bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

My current thoughts are that trying to automate the challenge path will be too hard to practically do, and will not lead to a rise in karma/day over HCNP. So i'm not going to do it, unless continued spading means it looks more likely.

Basically, I'm never going to support a challenge path that's inevitably going to be fewer karma/day than HCNP, which the script can knock out 5-dayers now with even a relatively low amount of skills/IOTMs.

Furthermore, the fact that everyone and their cat bitched about the script having massive problems in HCBees means I'm not even adding Kung Fu Fighting support, so there'll never be confusion as to whether this path will be supported even if just by integrating some other elements.


I hope there wasn't too much bitching, since I think it was pretty clear there was no official BHY support, but with Winterbay's addition it happened to work pretty well before the castle. I found it pretty darn valuable even in the state it was in.

It would always be pretty valuable if the script did anything more than 50% of a challenge run. And even a 6 day challenge returns more Karma than a 5-day HCNP (where is where I currently find BCC_ascend).

As a result, I would be very appreciative for any Challenge support, but I would not expect it -- and would have little expectation of it. Either way though, thanks again for this wonderful script.
Also, if anyone can work out why it won't use the arrow against the LFM, I'd be grateful for the input, as I can only test it once a day and I just can't work it out.
When I use a photocopied monster from the command line, KoLmafia goes into right into combat and fights the monster using my CCS. Here's a snipit from the script:
use(1, $item[photocopied monster]);
bumRunCombat((f == $monster[lobsterfrogman]) ? "consultLFM" : "");
So if it works the same way in ASH, then consultLFM would never be used.
About the Fisting path, I would say that the biggest change to make BCCAscend "work" would be to get the maximizing commands to sense that you cannot use any weapons or offhands. Maybe that some quests dont need an item equipped to work as well. Otherwise, everything works pretty ok! Being restrictive with MP spending as well,

Optional would be to check the list of where to get the scrolls with the path specific abilities and see where getting them might be easiest (aka, while you are adventuring there anyway, or when you need to level up).

You need 5 scrolls before the Mt.McLargeHuge to allow you to mine, and as said on the wiki, getting the 3rd early on is good for MP regen (cost 5mp and give 3-4MP per adv.)

Getting the Harem Outfit for the King early on is good as you can thn get 500 Meat from the treasury every day (add that as a daily deed, like checking the Hermit for clovers?)

Hmm.. Writing this I find that I just keep adding and adding things =S

Well, the TL-DR - making the maximizer work and not suggesting weapons would go a long way to make this work.
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Yeah, i went thru and did some mood changes to not spend any meat on hairspray etc, and was completely flummoxxed when the maximizer balked. /me kicks mafia
Okay, so, good script overall, but sometimes I don't like how the script deals with optimal equipment. Could you maybe put in some way to lock equipments?

Also, get rid of wand hunting, since you don't need it anymore.
In hardcore? No, the script will attempt to maximise moxie/muscle and that's it. Actually, I might have it attempt to max mox/mus at some appropriate limit, but that's been a feature request for a while now and nothing's happened.
Yeah, i went thru and did some mood changes to not spend any meat on hairspray etc, and was completely flummoxxed when the maximizer balked. /me kicks mafia

You can add "-weapon, -offhand" to whatever maximization you are doing. Not sure what it will do if you attempt to combine that with a "+oufit <something that includes a weapon>", but whatever section of code attempting to do that would presumably need to be adjusted anyways.

As far as if it's worth automating the path... Is a run 50% slower with no buffs at all?

For combat, in any class (especially moxie) all you need is pretty much this CCS:
drunken baby
There is no need to optimize the perfect scroll-hunting areas per class. Just pick the five that seem most reasonable and fit them in before level 8.
The hardest part is probably d1, and trying to get enough meat for a range and/or cocktail shaker. But you can definitely get both after (suboptimal) cyrpt meat.
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Also, there are several other scripts out there to do the level 11 quest, and it's not that bad. Level 12 is way way worse imo, I quite like the level 11 one, but I sincerely hate the level 12.

