimmy-rig a fix", if you wish - or, perhaps, fix your bug properly, depending on your coding skill.
Mafia, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't have a dropdown select for The Massive Ziggurate option to Leave on the Choice Adventure tab. This mainly affects when I set stuff up manually as the only option is to show in browser at that point instead of just auto-stopping as with the shrines.

Anyways, I looked at the code I was using, and it seems I was using the choice adventure for normal paths, 791, not 1002 which is the Ed version. Does the choice adventure tab auto-detect if you're on Ed path and automatically swap to the appropriate version, or does it only display the option for 791?
Stuck unlocking the city is a problem with the way you wrote your script. I don't run Edscension, since I'm done with Ed-core, but BCA unlocks the HC just fine, so it's a scripting problem, not a mafia problem.

But beating the HC final boss is a mafia autostop issue. Here's the Feature request from a year and a half ago asking to have mafia not abort, which is waiting to find out what debug info is needed, so that the debug info can be collected, so that it can be fixed.

That being said, in Ed-core, you don't actually fight the boss. So you don't even hit that issue if you code it right. BCA runs right past both of those issues.
Mafia, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't have a dropdown select for The Massive Ziggurate option to Leave on the Choice Adventure tab. This mainly affects when I set stuff up manually as the only option is to show in browser at that point instead of just auto-stopping as with the shrines.

Anyways, I looked at the code I was using, and it seems I was using the choice adventure for normal paths, 791, not 1002 which is the Ed version. Does the choice adventure tab auto-detect if you're on Ed path and automatically swap to the appropriate version, or does it only display the option for 791?

Just because there isn't a dropdown in the GUI doesn't mean you can't set a value for that choiceAdventureXXXX setting.

I would be surprised if the script you started from for making your script has this issue...
New version up.

Changelog from last version:
Fixed it delaying doing the ninjas
Also fixed combat with ninja assassins
Reordered some more quests
Testing leveling with giants instead of gallery
Rewrote some handling code for the ghost necklace (shouldn't cause any changes)
Fixed Nun Handling, so that it doesn't abort mid-way through them.
Trying flyering in the giants castle for people without Mr. Store access.
Trying +ML instead of -combat for Strung-Up Quartet
Went back to leveling in Gallery (but still flyering in the castle)
Fixed temple aborting
Fixed pirate handling of +combat
Some rearrangement of purchasing and MP support
I finally figured out how to get SVN to work with GitHub, so I will start working auto-revisions of this script for you all!
The script is unable to get chewing gum on a string for me.

I also get the red text "You have not selected the option to trade with coin masters." often

The script gets me 3 scrips but doesn't buy the dinghy plans. I think this might be where the coin master error is coming from?

After that it was trying to quest in the bat hole even though I was only level 3. Once I bought the dinghy plans and manually leveled to 4 it started working again.
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You need to set the preference allowing purchasing from NPCs and such in the KoLmafia preferences panel. It was adventuring in the bat hole because that's the next place it will adventure if for some reason it can't get a boat or you don't have vacation zones.
You need to set the preference allowing purchasing from NPCs and such in the KoLmafia preferences panel. It was adventuring in the bat hole because that's the next place it will adventure if for some reason it can't get a boat or you don't have vacation zones.
Thanks. My next stoppage was the script trying to adventure at the Degrassi Knoll Gym when I don't have it unlocked. I have to go visit the untinkerer manually
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Thanks. My next stoppage was the script trying to adventure at the Degrassi Knoll Gym when I don't have it unlocked. I have to go visit the untinkerer manually

It will head there if you don't have the Degrassi Knoll unlocked moon sign (highly suggested for ease of use), however I did not have a line programmed in for grabbing the untinkerer quest to unlock it, thanks for the notice.
I upgraded to the new version, and although it is well past the manor, it breaks wanting to verify the manor is open:
> ed_ascend

Hello Heartbot, time to explode!
This is day 4.
Turns played: 832 current adventures: 162
Current Ascension: Actually Ed the Undying
CCS set to null
Mind control device already at 10
Mafia reports 5 or more writing desks defeated yet we are still looking for them? Give Lady Spookyraven her necklace?

It looks like you changed the property setting from "done" to "finished" to mark it as complete.
> get ed_spookyravennecklace


> set ed_spookyravennecklace=finished

ed_spookyravennecklace => finished

After setting this, it continues on.