Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

Which is the best name for Zarqon's upcoming combat consult script?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
I'm writing the final branch of my combat consult suite, and it's about time to give it a name. I've come up with a variety of names, but I decided to let you, the script users, have some input.


Now - Jan 21: Name submissions. Submissions are now closed.

Jan. 21: Voting began on 1/21! Options presented in detail below.

Feb. 12: On 2/12, voting closes. Ideally, this is also my personal deadline for releasing the new script (fingers crossed). The winning name wins a sweet prize. I reserve the right to use a different name for the script if there's a non-winning name that I really love, but the prize still goes to the poll winner.

Sweet Prizes

The winning submission gets a complete set of Underworld weaponry, provided by my scripting friend and clannie dj_d (thanks a lot!). These items together are currently worth about 14M meat and rising. For script #3, 3 weapons, one for each mainstat. It feels symmetrical and appropriate. Good luck!

All other submissions that made it to the poll will receive 100,000 meat. Yes, that means if you submitted more than one that made it to the poll you can take home a pretty penny. I mean, a pretty... er, loin.

The Finalists

Ladies and gentlebats, the submissions have been made and I had the difficult task of narrowing down a nice large list of many excellent names to just 10. I have created the poll above, but I thought I would give a little spiel for each name as well. Please judge the names honestly and choose the one that you sincerely feel to be the best match for this script. Here are some criteria to help you.

  • The script you are naming will finish combats that are handed to it by SmartStasis, by choosing the most profitable of nearly all your options. It will be pretty friggin' smart about it too.
  • Much like one of my musical idols, I like palindromes and symmetry -- hence FTF, SS, DDD, BBB. Also, cf. the dates for this contest.
  • I also like alliteration, assonance, etc.
  • The name should not be confusing (i.e. naming it "mafia" is a bad idea).

The Contestants (listed alphabetically):

  • BatMan (battle manager)
    Concisely explains what the script is about AND makes not only a bat reference but a pop culture reference as well. T-Rex would definitely vote for this one.
  • BattleAssisT
    References bats, and has some very nice symmetry. And although the submitter didn't know it, including the last letter as part of the acronym ties in to my love for bats.
  • Comnibat
    Lots of juicy relevant word pieces smushed up. Combat (of course), omni (all, as in "considers all options" or "defeats all monsters"), bat (naturally), with enough of the word "Telecomnicon" in it to make you pretty sure it can handle the arcane stuff with aplomb.
  • Fight Finisher
    Probably the clearest name as to the purpose of the script. Alliterative, palindromic abbreviation, and the name of a club in Seoul that a band I drum for sometimes plays at (FF, I mean. Not Fight Finisher). The script could probably also print "FINISH HIM!" the round before you make your final attack.
  • Guarantee Obliterating Destruction! (GOD)
    With the exclamation mark, of course. Lends itself to many hilarious misunderstandings. Have you installed GOD?
  • Mop Up Monsters
    Nice ring to it, palindromic abbreviation. Could print a special message if you are fighting with a mop equipped. Combat: now with more idioms!
  • Third Things Third
    First Things First, then SmartStasis, then Third Things Third. Besides the alliteration, the symmetry goes beyond the name here to include the entire script trilogy.
  • Win The Fight (WTF)
    WTF or die trying.
    Friend 1: WTF?
    Friend 2: Yes, I did, because I'm using WTF.
    Friend 1: WTF?
    Friend 2: Oh wait... you're asking if I know about that RPG?
    Friend 1: WTF?!?!?!
  • ZBattle
    ZLib. Zarqon. Bats. Battle. ZBattle.
  • Zarqon's Optimal Melee Guru (ZOMG)
    It spells ZOMG, while somehow explaining the script pretty dang well. ZOMG!

PS - Is this the first contest run in the scripting forum...?
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Awesome contest. Very much looking forward to this ultimate combat script. I'm happy that my meatpermp calculations in Universal_recovery can help make it more accurate. :D :D

Unfortunately I suck at naming, but I'll give it my best try anyway.

Names must not include punctuation. A name like "Zarqon's Fight Club" would not fly.
The real problem is that if we called it Fight Club, we couldn't talk about it.
So, to seek clarification:
First came FTF. It handles all that stuff you want done at the beginning of a battle.
Then came SS. It draws combat out for various benefits.
Now comes Unnamed Script (not a naming submission). It finishes the battle by killing the monster, in the best well-thought-out traditions of Zarqon scripting.


(Also not a submission: Kombat Killer. Because replacing C's with K's is just wrong.)
KK koalakiller (i'm Australian)

Naah being serious


Bugger Acronyms Terminally

Best Action (to) Terminate, script

Bat King's Economical Killer
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I'm just going to make changes to this post while I come up with stuff

AKA - Alluvial Kombat Automaton

AKA - Adamant Kombat Automaton

ZZZ - Zarqon's Zealous Zoomachy
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I guess Best Bloody Battle Script Ever will just confuse things, so:

After doing those First Things First...
After using your brains to Smart Stasis ...
Time for... Kung Fu Fighting

(other -rejected- ideas: Mindless Monster Bashing, Harder They Fall, Ultimate Fighting, Killing Him Softly...)
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i'm fairly good with acronyms.

CTC - Combat Tree Calculator

ZOMG - Zarqon's Omnipotent Melee Guru

EDM - Equals Dead Monster

NKOTB - Now Killing Optimally Tis Best
ZOMG I love zomg and ttt.

Z - since the ascend.ash suite will no doubt wind up including this (or at least recommending it), may I "sponsor" the prize (of your choice)?
A few more.

THACO - The Highly Articulated Combat Organizer

FIGHT - Filter Intelligently Good Hitting Tactics

or for those not into acronyms...

cmbt : simple, combat without vowels, in the style of the average company name.

combatComplete (cC) : descibes exactly what it does, completes combat.
Fantastic Fight Finisher
Finish Fights Fast
Marvelous Monster Murderer
Efficient Encounter Ender
Optimal Obliterator / Optimal Obliteration
Mop Up Monsters

I quite like Dead as a Doornail and the various AA / AAA options. ZOMG is pretty awesome, but then I'd refer to it as Zarqon's ZOMG and be all redundant.

Not a submission: Kwicker Kombat Killer
Holy crap, this is fantastic! I love the ideas everyone! Keep 'em coming. Or in the case of aqua, keep not submitting names with C's changed to K's.

@Jason: submitted like a true programmer. :)

@dj_d: I am honored that you would make this offer. I've PMed you about this.

@halfvoid: you read Goblins?
@zarqon: nope. just played a bit of the ole d&d back in the day.

i'm a virtual thesaurus and former design major as well, hence the numerous acronyms.