Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

I don't know if this is necessarily from ascend or a script that ascend uses..

Sometimes a script has me put on the Knob Goblin Elite Guard uniform, like to get nasal spray or eyedrops, but then doesn't properly change back into the right outfit. So I'll find myself trying to adventure somewhere wearing the knob goblin elite polearm and taking forever to kill anything (assuming I can even kill anything, especially in a moxie class). Any easy solution to that?
I've looked several places for how to fix this issue, but I'm stumped. How can I get ascend.ash (or perhaps eatdrink.ash) to quit overdrinking until I'm at max drunk and at 0 adventures remaining? I've tried changing settings in my var file but to no avail. I have 120 adventures remaining and ascend.ash calls eatdrink.ash and begins to overdrink for me.
I've looked several places for how to fix this issue, but I'm stumped. How can I get ascend.ash (or perhaps eatdrink.ash) to quit overdrinking until I'm at max drunk and at 0 adventures remaining? I've tried changing settings in my var file but to no avail. I have 120 adventures remaining and ascend.ash calls eatdrink.ash and begins to overdrink for me.

see the reply in eatdrink thread
This script makes no claims to optimality or speed, just ascension. I doubt it's worth the effort to update it with fiddly tricks every time an IOTM comes out, especially since every time it used some IOTM it would have to check to see if you have it: if you do, do X, if you don't, do Y... add in the interplay between IOTMs and you get a disturbingly large number of options.

Or, to answer your actual question, no, I don't think it has.
Infinite loop:
EatDrink encountered an error: You don't have a handful of walnuts and you're not able to shop.
FAIL: <b>handful of walnuts</b> lev:10 gain:1.0 adv:3.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:25.0 meat:146 own:1 value:1904
Choosing food to consume.
Waiting to consume...
<b>handful of walnuts</b> lev:10 gain:1.0 adv:3.0 musc:0.0 myst:0.0 mox:25.0 meat:146 own:1 value:1904
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Izzat the one where you're trying to buy something, but EatDrink stops because you've gone over your budget?
Same name in-game? No path restrictions, so you can probably eat/drink. So it's insisting that you eat a handful of walnuts, even though you don't have any. Do you have any? And can you get any? (Level suggests yes, depending on status of the war -- open?)
The hippie war has been completed, with the field replaced with "A peaceful meadow". It's insisting on getting them, even though it can't. It sat there for 18 hours looping on that until I remembered I had kolmafia open and went to check on its progress.
Can you post what happens when you run it after uncommenting this:
void verbose2(string foo)
//  print(foo);
(assuming ascend.ash uses the same version as the current EatDrink one)
After uncommenting, it decided not to do the loop. But as I have the script run unattended, I can't chance an infinite loop while I'm not around.
I suggest if you use ascend in hardcore that you eat and drink first - eatdrink almost always runs into problems in hardcore or ronin. Ascend generally works pretty well for hardcore/ronin when eating and drinking is out of the way.

Is there any timeline on ascend getting fixed with regards to macguffin and wossname. now once I have hit level 11 it doesn't work at all for me
You'll have to comment out the macguffin sections and run that part either manually, or manually start the new script.

Or, ya know, fix it altogether!

How do you comment out a section? I am not an IT type, so if someone could give me clear and easy to follow instructions, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Comment out a section by adding /* at the beginning and */ at the end. Or, y'know, add // to the beginning of each line in the section.
Mmm, that would be lovely. I've learned to remember to put multiline comment indicators on their own lines -- it would feel so luxurious not to!
That's been on my list of things to fix in ASH for several years...
That'd be nice. For a long time I was convinced that /* */ commenting was borked until I realized how to use it. Even knowing the trick it is sometimes awkward.