bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


An interesting thing happened with 0.14 today while the script was farming for ore. It was to find 3 chrome ore, but after first finding 3 asbestos and 1 chrome it decided to reset the mine and give it another try leading to me having 5 asbestos, 1 linoleum and 3 chrome (which it dutifully truned in) when it was finished. Wouldn't it be more efficient to actually try and find the other 2 chrome in the old mine than to start over in a new one?
The only reason it resets is if it thinks it's already found all the chrome ore from the mine and you still don't have 3. It looks like this was your first time mining, so maybe mafia's mine property was stale from your last ascension. This script uses that to know where you've already mined. I thought it reset, but that seems like the most likely culprit.


Active member
It was indeed the first time mining after jumping through the gash. I'll have to look closer at the properties of Mafia the next time then...


Active member
So, muscle discussion. What's the best way to go about it? I'm considering toss until attack is better, then getting a shield, and simply using noodles/attack until the job's done. I'm quite happy to require hero.

Now, we're guaranteed a shield at level 6. Is there a way to get one before them, and is it a good idea to make the EW? The sewer turtle might be a good idea.

What about +mus gear? The BBBling is +3 and the Knob Hat is +10. EW is +7.
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Pretty much, though check for clobber too (free for SC, not sure but I think toss is still better at 1 MP, most of the time). Muscle classes with madrigal permed can still play as moxie till about lv4... 4 to 6 is the big issue. For turtle tamer, it's not horrid to get a sewer turtle from the alley, if they don't have a bar skin + armorcraft or a crimbo tree shield. Seal clubber's kind of a bitch, though. Getting the epic probably helps, as +muscle will come in handy.

For most gear considerations, I'd just replace all maximization calls with ones appropriate for a muscle / melee / shield strategy. The ones you listed are the only ones I can think of that require handling dif. from moxie classes.

Ooh! For those with a fax & boulder, a yellow ray vs. a snake knight might be a possibility too. Perhaps substitute white knight for characters who can't handle that combat by level 4? Several possibilities for fax + YR, actually.

Honestly, I think saying "If you're a SC you're stuck going slowly from lv4 to lv6" might be the sanest option, for those who can't YR and fax.

Edit to add:

Crown is +10 muscle as well... Once you pick that up, it should help.

I assume that's what he means by "...the Knob Hat is +10." :p
Thing I've noticed - Script (version 0.14, 2nd release) wants to use spanglerack for the f'c'le but is instead using a hatrack equipped with a... chef hat?

BCC: We have not completed the stage [piratefledges].
144 combinations checked, best score 121.0
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
BCC: We are going to be using a spanglerack for items. Yay Items!
Putting on spangly sombrero...

Adjusting familiar weight by 2 pounds
Equipment changed.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition set: pirate fledges
pirate fledges
BCC: Getting the Pirate Fledges, finally!

When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
BCC: Need moar combat! WAAARGH!
When I get The Sonata of Sneakiness, uneffect sonata of sneakiness
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
BCC: Need items!
When I get The Sonata of Sneakiness, uneffect sonata of sneakiness
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric, cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
When I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
Mood swing complete.
144 combinations checked, best score 131.0
Putting on chef's hat...
Adjusting familiar weight by -2 pounds
Equipment changed.

Edit: did some fiddling around, it seems the problem is with maximize. For some reason it thinks the chef hat on the hatrack helps it maximize mox, even though it's listed as +0.
Edit x2: so apparently it is using the chef hat because it values +item just as much as +meat, and the chef hat can make it a 21lb leprechaun. Because neither give moxie, it's a tie and the +meat > +items. So it seems to me that the fix is to replace "mox +outfit swash -0.01 ml" with "mox +outfit swash -0.01 ml +1 item" when going to the f'c'le.
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Found a loop when I reached 0 adv.
[461] Dungeons of Doom
Encounter: large kobold
Round 0: ferdawoon loses initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon tries to steal an item!
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 5: ferdawoon wins the fight!
You acquire an item: small box
You gain 5 Fortitude
You gain 3 Magicalness
You gain 12 Roguishness

[462] Dungeons of Doom
Encounter: A Dash of Boulder
You gain 21 Strengthliness
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [wand] and need to set it as so.
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [wand].
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [piratefledges].
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 65 base Moxie
 > BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use

familiar Frumious Bandersnatch (17 lbs)
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 65 base Moxie
 > BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 65 base Moxie
 > BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 65 base Moxie
 > BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 65 base Moxie
 > BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 65 base Moxie
 > BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use

Also, this happened at the Pirate Cove
BCC: Adventuring once at a time to meet the Cap'm for     the first time.

