Been refactoring the tracker brick. Lots of code changes, but only a few functional changes, so I'm posting my current version here to allow ckb to synchronize with me in case he's making any interesting updates.
if (started("questL11Pyramid")) {
if ( !($strings[step11, step12, finished] contains get_property("questL11Pyramid")) ) {
//L11: questL11Pyramid
if(started("questL11Pyramid")) {
string questL11Pyramid = get_property("questL11Pyramid");
// Header
switch(questL11Pyramid) {
case "started":
result.append('Find the Oasis at the <a target="mainpane" href="beach.php">Desert</a>');
case "step11":
case "step12":
result.append('Kill Ed in the <a target="mainpane" href="pyramid.php">Pyramid</a>');
result.append('Find the pyramid at the <a target="mainpane" href="beach.php">Beach</a><br>');
// Step-by-step
switch(questL11Pyramid) {
case "step1":
case "step4":
case "step5":
result.append("Explore the Desert");
case "step2":
result.append(item_report($item[stone rose], "stone rose, "));
result.append(item_report($item[drum machine], "drum machine, "));
case "step3":
result.append(item_report($item[black paint]));
if(questL11Pyramid == "step3")
result.append("Explore the Desert");
case "step6":
case "step7":
case "step8":
result.append(item_report($item[worm-riding manual page 1], "Page 1,"));
result.append(item_report($item[worm-riding manual page 2], "Page 2, "));
result.append(item_report($item[worm-riding manual pages 3-15], "Pages 3-15"));
case "step9":
result.append(item_report($item[drum machine], "drum machine, "));
result.append(item_report($item[worm riding hooks]));
case "step10":
result.append('<a target="mainpane" href="beach.php?action=woodencity&pwd='+my_hash()+'">Ride the Worm !</a>');
// Open the Bottom Chamber of the Pyramid
case "step11":
case "step12":
if(get_property("pyramidBombUsed")=="false") {
if(get_property("lastPyramidReset").to_int()==my_ascensions()) {
if(item_amount($item[ancient bomb])==0) {
result.append(item_report($item[ancient bronze token]));
} else {
result.append(item_report($item[ancient bomb]));
} else {
result.append(item_report($item[Staff of Fats], "Staff of Fats, "));
result.append(item_report($item[ancient amulet], "amulet, "));
result.append(item_report($item[Eye of Ed], "Eye of Ed"));
My vote is to make it a pop-up dropdown (if that makes sense...) using the character icon. Like the pop-up for familiar switching.Now I've got to figure out the most aesthetic way to add them to the interface.
What do people think? Should this be a new brick? Should I add an icon somewhere? Where would be good? I am eagerly taking suggestions!
The familiar image of the happy medium seems to break when she progresses past image one (i.e. "medium_0.gif"). When not using chit, I get the image in my charpane just fine. Is this something you can easily fix?
Also, I know it's way early and this hasn't even been implemented in mafia yet, but I assume there are eventual plans to add Florist support?
I currently use it that way, too, but I noticed that clicking on my name takes me to the same page, so I was thinking I could get used to that.Thanks for the suggestion. The problem is that I like being able to click on the character image to go to my character page.Where else would you want to put that?
I figured since Last Location(s) is in the charpane, then the Florist should be there, too. In case I wasn't clear, I don't mean just a simple link to the Florist. I was thinking the three flower boxes could be a brick, and you could, again with pop-up boxes, click on one and set the flower you wanted.Ummm... Nope. No plans at all. I added the florist to my topmenu and he's pretty happy there. Why would it be in the charpane?
Whoops - silly me. For some reason I thought it used kolmafia's image-cacheIn the zip file there are images. Copy those images to /images/relayimages/chit and your problem will be fixed.
If chit.quests.hide is set to true then the charpane won't show the quest log, even if there is a quest brick listed in ChIT's preferences.
Chit.ReadMe.txt said:chit.quests.hide: Don't display Quest Nudges when you don't have any active quests
Does anyone use this?
The largest item for me currently is the Azazel Quest, but I do not plan to do that quest. Could it be displayed only if the player actually starts the quest?
Related: I always forget which subzone is item, init, etc. Maybe this info can be added as a tooltip?
In the old quest tracker the names of the cyrpt subzones are links to the subzones. Could this be added?
I'm loving CHIT. Thanks so much for taking the time to maintain it.
One request: I am an old-fashioned man who fears change, and I'm holding onto the "quests" brick because I'm simply more used to it than the tracker brick. I noticed that in 0.8.2, if you have no active quests, you lose both the quests brick *and* the quests link on the toolbar. This leaves me no way to get to the quests page that I can see.
I can code around the case manually if I'm the only one who still uses that brick, but thought you might like to know![]()
I asked for comments about that change nearly a week before implementing without any negative response. Whelp, now I know. Gemelli has taken good care of me in the past and since he loves this script I'm going to put it back the way he liked it.
I agree on the steel organ quest. I never do that one either, and it would be nice not to have to see it in the tracker.