bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

Will the ascension log work for that?
Checked the logs. Showed that I got clovers - not that I ever used them. So I guess I am still good to go to Kittycore! Yeah! (I think)

@Fluxxdog - that was someone else in the Haunted Bedroom.
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Went to the palindrome today, and yellow rayed a bob racecar. The script then kept the hebo out, and regretfully expressed its desire to use it on a drab bard. Why doesn't it put the hebo away?
I found it wierd that Mafia would even consider suggesting a spellpower melee weapon and Spirit of Crimbo as an Offhand when asking for a moxie maxmimization
Unless it is run with "-tie", the Maximizer will equip the stuff it thinks is the best for the slots where you don't have any +moxie to equip. Asking for +moxie and for a ranged weapon are two separate things.

No mention of a Spirit. So, ehhm, is this something in the script? it seem to only be when I start as a Disco Bandit.
Is it the script pulling the Spirit and then the maximizer just taking it into consideration, or what is pulling it in the first place? =S
The Spirit of Crimbo is a free pull, so Mafia considers it is available for you to equip. The maximizer then equips it (Mafia pulls it because of that) because it's the best off-hand available.

The maximizer is a great tool, but you really need to understand how to ask for what you want when using it. In this case, the script makes things a little bit obscure for the user, but really, there's nothing weird or unexpected.
Went to the palindrome today, and yellow rayed a bob racecar. The script then kept the hebo out, and regretfully expressed its desire to use it on a drab bard. Why doesn't it put the hebo away?

That would be too much effort to code for the sake of a few adventures, I'm afraid.

Ferdawoon, with respect to this maximizer thing, I'm virtually certain that there is a "-melee" on every maximize call. Are you sure you had a melee weapon on hand at that point?
Ferdawoon, with respect to this maximizer thing, I'm virtually certain that there is a "-melee" on every maximize call. Are you sure you had a melee weapon on hand at that point?
Yup, or at least according to the sesionlogs. The two times I can check in my session logs, when I get a Goblin Tong as a Disco Bandit it equip the Goblin Tong + Spirit of Crimbo instead of a Disco Ball + Spirit of Crimbo. My last DB run with my main I had that combo until adv 41 when I got a stuffed key, which it used to replace the Spirit of Crimbo.
[41] Guild Challenge
You acquire giant moxie weed (2)
You acquire an item: enchanted barbell

use 2 giant moxie weed
You gain 12 Chutzpah
You gain a Moxie point!

autosell: 1 enchanted barbell
You gain 125 Meat
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [guild1] and need to set it as so.
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [guild1].
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [spookyforest].
mcd 0
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use

familiar Frumious Bandersnatch (6 lbs)
 > BCC: Let's get the mosquito
unequip offhand

equip weapon disco ball

equip off-hand stuffed key
and the first time Notepad can find 'equip weapon' before that it is when it dual wield goblin tongs:
 > ******************
 > Ascending Starting
 > ******************
 > Level 1 Starting
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [pantry].
mcd 0
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
 > Spleen: 0 Agua: 2 Stick: 0 Token: 0
 > Total Spleen: 8

familiar Rogue Program (6 lbs)
 > BCC: Let's open the Pantry

equip hat disco mask
unequip offhand

equip weapon disco ball

equip off-hand The Spirit of Crimbo
> Need to Level up a bit to get 8 Moxie

equip weapon Knob Goblin tongs

equip off-hand Knob Goblin tongs
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 8 buffed Moxie. This means getting 4 Moxie.
I have got an asparagus knife from the Pantry a few adv before it start t dualwield tongs, so maybe the knife is either not considered as good as a tong, or it could be that the tong is considered a Spellpower weapon and not tagged as a melee weapon?
Seems I am a bit rash in my guesses yet again. My most recent ascension on my main is as an AT. At the beginning it equip a Stolen accordion and start to adventure, and it stay away from the goblin tongs. However:
use 1 Spooky Temple map
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest] and need to set it as so.
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 8 base Moxie
 > Level 3 Starting
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [guild2].
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [tavern].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use

equip weapon asparagus knife

pull: 1 The Spirit of Crimbo
You acquire an item: The Spirit of Crimbo

equip off-hand The Spirit of Crimbo
 > Need to Level up a bit to get at least 19 buffed Moxie. This means getting 9 Moxie.
Then it decide to use an asparagus knife + Spirit of Crimbo. The next mention of 'equip weapon' in the session log is when it equip the Rock and Roll Legend 20 adv later.

