Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

Residual stuff I think from the alternative CCS that I deleted. There's a whole bunch of mess in there, but I won't have time to fix it up for a while, especially since I'm working on my website right now, and my Android app development. :/

How long, do you reckon? I'd like to use this to chain 2 day HCEd, if possible...
The script is on Day 1 of an Ed ascension. It is bashing its head against the figurative wall trying to adventure in the Degrassi Knoll Gym, which it can't get to, and isn't able to figure this out either. I chose The Opossum when ascending, so the Knoll isn't unlocked. What should I do here?

Oh, I forgot to mention, it complains about a bad monster value: clingy pirate. I manually edited the script to get past this: it's expecting clingy pirate (male) or clingy pirate (female) there.
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Yeah, the pirate thing is a new bug in new versions of mafia, I'll post a fix in a while, but I'm doing PHD applications for the next 3 months so won't be focusing on much else. As for the other issue, I don't have support for anything other than degrassi gnoll unlock, sorry.
I made a fork in github to store my own version of Zen00's script. A few of the changes there may be of interest more broadly. In particular, I have some fixes to the handling of The Horror, that include the elimination of code that undid the equipment changes that the maximizer had performed:


(that link is for a change on a version of ed_ascend.ash that already had some other slight divergences from Zen00's. But it does focus on the relevant L9_aBooPeak function.)

I believe that most of the other significant changes in my branch are only relevant for low-skilled ascensions. For example, it won't try to wait for Wrath of Ra to cool down when getting the war outfit, if we don't have Wrath of Ra. There are a bunch of things like that, plus some ease-of-use stuff like eliminating extra equipment and servant switching, and better detection when quest steps have been completed manually. But those may be things of interest to others, as well.

Oh, I just remembered one other thing I fixed: the script wasn't recognizing that the A.M.C. gremlin never has a molybdenum tool, and was stasising it.
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OK. First let me apologize in advance if I sound like an annoyed user with a sense of entitlement. I know better.

Short of copy/paste, which I am not going to do, everything I try to access chown's fork at https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscensi...02c02f88162f85 fails in one way or another and several of the failures claim I need to be logged in to GitHub to do what I am trying to do.

For example,

> svn checkout https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscensi...02c02f88162f85

svn: E170001: Authentication required for '/github.com:443> GitHub'
Unable to connect with repository at /wmarkham/Edscensi...02c02f88162f85

I get similar errors trying serious things in a web browser.

I want to use this script. I'm even willing to submit questions and feature requests and bug reports or other stories of user error. What I am not willing to do is deal with multiple authors and have to make some decision about which files I want from a fork and which I don't. I write code professionally so I get all the wonderful features of git and branching. But I am not coming at this as a coder, but as a user.

As a user I would like a maintained script. Given PhD applications and other features of Real Life, I understand why that is unlikely to happen. I also appreciate someone else stepping in to make and contribute fixes. But could everyone get together and figure out how to play nicely so that as I user I don't have to worry about GitHib accounts or branching or anything other than KoLmafia updating to a version that works better than the version it replaced?

Thank you.
OK. First let me apologize in advance if I sound like an annoyed user with a sense of entitlement. I know better.
No worries.

Let me apologize for not knowing how to set up the GitHub stuff properly for svn use by Mafia. I would do it, if I knew how. Would anyone care to enlighten me?

I am also entirely new to git and github. Is there something about the project I made that prevents people from accessing it in other ways that would also be more convenient than copy/paste? I mean, you can at least download a .zip, right?

At the moment, I have some time and inclination to work on the script. I can't really even guarantee that will last, though. I made a fork in GitHub entirely because I assumed that if Zen00 wants to continue to work on it, this would be the easiest way to pull in any useful changes from my own code.

What can I do to make my stuff useful to other folks?
Thank you.

Preferred solution would be to have zen00 grant you whatever you need so that you can merge your branch into his mainline and then work together behind the scenes as needed.

Acceptable solution would be to learn enough about git via SVN so that you can set things up so whoever uses the KoLmafia scn checkout command gets a complete package that consists of everything that is needed.

