Character Info Toolbox

That's odd. Do you have any idea why the image would not appear under that circumstance? I recall another such instance you pointed out to me, but it was because of a mistake on my part. I did not make that mistake in this instance.

Nope, but I think from looking at the html generated that the image appeared to have a double file ending which may do odd things I guess.
Each steps correspond to a Quest Log entry. See the Quest Log KoLWiki page for a complete breakdown.

EDIT: wooo, way to open a thread, wait 2 hours, and answer to a question that has already been addressed.
Nope, but I think from looking at the html generated that the image appeared to have a double file ending which may do odd things I guess.

Please report that as a mafia bug. Or as a KoL bug/idiosyncracy that mafia cannot handle. What sort of double file ending? Should ChIT be able to fix it?

EDIT: LoL! All of a sudden this thread is very popular with so many responses vying for time.
HTML with caching:
<a class="chit_launcher" rel="chit_pickerfam" href="#"><img src="images/adventureimages/adventureimages/jarlcomp1.gif"></a>

HTML code without caching:
<a class="chit_launcher" rel="chit_pickerfam" href="#"><img src="images/adventureimages/jarlcomp1.gif"></a>

So, not double ending but double file path?
Here is my addition to ChIT, a modification of 0.8.

This adds a new brick, called "trackers".
The intent of this is to replace the "quests" brick (or supplement it), and include a bunch of more useful information that Mafia is tracking anyway. I had started a small charpane relay script to track pirate insults and Evilometer numbers, but ChIT is so awesome, it made more sense to use it and add some flavor.

I am reasonably happy with the layout, but the content is not nearly complete. Some quests are tracked well, some only barely, and some not at all. Lots of stuff is on the to-do list, but this is a good start.

The attached zip contains an updated charpane.ash and an updated chit.css. The css also modifies the Recent Adventures and Effects to make their text smaller (my preference), but that is easily switched back if you don't like it.

Feedback and contributions much welcomed. It is a tricky thing to debug because you only really get one chance per ascension to test if it is all correct.

Stuff that is not yet addressed:
  • A-Boo peak
  • Twin Peak
  • Oil Peak
  • tower telescope items
  • Bugbear biodata
  • Subject 37 quest
  • Nemesis quest
  • Sea quests
  • Steel organ quest
  • Pirate Fcle items
  • Manor wines
  • Palindome quest
  • hidden city quest
  • Dessert / Pyramid quest
  • facsimile dictionary
  • challenge path stuff
  • other things I am forgetting



I love all the comments you added to chit.css! That'll help me a lot in the future. I don't think I'll change the text sizes, but I'm keeping your awesome commentary! I've already merged them into my local copy.

I think I'll need to run an ascension using this brick in order to decide if I want to roll it into the mainline version. I'm planning on starting my next ascension after jick finishes the sea content this week. I'll evaluate it then.
Heh. I haven't touched the new Sea yet. No problem; I have plenty of Jarlsberg ascensions (which I delayed until the Jarlsberg Pan IOTM came out) to finish up. So, I, too, will wait for the Sea to be "done" before I look at it.

Not that Jarlsberg is challenging any more; with 6 HC ascensions behind me, I start with 15 Jarlsberg points and almost every skill I need to make my ascension "easy"; all the future ones will be used to shave of turns here and there, seems to me...
My experience with Jarlsberg is similar. I'm still gonna do some more though after my current break. (This is just a good time for me to take a break for personal reasons.) It's kinda interesting how Jarlsberg was challenging for the first few ascensions, as opposed to Boris which started off pretty easy and finally became trivial.
My good luck was more along the lines of "good luck ascending before July if you're waiting on the sea," actually. I recently gave up on waiting and started ascending again.
My good luck was more along the lines of "good luck ascending before July if you're waiting on the sea," actually. I recently gave up on waiting and started ascending again.

He's been pushing out sea updates pretty regularly and it really looks like the next one will be the last. Anyway, even if the next one isn't last, I'll still probably ascend right afterwards. Currently I'm trying to get my third factoid for Peanut. I've been trying to get it for two whole days now. Blasted thing. It really is my worst fear. Stupid uncopy-able monster.
I love that also! I just reduce the size of the eXtreme meter so that it properly fits in the charpane. For some reason the original image is too big. Maybe Jick thought that was part of the joke, but it is less attractive.