Visit to Island: Barrrney's Barrr in     progress...

[478] Barrrney's Barrr
Encounter: tetchy pirate
Strategy:     attack with weapon
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
(unable to     macrofy due to combat filter)
Round 1: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 2:     ferdawoon uses the The Big Book of Pirate Insults!
Pirate insults     known: 1 (0.00%)
You acquire an effect: Embarrassed (duration: 1     Adventure)
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
Round     5: ferdawoon wins the fight!
You gain 60 Meat
You gain 4 Beefiness
You     gain 6 Enchantedness
You gain 18 Smarm

Conditions     not satisfied after 1 adventure.
Ususally it just keep on going but not this time. Rerunning the script make it do one adventure there and then abort again.
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Active member
On fixing the last for yourself, a condition clear should resolve the issue... if it happens for others, BCC may want to either run !adventure or force a condition clear before it runs...


Active member
I've fixed the above two things in 0.15.

With respect to the muscle, I could always make the LEW instead of just the EW. The hammer of smiting in particular is ridonkulously good, it's a good place to burn some adventures, nice base booze and I'll probably pick up a box or two which might save a clover later on.


Ooh! For those with a fax & boulder, a yellow ray vs. a snake knight might be a possibility too. Perhaps substitute white knight for characters who can't handle that combat by level 4? Several possibilities for fax + YR, actually.
Don't forget fax and pumpkin bomb for those who do not have the boulder but do have the garden.
May I also suggest the Epic Hat in addition to the LEW. You can make it an option in the relay script. That Hat is Crazy.

eta: hmm, I'm running .14 today and it just blew thru my cookie counter script while doing the cyrpt. I got the notice from bale's script that semirares weren't automated in hardcore, it's time to do something then BCC just kept right on fighting lihcs.

oh, and another suggestion for an equipment override... i had a TT leadin, so I have a 30 moxie equip ss skull cap that gives +15% muscle. I'd soooo much rather be wearing that than a mariachi hat. :)
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Active member
Weatherboy... that happens if you have the SRinHC value turned off. If you want it to automate, you need to turn that to true, as the script says...


Active member
Can't support fax machine. No chat access. It's also a right PITA.

There's no support for fortune cookies, nothing at all. It might stop, it might not, I'm not going to change anything for it. Modift Bale's script, get him to modify it or something.

Also, the maximizing must be kept simple to +moxie.

The Epic Hats suggestion for muscle classes WOULD be a good idea, but they're not much more +Mus than the knob king hat.

H: Knob Goblin
W: Epic
S: Any SHield
P: 1337 Pants
A: Pirate Fledges
A: Boss Bling/Bonerdagon Necklace
A: Badass Belt
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Can't support fax machine. No chat access. It's also a right PITA.

Actually, if faxbot is on your clan's whitelist:
cli_execute("fax receive");
use(1, $item[photocopied monster]);
Should work (and just did for me). Obviously, some error checking might be nice (make sure faxbot is WL'd, save old chatbot script, set a new one that makes sure you don't get the "wait a minute" response, and check out that the photocopy is correct), but it seems doable.


All the cool clans let regular members view the whitelist (at least since the faxbot network came alive). If you want, I'd be happy to handle scripting a check for it. (Ie a routine that saves a clan/player map saving info on whether you can view your whitelist, and if so, allows fax use.)


Active member
I'd actually rather leave faxbot stuff for the user. There are so many options (well, virtually every monster in the game) for it and so many areas to go wrong, that I think leaving it to the user may be the best idea.


Active member
Yes. I've decided not to add fax support partly because it's slightly complicated, but mostly because there are an infinite amount of combinations of "what can I fax" and I feel it'll be easier for me from the non-code wide side of doing things if people do that themselves. I'd rather work on telescope and muscle support now, as well as the rather sexy level 6 quest.

By the way, picklish, if there are any more changes from your github that you'd like me to integrate, I'll do so, save you some trouble with version updates.