How will scripts use this?If this grabs the encounter name, wouldn't it get things like "Six of Spades" vs "Seven of Spades", making it a little more difficult to match?
I think all the variable ones are "<#> of <Thing>" and <Thing> is unique so it is probably something that scripters should deal with. Just figured I'd mention it.
I am so tempted to add cheating to newLife now that mafia can confirm which cards are available... though there might be someone who doesn't want to spend a cheat on mainstat. (Or even someone in hardcore that doesn't want a Mickey Mantle card.)
"Spades" - a shorthand for the actual card name, which is:
"X of Spades"
Or, would it be interesting to know that today you actually got the "Seven of Spades"?
How will scripts use this?
void cheat(string card) {
cli_execute("cheat "+card);
Since you seem to have backed away from the idea I will say Thank You.
[color=green]> get _deckCardsSeen[/color]
Dark Ritual|XIV - Temperance|Giant Growth|The Race Card|Rope|Spare Tire|Revolver|Wrench|Slimer Trading Card|II - The High Priestess|Green Card|X of Salads
Well, I think that obvious usage would be on the lines of...
Code:void cheat(string card) { if(!get_property("_deckCardsSeen").contains_text(card)) cli_execute("cheat "+card); }
It just makes sense to check the property for the proper name of the card before playing it. But as long as I know that the proper card name will lead to errors, I could pass that function a value of "Spades" instead of "X of Spades" and let the cheat command figure it out.
OK. Revision TBD (once Sourceforge lets me commit again) normalizes the cards to be "X of Y".
It took 12 gift cards before I was able to confirm that my code worked.Code:[color=green]> get _deckCardsSeen[/color] Dark Ritual|XIV - Temperance|Giant Growth|The Race Card|Rope|Spare Tire|Revolver|Wrench|Slimer Trading Card|II - The High Priestess|Green Card|X of Salads