Aha. Thanks, I'll investigate that. BatMan RE's automate button is essentially the same as mafia's script button, although it has to take a slightly more convoluted road on the backend to get there. I've always hoped that BatMan RE would be able to fully replace any of the other combat aids people use.
I've found over quite a few ascensions that the Adventure Again box is indispensable, and the Quick Menu is nearly always useful both as a way to blast through fights and as a visual indicator. The Actions Table is arguably the least useful feature -- I tend to only use it when the Quick Menu fails to provide a suggestion or when I want to perform a custom action such as a banisher, yellow ray, or free runaway. But in those cases it is quite useful for quickly locating actions -- especially searching "yellow" or "banish" in the search box), or in difficult boss fights (where actually seeing the cost vs. damage output is extremely helpful). The biggest shortcoming with the table is the lack of support for funkslinging. After locating items in the actions table, you have to tab over to KoL's vanilla form to funksling them. One of the goals is to make using KoL's form unnecessary, so that still definitely needs addressing. At the very least, there could be an option in the table to pre-select said item in KoL's form.
My new computer is blazing fast, but on my former 10-year-old laptop the load time was also a major issue, especially in aftercore (I'd sometimes even disable the script). Now I only notice sluggishness in aftercore, but for all those players without brand new computers I'd imagine load time is still a pretty big negative for using this script. I'm always looking for ways to speed this script up -- especially as the more items/skills KoL adds to the game, the infinitesimally slower it gets.
BatMan RE: A Cautionary Tale
The Quick Menu's key bindings are what makes it so useful, allowing you to plow through zones without using your mouse. But enjoy this feature at your own risk --
I actually wore out the ~ key on the (admittedly cheap rubbish) keyboard I was using. It started triggering '1' instead, which was frustrating to no end as I couldn't find the error in my script. I finally realized what was going on and realized I have a problem. I searched for a BatMan RE Users Anonymous group meeting in my area but the nearest one is at least a plane flight away. So rather than fix myself, I fixed my keyboard. Now I have a proper keyboard and am happily blasting through fights with one finger once more.