I just ran Factroid, because it was there and Manual Progress needs some edits.
I just decided to reply to your post, because it was there and I didn't have anyone else to reply to.
I do believe your Castle availability issue is due to your mafia preferences never being correctly set. Do a "prefref lastCastle" and see what you get. As for the factoids being out of whack, I've never seen that with the giants -- only with monsters that mafia identifies incorrectly (like translated El Vibrato monsters, whose factoids count for the untranslated ones until you refresh -- it's kinda funny seeing monsters with 6 factoids though). Try hitting the "Refresh Data" button at the bottom and if that doesn't solve it, we can dive into why.
Feature request noted -- a great idea! I've begun implementing it but it's nontrivial so haven't been able to finish it yet. But since I've started, the next update will almost surely include your requested feature. It will still degrade nicely if you don't have CanAdv, since BatMan RE doesn't have a dependency on CanAdv.
@Lxndr: Ah yes, item #84,898,425. Maybe someday, when KoL has been around for centuries.
KoLmafia's recent change to sync to KoL's round number when it detects a difference has led to some undesirable results with BatBrain's actions tracking, since previously only multiple items could happen on the same round (due to funkslinging), but now ANY actions can happen on the same round, which will require a lot more sanity checking -- which I haven't had time to add yet. Until I can, try to avoid anything that causes those "KoLmafia thinks..." messages and you'll be fine.
ETA: The day has arrived. I'm OUT of monsters to faxputty for factoids. Though I think that's partly due to there being fewer monsters in the fax network now, I'm still quite pleased to note that thanks to Factroid! I have been able to faxputty all the available things without much hassle. Still have a fair number of Spelunky monsters left, Dread bosses, pickle factory monsters, and a smattering of orphans. Woohoo!
And on that note, if anyone would like to time prank me in the next day or two, I'd appreciate the factoids.