My DB ascension starting dec 1 2010 have no issues with the tongs. It seem to be doing some adventures unarmed though, after unequipping the disco ball and creating a Disco Banjo. It do not equip a weapon until 10 adv later.
[84] Lemon Party
You acquire an item: big rock
unequip weapon

[86] Smith 1 banjo strings + 1 big rock
You acquire an item: stone banjo

[86] Smith 1 stone banjo + 1 disco ball
You acquire an item: Disco Banjo
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [tavern].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > I had enough buffed moxie anyway.


[85] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 37 hit points

[85] Rest in your dwelling
You gain 10 hit points
You gain 20 Mojo Points

[85] Tavern Cellar (row 2, col 5)
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
You acquire rat whisker (3)

[86] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

use 1 sugar shard
You gain 10 hit points
You gain 10 Mojo Points

[86] Tavern Cellar (row 3, col 5)
Encounter: drunken rat
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 5: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 6: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 7: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 8: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 9: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 10: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 11: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 12: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 13: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points

[87] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 36 hit points

use 1 sugar shard
You gain 11 hit points
You gain 7 Mojo Points

[87] Tavern Cellar (row 4, col 5)
Encounter: drunken rat
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 5: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 6: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 7: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 8: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 9: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 10: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 11: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 12: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 13: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 14: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 15: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 16: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 17: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points

[88] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 30 hit points

use 1 sugar shard
You gain 16 hit points
You gain 5 Mojo Points

[88] Tavern Cellar (row 5, col 5)
Encounter: bunch of drunken rats
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: rat whisker
You lose 13 hit points
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 12 hit points

cast 8 The Moxious Madrigal
 > ******************
 > Ascending Starting
 > ******************
 > Level 1 Starting
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
 > Level 2 Starting
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [guild1].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > Level 3 Starting
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [guild2].
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [tavern].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > I had enough buffed moxie anyway.


[89] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

use 1 sugar shard
You gain 18 hit points
You gain 6 Mojo Points

buy 2 soda water at market price from Market Demon
You acquire soda water (2)
You spent 140 Meat

use 2 soda water
You gain 10 Mojo Points

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 39 hit points
 > ******************
 > Ascending Starting
 > ******************
 > Level 1 Starting
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
 > Level 2 Starting
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [guild1].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > Level 3 Starting
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [guild2].
 > BCC: Doing the Second Challenge...

[89] Guild Challenge

Visiting Izzy the Lizard
You acquire an item: Degrassi Knoll shopping list

Visiting Stradella, the Accordion Thief

Visiting Stradella, the Accordion Thief

Visiting Duncan Drisorderly, the Disco Bandit

Visiting Duncan Drisorderly, the Disco Bandit
You gain 1,000 Meat
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2] and need to set it as so.
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2].
 > BCC: We have not completed the stage [tavern].
 > BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
 > I had enough buffed moxie anyway.


[90] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

buy 2 soda water at market price from Market Demon
You acquire soda water (2)
You spent 140 Meat

use 2 soda water
You gain 9 Mojo Points

buy 1 soda water at market price from Market Demon
You acquire an item: soda water
You spent 70 Meat

use 1 soda water
You gain 3 Mojo Points

[90] Tavern Cellar (row 5, col 4)
Encounter: Those Who Came Before You
Encounter: Those Who Came Before You
Encounter: Those Who Came Before You
You acquire an item: moxie weed
You acquire hair spray (3)
You acquire an item: shiny ring