If none of the above work you could revert to the pre-SVN distribution technology which is starting a thread on kolmafia.us and attaching the latest version in a zip file to the first post. Then users just unzip and the unzipped files will overwrite things in ./relay and ./scripts

Since GitHub is new to you (and me), let me say that most of the times I visit GitHib to look at a file there is a download link for the file in my browser. Since I did not see that on your branch I am assuming there is a permissions kind of issue and you need to log in and look at sharing options.
Should I be able to:
> svn checkout https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscension

Starting     Checkout...
Validating repo...
The requested repo     failed validation. Complain to the script's author.

I also tried complaining to myself.
I'm not sure what's causing that actually... it looks​ valid to me and I'm not sure why it's failing.
Looks like the .gitattributes and .gitignore in the top-level that's causing it to fail.

edit: specifically, the only (non-directory) file you're allowed to have in the top-level directory is dependencies.txt.
Oh, wait. I've got it. The command should be:

svn checkout https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscension/branches/master/
Oh. I had somehow gotten the impression that cc was no longer maintaining one. Or, not as an Ed script, or something.
I'm running whatever I got by doing
svn checkout https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscension/branches/master/
just before I started the run. Script is bumping up ML, I can't beat anything and the script eventually aborts because UNDYING is going to cost Ka. I suspect it needs to be a little smarter about what ML it thinks can be handled or if it just maximizes ML then maybe it shouldn't. Thanks.
Hmm. Thanks for the feedback.

Which astral gear did you pick? I believe my latest changes will work best with an astral bracer, (or the ring, which should be about the same, but not as well-tested) and sometimes I have had trouble if I pick something else. Also, on accounts that have done a few Ed runs already, I sometimes run out of meat at the start of the run, because the script tries to maintain one or two buffs that it can't quite afford.

Also, just FYI, the current "master" code doesn't set Mafia's Ed defeat threshold properly. So sometimes I have seen it auto-abort before it actually starts spending Ka. I do have some changes in the works that should address that. I'll update the repository with them.

In general, you should be able to stop the script if you see it doing something wrong, (or, you know, if it aborts) do some things manually, and then start the script again. In this case, are you able to turn down the MCD, bash a few monsters manually, maybe upgrade legs, and then kick it off again?

edit: wait, I think I meant to ask which sign, rather than which astral gear. Anyway, knowing both might be helpful in investigating the problem. Oh, and I just went ahead and pushed all of my latest code to the "master" branch. Feel free to update or not, as you see fit.

Ugh. Actually, you should hold off on updating. Uh, for the moment. I messed something up.

edit again: Well. I can't reproduce the problem I was seeing earlier tonight. The script repeatedly stopped with "Manual control requested" whenever it got to the "Bat Into Hell" choice. And some other strange behavior. Which all went away just as mysteriously as it appeared. I didn't change ed_ascend code in any way that would affect that. As far as I can tell. I guess it's good. Sorry for the uncertainty on my part. Let me know how it goes if/when you try the script again, and whether or not you did a 'svn update'.
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No astral gear. I was in such a hurry to get out of Community Service that I didn't buy anything. I think I am in the myst sign that opens the gnoll but that is from memory and not actually looking at the character. Yesterday there were a lot of stops in the underworld. Today none. I did update before I ran. I am happier with this script and look forward to a series of karma farming runs until a new challenge path or I have HC permed every skill. Thanks.
Okay, that's good to hear. Eventually, (assuming I continue to work on it for a while) I'd like for the script to be very tolerant of whatever starting conditions users throw at it, as well as any strange things they might decide to do mid-run. At the moment, though, that's not the case. And, the start of the run is particularly critical because the script wants to gather Ka at the Hippy Camp (or one of the elemental airport zones) as much as possible, in order to get all the organ upgrades. Anyway, I'll see what I can do to make it a bit more robust. Perhaps a tweak to the code that decides when to crank up the MCD is needed.

Incidentally, I'd also be interested in hearing about any red text that appears in the log. I do know about the "test4", etc., messages that appear, as well as a couple messages in places where the old combat code would cast Curse of Indecision. If you happen to notice any others, feel free to mention them here.

Oh, and there's one other known issue you may run into: the code for adventuring in the Gallery can abort if you have Taunt of Horus active. Oh, and if a gremlin that might have a tool fails to reveal whether or not it does have it, eventually we abort with the "Too many undeaths" message. Of course, there are other times when the "Too many undeaths" thing happens. But that one really ought to be handled automatically. It's, you know, on my list.