bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
OK, I've come to a decision. I'm at a point in RL where I can't devote masses to the script. I can keep up with the small changes, tweaks, fixes, etc. but I can't add fist support in. So I'm releasing 0.32, with relatively minor fixes and the limited Fist support above. If anyone or a team want to integrate Fist support into that, I'll then spin 0.33 with their changes (he/she/they will of course be credited in full).

But only pretty much full fist support, though feel free to ask for preferences to be added if you feel they are necessary.
I just finished my first 5 dayer (DB HCNP) on my multi that I made to test hardcore out without donating and without a ton of good familiars. He's got the organ grinder, a VIP key, sugar tome, love song libram, and a rogue program that I've managed to meat farm for him in between runs.

The only thing I manually ran was first thing I made a rock and roll legend, ate my astral hot dogs, and opened up the moxie guild along with doing the nuns manually (because the maximizer failed in 0.31 with the -melee in the middle of the frat warrior outfit).

I'm quite happy with the work done so far on the script!


Active member
Okay another small change here, worm-riding hooks don't need to be equipped to find the pyramid.

Again as this is my edit, the spleen part of the script has been disabled. bumcheekcity if you want to add a var so that spleening can be disabled via preferences that would be nice.

If this run goes pretty smoothly then I will probably consider running another SC fist run afterwards, if that's the case then I may try to post any other automation I come up with. Something else I have done manually was acquiring can of black paint.

I was comfortably fitting SC runs into one working week, so if fist runs throw that out of whack too much then I will probably just go back to SC runs and not really feel encouraged to work on automating fist runs any further.


  • bumcheekascend v0.31_2.ash
    224.3 KB · Views: 38


Active member
I wouldn't feel the need to attach a script for every change, it's a 4500 line file. I'd recommend to simply post code snippets for one- or few-line changes. But the worm-riding hooks has been sorted.


Enclosed for the record is how I have Improved^WButchered BCA-0.31, as I seem to have hit a 6 day/1100 turn brick wall, I think the next run will be with a vanilla copy of BCA-0.32 as none of these seem to have made any improvement :(

changes made (in the order they appear in the patch file)

* fix Nuns moxie maximizer (nuns still only does one turn, no idea why)

* run Leash if over 3000 Meat

* run Empathy if over 4000 meat

* do not consume spleen (spleen consumption stopped me consuming Astral Pilsner when I wanted)

* fax something each day, ignore monster_attack() test as we can just stasis it until the Mini-Hipster kills it
(it gets Elite Guard Captain / Ascii Art / LFM / LFM / LFM / LFM on a six day run)
auto-kill it if we pass the test, manual kill if we fail
Don't get adding machine as we it might turn up while waiting for the N

* Do Artist quest, then turn in whiskers for meat after Tavern

* autosell Fascimile Dictionary

* get 3 DoD keys, do not get wand

best regards


  • drmpatch.txt
    9.6 KB · Views: 137
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I uploaded a "patch" to the SourceForge project that has a bunch of changes that I made locally:


Some of these changes may be useful to other folks. In particular:

- perform outfit & familiar changes after faxing, rather than before. Also, try to use a romantic arrow on any ghosts or ASCII art that is faxed in.
- Don't abort when the shore reports that I have taken "one" trip
- Ensure that I do some preliminary stuff (starting the guild quest, as well as doing the "toot" section) before any automated adventuring.
- added a whole function dedicated to detecting & marking manually-completed stages as complete. It only actually does a couple right now, but this might be a useful enhancement.
- Set the choice adventure to "Start the war" before adventuring at the Hippy Camp in the Frat War disguise.
- always spend all coins gained from selling war items. (Including if I got an odd number of coins, and also including those from the other side, in case I manually adventured in the other outfit.)
- Skip getting a zap wand, if I have three keys.
- various other odds & ends


Active member
Not going to post the changes, but I've added:

if (have_skill($skill[Salamander Kata])) cli_execute("trigger lose_effect, Salamanderenity, cast 1 Salamander Kata");

To the willMood() section in my script as part of the Fist run changes. Coupled with a stasis/mana burning this really helps to bank up Salamanderenity which is awesome to use with Flying Fire Fist when in the tower, or also just being pretty damn neat.


New member
I just got some IotMs, and am looking to use them in conjunction with this script.