[91] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

buy 1 soda water at market price from Market Demon
You acquire an item: soda water
You spent 70 Meat

use 1 soda water
You gain 5 Mojo Points

[91] Tavern Cellar (row 4, col 4)
Encounter: Staring Down the Barrel
Encounter: Staring Down the Barrel
Encounter: Staring Down the Barrel
Encounter: Staring Down the Barrel
Encounter: Staring Down the Barrel
Encounter: Staring Down the Barrel
You acquire ice-cold Willer (5)

[92] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

buy 1 soda water at market price from Market Demon
You acquire an item: soda water
You spent 70 Meat

use 1 soda water
You gain 3 Mojo Points

[92] Tavern Cellar (row 3, col 4)
Encounter: drunken rat
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: rat whisker
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 5: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 6: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 7: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 8: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 9: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 10: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 11: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 12: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 13: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 14: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 15: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 16: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 17: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 18: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 19: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 20: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 21: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 22: ferdawoon attacks!
You gain 18 Meat
You gain 3 Strongness
You gain 4 Cheek

[93] Tavern Cellar
Encounter: The Tavern Cellar

[93] Tavern Cellar (row 2, col 4)
Encounter: drunken rat
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: rat whisker
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 3: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 5: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 6: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 7: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 8: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 9: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 10: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 11: ferdawoon attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
Round 12: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 13: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 14: ferdawoon attacks!
You gain 15 Meat
You gain 2 Beefiness
You gain 4 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Cheek

equip weapon Disco Banjo

cast 1 Advanced Cocktailcrafting
You acquire an item: little paper umbrella

cast 3 The Moxious Madrigal
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A little bug with the mood management. It managed to add 4 AT songs to the mood which made it stop on "Selected target has the maximum number of AT songs already".

Relevant section of the CLI-log:
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
Resetting     mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
Checking     for familiar 'slimeling' where x=1
Checking     for familiar 'coffee pixie' where x=2
Putting Brog the     Blood-Faced Volleyball back into terrarium...
Taking Arog the Coffee     Pixie out of terrarium...
Conditions list cleared.
Condition set:     eyepatch
Condition set: swashbuckling pants
Condition set: stuffed     shoulder parrot
swashbuckling pants
stuffed shoulder     parrot
BCC: Getting the Swashbuckling Kit

When     I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on     Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on The Moxious     Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair,     use 5 hair spray
When I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody,     cast 1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When I run low on The Moxious     Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair,     use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the     Mariachi
When I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The     Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal,     cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5     hair spray
When I run low on Disco State of Mind, cast 1 Disco Aerobics
When     I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low     on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When     I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
BCC:     Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
When I run low on Butt-Rock     Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Disco State of Mind, cast 1     Disco Aerobics
When I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the     Mariachi
When I run low on Smooth Movements, cast 1 Smooth Movement
When     I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The Magical     Mojomuscular Melody
When I run low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The     Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When     I run low on Disco State of Mind, cast 1 Disco Aerobics
When I run low     on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on Smooth     Movements, cast 1 Smooth Movement
When I run low on The Magical     Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When I run     low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low     on The Sonata of Sneakiness, cast 1 The Sonata of Sneakiness
When I get     Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation, uneffect Carlweather's Cantata of     Confrontation
When I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When     I run low on Disco State of Mind, cast 1 Disco Aerobics
When I run low     on Mariachi Mood, cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on Smooth     Movements, cast 1 Smooth Movement
When I run low on The Magical     Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When I run     low on The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low     on The Sonata of Sneakiness, cast 1 The Sonata of Sneakiness
BCC:     Need items!
When I get Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation,     uneffect Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
When I run low on     Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Disco State of Mind,     cast 1 Disco Aerobics
When I run low on Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric,     cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
When I run low on Mariachi Mood, cast     1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on Smooth Movements, cast 1     Smooth Movement
When I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast     1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When I run low on The Moxious     Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on The Sonata of     Sneakiness, cast 1 The Sonata of Sneakiness
When I get Carlweather's     Cantata of Confrontation, uneffect Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
When     I run low on Butt-Rock Hair, use 5 hair spray
When I run low on Disco     State of Mind, cast 1 Disco Aerobics
When I run low on Fat Leon's Phat     Loot Lyric, cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
When I run low on Leash     of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
When I run low on Mariachi Mood,     cast 1 Moxie of the Mariachi
When I run low on Smooth Movements, cast 1     Smooth Movement
When I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast     1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
When I run low on The Moxious     Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal
When I run low on The Sonata of     Sneakiness, cast 1 The Sonata of Sneakiness
Casting Disco Aerobics 1     times...
You acquire an effect: Disco State of Mind (duration: 5     Adventures)
Disco Aerobics was successfully cast.
Restoring     MP! Currently at 24 of 44 HP, 10 of 94 MP, current meat: 7753 ... Target     MP = 54.
Try to heal MP from inventory.
Using     1 sugar shard...
You gain 12 hit points
You gain 5 Mojo Points
Finished     using 1 sugar shard.
Last attempt to purchase MP     with meat.
Visiting Doc Galaktik...

