Active member
Also ran into the endless out of adventure thing today while in the battlefield. No idea why and I was at a meeting at the time so no way of scrolling back... 
Feature request: After the DoD when you've successfully acquired the wand, use all small and large boxes so that the potions can be identified before the gates to the NS tower.
My quick-fix for this atm is to make the check at the end of bcascWand() be:
That can probably be done better (by use of use() for example).

Feature request: After the DoD when you've successfully acquired the wand, use all small and large boxes so that the potions can be identified before the gates to the NS tower.
My quick-fix for this atm is to make the check at the end of bcascWand() be:
if (i_a("dead mimic") > 0)
cli_execute("use dead mimic");
cli_execute("use * large box");
cli_execute("use * small box");
That can probably be done better (by use of use() for example).