Neither of those is tested. You-all will do that.![]()
Thank you. Hopefully tomorrow,
Neither of those is tested. You-all will do that.![]()
play random; repeat 14
> play random; repeat 14
[3526] Deck of Every Card
Encounter: Healing Salve
You acquire an item: white mana
Repetition 1 of 14...
Repetition 2 of 14...
Repetition 3 of 14...
Repetition 4 of 14...
Repetition 5 of 14...
Repetition 6 of 14...
Repetition 7 of 14...
Repetition 8 of 14...
Repetition 9 of 14...
Repetition 10 of 14...
Repetition 11 of 14...
Repetition 12 of 14...
Repetition 13 of 14...
Repetition 14 of 14...
Yea, I think there's something I don't understand about the "repat" command.> print abc; repeat 4
Repetition 1 of 4...
Repetition 1 of 4...
Repetition 1 of 4...
Repetition 1 of 4...
... ad infinitum...
public void run( final String cmd, final String parameters )
KoLmafiaCLI CLI = this.CLI;
String previousLine = CLI.previousLine;
if ( previousLine != null )
int repeatCount = parameters.length() == 0 ? 1 : StringUtilities.parseInt( parameters );
for ( int i = 0; i < repeatCount && KoLmafia.permitsContinue(); ++i )
RequestLogger.printLine( previousLine + " repetition " + ( i + 1 ) + " of " + repeatCount + "..." );
CLI.executeLine( previousLine );
What I've learned is that putting the repeat command on the same line as the command you want to repeat doesn't seem to work the way I expected it to.> print abc
> repeat 5
Repetition 1 of 5...
Repetition 2 of 5...
Repetition 3 of 5...
Repetition 4 of 5...
Repetition 5 of 5...
Autopulling by KoL was added in the last few days.I don't think it was an issue before the deck was introduced though? Even if it is the image of the key which shows up, I never had any troubles with the autopull of it before? Of course, if this is a separate issue from the introduction of the deck, feel free to splitting off this to a separate thread![]()
What did you do to get that in your CLI? I ascended this afternoon into an OCRS run and it autopulled the VIP key and the Deck of Every card for me, but I never saw anything in the gCLI or the Relay Browser that told me it did that; they were just in my inventory.
Autopulling by KoL was added in the last few days.
Ascend as a Hardcore Female Disco Bandit under the Vole sign on the One Crazy Random Summer path, banking 23905 Karma.
Encounter: One Crazy Random Summer
Took choice 1077/1: unknown
You acquire an item: dice ring
You acquire an item: dice belt buckle
You acquire an item: dice-print pajama pants
You acquire an item: dice-shaped backpack
You acquire an item: dice-print do-rag
You acquire an item: dice sunglasses
You acquire an item: kill screen
Somebody should make a KoL bug report for this. Or some KoL dev should investigate and raise the issue in /devSo looks like it doesn't do the main refresh which generates that information in paths where we show a choice adventure, or OCRS at least.
session/EventManager takes the events from pages we visit and prints them to the gCLI. Looks like addNormalEvent strips out everything that is not a link before printing it there, but, there must be something it doesn't handle correctly with item acquisitions - which I expect have a desc_item link, at least.So we'll need to capture the new main text and work out why we aren't parsing it cleanly, but it'll only appear in non choice starting paths (also didn't appear in Ed, has only appeared in 4 runs for me this year).