ChIT also shows the zombie horde image if you're in ZombieCore 'cause I try to keep the awesome when Jick goes that extra distance.
For some reason the original image is too big. Maybe Jick thought that was part of the joke, but it is less attractive.

He thought it was a joke that most people wouldn't care about because the assassin path is supposed to be a lot faster. He didn't realize how fast the slope would be. Based on multiple radio show responses, he seems uninterested in changing it.
Updated to 0.8.1
  • Add ckb's "tracker" brick
  • Update for KoL change: MCD now affects Initiative
  • Fix ChIT bug: ML between 80 and 100 has init penalty of 120, not 80
  • A few cosmetic fixes

Since version 0.8, both charpane.ash and chit.css have been changed.
Download to /relay directory: View attachment 7572 and View attachment 7573

To try out ckb's tracker brick, add ",tracker" to "chit.walls.layout" or "chit.toolbar.layout" It's kind've an interesting replacement or addition to the "quests" brick. It tries to use minimal space to provide maximal information so it works in the wall below my effects, especially since I don't have as many effects as an Avatar of Jarlsberg. (I still have the quests brick in my toolbar since it provides information differently and I like to compare them.) I haven't decided yet if I will add this information to the basic quests brick or leave it as an option.

@ckb: I changed "trackers" to "tracker" since I feel that is better. (The tracker contains many quests, but the tracker itself is singular.) I hope you don't mind. I also shorted a couple of sentences to get them on a single line. Obviously more of that still needs to be done.
Last edited:
@ckb: I just made this change for reporting about the spheres, what do you think? Seeing the words " stone sphere" four times in a row was just too awkward and space consuming. Actually, though it would be about as useful to simply provide a number x/4 as you do with the altars. What do you think?

	//L11: questL11Worship
	// hidden temple unlocked?
	// identified spheres, found altars
	if (get_property("questL11Worship")!="unstarted" && get_property("questL11Worship")!="finished" && my_level()>=11) {
		result.append('Unlock and search <a target="mainpane" href="woods.php">Hidden City</a>');
		result.append("<br>Spheres: ");
		buffer spheres;
		for s from 2174 to 2177 {
			if(length(spheres) > 0) spheres.append(", ");
			spheres.append(replace_string(item_report(to_item(s)), " stone sphere", ""));
		result.append("<br>Altars found: ");
		if (get_property("lastHiddenCityAscension") == my_ascensions()) {
			int altars = 0;
			foreach cc in $strings[N, W, L, F] {
				if(get_property("hiddenCityLayout").contains_text(cc)) { altars += 1; }
		} else {

Unfortunately that fails if you put the sphere in the altar since item amount is zero. Well, that's quite fixable, but it is a bit easier to get it right if you're only counting them like this:

	if(get_property("questL11Worship")!="unstarted" && get_property("questL11Worship")!="finished" && my_level()>=11) {
		int spheres, altars;
		for s from 2174 to 2177
			if(item_amount(to_item(s)) > 0 || get_property("lastStoneSphere"+s) != "")
				spheres += 1;
		if(get_property("lastHiddenCityAscension") == my_ascensions())
			foreach cc in $strings[N, W, L, F]
					altars += 1;
		if(spheres + altars < 8) {
			result.append('Unlock and search <a target="mainpane" href="woods.php">Hidden City</a>');
			result.append("<br>Spheres found: ");
			result.append("<br>Altars found: ");
		} else {
				result.append('Kill Spectre at <a target="mainpane" href="woods.php">Hidden City</a>');
			else result.append('Search for Temple at <a target="mainpane" href="woods.php">Hidden City</a>');
Last edited:
Bale;90392@[B said:
ckb[/B]: I changed "trackers" to "tracker" since I feel that is better. (The tracker contains many quests, but the tracker itself is singular.) I hope you don't mind. I also shorted a couple of sentences to get them on a single line. Obviously more of that still needs to be done.

Thats funny... I had it called "tracker" originally, but changed it to "trackers" to better match with all the other pluralized bricks: questS, effectS, buffS, helperS

But I like tracker just fine.

I am going to keep adding to this as I go through my next run this week. I should have time as I sit in a factory in China and wait for stuff to happen.

@ckb: I just made this change for reporting about the spheres, what do you think? Seeing the words " stone sphere" four times in a row was just too awkward and space consuming. Actually, though it would be about as useful to simply provide a number x/4 as you do with the altars. What do you think?

I like that. I added this after I did the quest (and had no spheres) so I was not sure how it would report. Let us make it so.