Restore 39 MP at Doc     Galaktik's
You gain 39 Mojo Points
You spent 663 Meat
Cure     purchased.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 1 times...
You acquire     an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (duration: 10 Adventures)
Fat     Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini     1 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (duration: 10     Adventures)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.
Casting The     Magical Mojomuscular Melody 1 times...
You acquire an effect: The     Magical Mojomuscular Melody (duration: 10 Adventures)
The Magical     Mojomuscular Melody was successfully cast.
Casting The Moxious Madrigal     1 times...
You acquire an effect: The Moxious Madrigal (duration: 10     Adventures)
The Moxious Madrigal was successfully cast.
Casting The     Sonata of Sneakiness 1 times...
Selected target has the maximum number     of AT buffs already.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
Mood     swing complete.

It happened, as can be seen, after finishing up the steel-item and moving on to get the pirate outfit.
Support for kung fu fighting in the future? Seems a good hc perm for disco bandits.

It's not.

It sucks for moxie classes because it isn't a ranged weapon and it sucks for muscle classes because it won't allow you to use a shield. Bizarrely, it's only good for spell casters.
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have completed the stage [innaboxen].

But Bonderdagon is still alive and no Innabox in my kitchen.
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have completed the stage [innaboxen].

But Bonderdagon is still alive and no Innabox in my kitchen.

The problem with no CLI outfit not version numbers isn't great for debugging. Did it do this all under v0.13?
Mafia r8902, this script v0.13 (excerpted, copypasted CLI output):
BCC: We see Gate of Morose Morbidity and Moping
BCC:     We have the effect/item, for that gate.
BCC:     We see Gate of Machismo
BCC: We have the     effect/item, for that gate.
BCC: We see     Gate of the Ogre
BCC: We do not have the     item for that gate.
BCC: The effect we need for the gate is Strength of     Ten Ettins
BCC: The effect we need for the     gate is Strength of Ten Ettins
We do not have     all the items for the gates. This script cannot yet get them.

>     inv ettin

fizzy potion of ettin strength (2)

Of course, I also ran into the Meleegra problem but hand-fixed it in bUMRATS_lairitems.txt. The problem above seems more mysterious to me.
The script adventures for a knob firecracker to make a pumpkin bomb, even when you don't have any pumpkins to combine it with.

//Have a quick check for a KGF first.
if (i_a("knob goblin firecracker") == 0) {

Should be, for example,

//Have a quick check for a KGF first.
if (i_a("pumpkin") > 0 && i_a("knob goblin firecracker") == 0) {

Out of curiosity, what's the math on using a pumpkin bomb? Especially if you have to farm the firecracker? Personally I prefer to consume my pumpkins (usually as beer), but this makes me wonder if I'm being suboptimal.
It sucks for moxie classes because it isn't a ranged weapon and it sucks for muscle classes because it won't allow you to use a shield. Bizarrely, it's only good for spell casters.

oh, nevermind then. I thought when it hits the 2nd or third intrinsic it would be useful for pickpocketing and physical immune enemies. but i guess those only pop up so rarely.

wouldn't it be better off the get go in hardcore than the starting weapon?
Meelgra issue fixed. Pumpkin/KGF thing has been fixed. I've done absolutely no math whatsoever on the pumpkin bomb thing. If anyone wants to post it, I'll make a change.