Dramatic Hedgehog - I changed the txt file for meat fams, and earlier posts suggest I should change the script itself for stat. Is this correct?

Stomping Boots - I'm stumped. I see where in the script to change it, but must/can I use a CCS to get the pastes?
-Also, is there a place to put runaway fams, such as the Bander, for places where you expect to run away? Eg unlocking the Ballroom.

Tome of Clip Art - Is this the right way to use it for YR - summon unbearable light manually and change the script everywhere it says "pumpkin bomb"?
Last edited:


Active member
I just got some IotMs, and am looking to use them in conjunction with this script.

Dramatic Hedgehog - I changed the txt file for meat fams, and earlier posts suggest I should change the script itself for stat. Is this correct?

Stomping Boots - I'm stumped. I see where in the script to change it, but must/can I use a CCS to get the pastes?
-Also, is there a place to put runaway fams, such as the Bander, for places where you expect to run away? Eg unlocking the Ballroom.

Tome of Clip Art - Is this the right way to use it for YR - summon unbearable light manually and change the script everywhere it says "pumpkin bomb"?

Stomping boots: Yep you need a CCS (or consult script) to get the pastes.


It's been a long time since I used this script and it worked fine before; but now it says there is a newer version. It seems to indicate that because I'm in softcore that I need to use the relay script to change some settings. I'm not sure which settings I need to change because I can't get the relay script to run (version 0.1). It keeps telling me that there is a newer version. This thread seems to say that there is a version 0.12; but I don't see it on SourceForge and I don't see it on the relay script thread either. So what am I missing?


If you have bumcheekascend v0.31.ash from sourceforge you have the latest BCA, relay_bumcheekascendv0.1.ash is the latest relay.

Don't worry if running the relay script then says 'There is a new version available - go download the next version of bumcheekascend.ash at http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=4963!'
it is a known bug, with a fix forthcoming when next version of relay browser is released - https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3246169&group_id=503565&atid=2048077

best regards


The problem though is that it doesn't run after giving that message. When I try to run "bumcheekascend v0.31.ash" it says:
You are in softcore. The script behaves differently for softcore and requires you to follow the small number of instructions in the following page - http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=4963
To remove this notice and be able to use the script, please set the appropriate option in the relay script (which you can find on the kolmafia.us forum thread for this script).

When I try to run "relay_bumcheekascendv0.1.ash" it says:
There is a new version available - go download the next version of bumcheekascend.ash at http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=4963!

And then it just sits there, it doesn't actually start doing anything.


Active member
The relay-script needs to go in the /relay-folder and then needs to be run from the relay-dropdown in the relay-browser. It sounds as if you are running it from the scripts-menu in Mafia...


you have put the relay script in the relay/ directory (rather than the normal) scripts/ directory?

and then run it via the drop down in the top right corner of the relay bowser?

Ninja'd by WinterBay - I must learn to type faster, and make less mistakes (will all the relutant editing) :)


Tom Sawyer

Bumcheek any intent to change the script so that instead of getting a wand from the DoD to just getting 3 tokens? Might save some turns even if one has to backtrack to get the correct potion.


Tom, did you mean this?
--- /home/fit/Desktop/downloads/bumcheekascend v0.31.ash	2011-08-23 20:06:55.000000000 +0100
+++ bumcheekascend v0.31.ash.wand	2011-08-24 17:37:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@
 void bcascDailyDungeon() {
-	if (numUniqueKeys() >= 2 || !in_hardcore()) return;
+	if (numUniqueKeys() >= 3 || !in_hardcore()) return;
 	int amountKeys;
 	//Make skeleton keys if we can.
@@ -4660,7 +4660,7 @@
 		if (have_effect($effect[Teleportitis]) > 0) bcascTeleportitisBurn();
 		//Then we have to get the wand itself. Must have at least 5000 meat for this, so use 6000 for safety. 
-		if (my_meat() > 6000) {
+		if (my_meat() > 6000000) {
 			cli_execute("set choiceAdventure25 = 2");
 			bumAdv($location[Dungeons of Doom], "", "itemsnc", "1 dead mimic", "Getting a Dead Mimic", "-");
 		} else {

I have not posted it to sourceforge as it fails BCC's 'save 10 turn' test for me (comes out about even for me so far)

are you averaging over 17 turns from opening DoD to getting the mimic?