Really? I hate the level 11 quest. The level 12 one seems easier, though I always end up playing the gremlins by hand. At least all the locations are in one place. And I don't end up bouncing back and forth between two locations (oasis and desert) because I can't tell if I've gotten the magic adventure yet, to unlock the adventure in the other place, which unlocks an adventure in the first...
Also, get rid of wand hunting, since you don't need it anymore.

Actually, sometimes zapping for a tower item can be handy, like trying to get black pepper. There's a few things I still use the wands in for HC, so I wouldn't mind it as an option to skip if people wanted. It's not like you're not already going to the dungeons to get your bang potions and you have to identify the boxes anyway, and by the end of ascensions I have tons of meat laying around so I don't care about the wand cost.
Really? I hate the level 11 quest. The level 12 one seems easier, though I always end up playing the gremlins by hand. At least all the locations are in one place. And I don't end up bouncing back and forth between two locations (oasis and desert) because I can't tell if I've gotten the magic adventure yet, to unlock the adventure in the other place, which unlocks an adventure in the first...

I think it's a matter of playing style. It has been stated on the radio as well that people who like the level 11 quest are most likely not going top like level 12 and the other way around. I just find the optimising nature of level 12 to be so tedious and boring while the level 11 is straight forward do this, then that and finally this (even though parts of it can be done in a voluntary order).
I'm playing a HCFist run on bcc2 with fewer IOTMS and skills than my main. It's awesome, but I can see it would be utterly terrible to script.

On an unrelated note, I'm considering moving the script to github, so that will make patches easier.
I've made some very simple changes for anyone using this in an SC/HC Fist run.

Only the glaringly obvious things have been changed and I'm only making changes as I find them in my own run. I've also done a fair bit of manual adventuring.

I would say a lot of this stuff is probably eventually going to be fixed properly, instead of quick fixes as I have done. For those who can't wait, here is what I've done so far.

Changes: (Assume these only apply to fist runs unless otherwise noted.)

Disabled autosell.
Disabled the Knob Goblin dispensary.
Added some more checks for the mining quest (don't need outfit, but you'll need worldpunch).

I use EatDrink.ash to consume spleen items, so I've also changed line 1762 to say " int maxspleen = 0;" to disable spleening in this script (very simple fix). This will affect everyone, not just those on fist runs.

Stuff I ended up doing manually includes azazel's, shoring and collecting the teachings of the fist.

No doubt more things will break as I go along my run and I may or may not post more fixes. To bumcheekcity, my mining quest fixes might be worth taking a look at. The other changes have been pretty trivial.

Edit: See here.
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Thank you. Running it for the first time and am having fun. A couple of start up hiccups or incorrect operator expectations but I reported those at SF.
Thankyou for your changes, but I'm deliberately not including anything into the script to make it usable in fist paths.

Hmm.. Any reason for this? I noticed you have "Bee's hate you" special cases, I figured it would only be a matter of time before you added fist support as well.

I would be happy to take down the attachment if you don't want people using your work for fist runs.
I have just yesterday been rethinking my opposition to this challenge path. As long as you basically don't cast any buffs, it's not the end of the world. I may reconsider.
I have just yesterday been rethinking my opposition to this challenge path. As long as you basically don't cast any buffs, it's not the end of the world. I may reconsider.

I have actually made no changes to the mood setup. Although it was expensive at first, once the ball starts rolling it's not so bad. Having said that, I am in SC and using Travoltan Trousers for buying hairspray etc. which would make a difference.

Also when you don't autosell the meat paste (ie. donate it to charity), you end up with a few from the haunted pantry, which comes in handy later on to save money.

Stasis becomes pretty important, I have noticed. A few times I have wished the default familiar choice were a starfish style familiar instead of a dandy lion/hound dog.
I'm doing my first fist-run in HC and I've noticed that as long as I have the Salamnder-buff on and am wearing my double-ice cap (from the VIP-shower) I have no problem whatsoever with running an insane amount of buffs without spending meat on restorers, in fact I've had Mafia burn extra mana more than a few times (450 turns of phat loot at one point) so with that gear and that buff MP-management is not a problem, even without stasising (which I hate).